Always the Vampire

“Well, I say no. No way in hell.”

“You have another solution?” I shot back.

“Triton,” Lynn said mildly.

“What?” he snapped.

She arched her perfect eyebrows. “I believe Cesca said I’m the one who has to approve.”

“Lynn, you could be stuck with these strangers for days.”

“Cosmil and Lia were strangers when I got here. I can manage.”

Panic flashed in Triton’s eyes. “Cos, what do you think?”

“I do not have an alternative idea, and I believe this is Lynn’s decision.”

Triton eyed Saber. “What about you?”

“I think it’s been a while since you had a girlfriend. It’s Lynn’s call.”

“Traitors,” Triton muttered as he plopped into the second armchair.

I patted his shoulder as I took a seat next to Lynn. “Triton, I know it’s an unorthodox solution, but please give it a chance.”

His mulish expression didn’t change, but he nodded. “All right. So how will you execute this plan?”

“First, if Lynn can stay one more night here, Saber will pick her up tomorrow afternoon while I’m hosting the bridal shower. Then we can both take her to meet Gorman.”

“Where,” Saber interjected, “I will put the fear of God, the VPA, and prison into him.”

“Of course Lynn is welcome another night,” Cosmil confirmed.

I turned to Lynn again. “And if you change your mind after you meet Gorman, just say so.”

“Deal. Will I stay the rest of the afternoon with him?”

I shook my head. “I thought we’d go to dinner with Triton at South Beach Grill. Then all of us can meet David and Ken there in the parking lot afterward. That will give Triton and Saber some peace of mind.”

“Won’t being in public expose us to Starrack?” Triton asked.

“Not if Lia’s and Cosmil’s whiz-bang spells perform as advertized.”

Lia nodded. “We’ve already reinforced the protection and cloaking spells on all of you, and we’ll give Lynn a charm to wear around her neck. Like the mermaid charms Cosmil told me Triton carries in his store.”

Triton looked unsure but didn’t comment, so I turned back to Lynn.

“If you’re good to go with Ken and David, I’ll get you all settled at the beach for the night. The guys will drive you to Gorman’s house every morning, see that you get inside safely, and pick you up after dark.”

“I won’t be able to see Triton?” Lynn asked.

“Not for a while. I’m convinced that Starrack knows where Triton and I live.”

“And because of the murders,” Saber added, “we believe he’s keeping tabs on our movements to some extent or another.”

“I know it’s not ideal,” I continued, “but the less you and Triton are together, the safer you’ll be.”

Cosmil nodded. “Francesca is correct. However, I have a proposition that will give you two some time together if Saber is amenable.”

Saber nodded for Cosmil to continue.

“Triton, you may stay here alone with Lynn tonight. The wards are strong, and I will leave Pandora to stand guard. Lia and I will spend the night in Saber’s home. While there, I will reinforce the wards on his property.”

“Can you make those wards long lasting?” I asked. “At least until after the couples shower on Sunday?”

Saber gave me a look.

“What? Can’t hurt, might help. And while you’re at it, Cosmil, you and Lia can lay a major protection ward on Gorman and the vampires, and the neighborhoods where Lynn will be staying. And maybe Pandora can do her invisible-stealth thing and patrol the areas, too.”

Cosmil chuckled, the first sign of humor I’d seen from him in days. “Ever practical, Francesca. Is there anything else we may do for you?”

“You can do a healing on Saber, and Lia can finish her sketch of Starrack.”

“Ah, yes.” Lia pivoted to the counter against the far kitchen wall and turned back with a sketchpad in hand. “It is not my best work, but it will serve.”

She drew a thick sheet of paper from the pad and held it up for all of us to see. Her rendering favored Cosmil in the cheekbones and forehead, but Starrack’s face was fuller and the eyes colder than Cosmil’s. The hair was grayer, too. More salt than pepper like Cosmil’s was.

“This is the guy you’re after?” Lynn said.

Triton eyed her with apprehension. “Do you recognize him?”

“Not at all,” she said, and I knew she spoke the truth.

“I haven’t seen him, either,” Triton said.

“At least he hasn’t been under our noses,” I said, then turned to Saber. “We’ll need photocopies of this for Gorman, Ken, and David.”

“I wouldn’t share it with the authorities, though,” Lia said.

“Lia is right,” Cosmil said. “Starrack is too dangerous at this stage. I would not want officers hurt or worse attempting to apprehend him.”

Saber shrugged. “I suppose law enforcement can stay in the dark for their own protection.”

“Excellent,” Cosmil said, then eyed me. “Time for you and Triton to train.”

Nancy Haddock's books