Always the Vampire

The rhetorical question made me shudder. “Do you think Cosmil’s compound is still secure?”

“I think if Starrack wanted to hit it and had the ability to break through the wards, he would.”

“So he could attack us directly at any time.”

“Except that Cosmil and Lia have protection spells on us.”

“Still, we’re putting out fires instead of making progress. I’m over it. We need to investigate Starrack in the mundane way. You found Lynn after all.”

“Because she had a driver’s license and had been arrested.”

“Understood, but the COA must have records of some kind, even if they’re on scrolls. And Cosmil is a blood relative, for heaven’s sake. He has to remember some details about Starrack’s likes, dislikes, habits. Interview him as you would a witness. Lia, too.”

“I can do that.”

“Good. Interview both of them together. Maybe they’ll spark each other’s memories. We can’t have less to go on than we do now.”

“Agreed. It’s also critical to find a safe place for Lynn to stay until this is over. I considered asking Candy Crushman, but sending Lynn to Atlanta doesn’t make good logistical sense.”

“I have an idea that might work, and I’ve already put out feelers to the people who’d be involved in helping us.”

“You put out feelers. On your own.”

He wasn’t wild about me taking the initiative. I caught that undercurrent in his measured tone, but that cool sensation spread through me and I stood my ground.

“Yes, I did.”

“Want to enlighten me?”

Just as I opened my mouth, the doorbell rang three times in quick succession. Then the knocking started. Make that pounding.

“Hey, vampire, I know you’re in there. Open up.”

Great gull droppings. Victor Gorman was on my doorstep.


“What the hell is Gorman doing here?”

Saber thrust his chair back so fast that it crashed to the floor. His fierce expression alarmed me, but the subtle darkening of his skin made my stomach churn with dread. Triton’s skin hue had changed when the Void sickness had flared.

I did what my gut told me. I rose slowly, laid a hand on his chest, and imagined waves of calm, peaceful energy passing from me to him.

“Honey, it’s okay. Gorman is part of my idea for protecting Lynn.”

“You want to stick her with him? Are you insane?”

“Probably, but he’s not a sure thing yet. Just follow my lead. Please.”

Saber’s anger downshifted a notch. I felt the difference as I brushed a kiss on his rigid jaw and left the kitchen. He stomped behind me to the living room, not happy but not murderous, either.

The bell rang again. I braced myself and opened the door to Gorman’s perpetual jalapeno breath. In his signature black-ops-wannabe outfit, he glanced from me to Saber with a ferocious scowl.

“Is this a trap?”

His gravelly voice grated, but I put on a smile.

“Now how can it be a trap, Gorman? We set this meeting for tonight. After my ghost tour.”

“Yeah, well, I figured that might be a trap, too.”

I didn’t roll my eyes, but boy, I wanted to. Maybe I was insane to try this plan with a blockhead like Gorman, but I couldn’t turn him away now. Crazier ideas had worked, so I motioned him inside. He gave me a suspicious glare but edged past me into the living area.

“Won’t you have a seat while I explain?”

He looked like he’d rather be attacked by a swarm of mutant sand fleas, but he lowered himself into the armchair closest to the door. Saber hesitated then threw himself into the matching chair, arms folded across his chest, scowl on his face. He might not help me, but maybe he wouldn’t hinder me, either.

I settled on the sofa, madly reconstructing the points of persuasion I’d listed on my notepad.

“As I told you on the phone, we have a situation. A young woman is in mortal danger, and you’re the only person who can keep her safe.”

Gorman’s ice blue eyes narrowed. “Danger from what?”

I leaned forward, as if eager to spill state secrets.

“From a rogue vampire. The nut job has already attacked her once.”

“What’s the perp’s name?”

“Name?” My gaze ping-ponged around the room, seeking inspiration. Then I spotted my book in progress on the end table. “Hess. His name is Hess.”

“Never heard of ’im. This chick ain’t one of them blood bunnies, is she?”

“Oh, no, not even close. She’s an innocent, but Hess is hounding her. He won’t leave her alone.”

“Son of a bitch wants to Turn her, huh?”

“Exactly. Saber is tracking him, but he’s hard to catch.”

Gorman’s gaze swung to Saber’s stony expression then back to me. “You sure this chick ain’t jailbait? You ain’t gonna trick me into committin’ no crime.”

Like he needed any help in that department. I bit my tongue and forged on. “She’s of age, and you’d only need to protect her during the day.”

Nancy Haddock's books