Vincent (Made Men, #2)

Granddad, no!

“Put the fucking gun down. I came in while you were gone and unloaded it.” Vincent leisurely went to the door and held it open for Lake. “You don’t have to worry about the fucking mafia coming for you crazies. We would blow our own heads off listening to you fucking screaming like that.”

The door slammed shut, and Lake thanked God that was the last time she was going to have to hear that awful creaky door slam. She didn’t know how in the world her father had lived in a trailer like that for years before his parents had moved to Kansas City for a job. One week of his parents and that trailer was fucking enough for me.

Vincent walked her down to a car hidden off the road. He spun out fast, going to the nearest airport as if he wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

On the way there, Lake pointed at the gang of bikers who passed them along the way. “That’s The Last Riders. And look, that one’s Cash.”

“Motherfucking dick,” Vincent growled as they passed him and his bike.

“Vincent, have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?” Her eyes danced between the bikers as they zoomed past.

“You ever fucking mention The Last Riders and that fucking dick Cash again, you won’t be able to sit right for a week.”

Her eyes grew big. “S-Sorry. I promise I won’t even mention this place ever again.”

Looking at the trees pass by, Lake was glad to be leaving. In all honesty, it had felt as if she was falling into a book the moment she had stepped foot into Treepoint, Kentucky. She was ready to get back to her mafia-filled world.

Vincent clearly felt more passionate about getting back to Kansas City. “Fucking Kentucky.”

Chapter Forty-Seven

The Secret to All Made Men

I love you. Those three little words Vincent had told her hadn’t left her since he had spoken them. It was the most unexpected thing. Vincent Vitale was not a man born to love. He had told her not to say it back, and she hadn’t because her body, mind, and heart were torn on how to feel about him.

She watched Vincent slide the card through the slot. “If you have to go straight to work, why can’t I go home?”

“The deal was you stay with me.” He barely opened the door for her to enter, making her squeeze by him. “And I want you here when I get off work.”

Lake’s body heated, understanding what he meant. Okay, maybe my body isn’t that torn.

“What am I supposed to do, helplessly wait for you? You don’t even have a TV, and that’s really freaking weird.”

“I just haven’t gotten around to that part yet, and I have a computer that’s perfectly fine to watch stuff on. It doesn’t matter. I have a surprise for you anyway.” He headed up the stairs to get dressed.

Surprise? She followed him when he disappeared, going to his open closet door after him.

“You can’t tell me you have a surprise then walk aw—” Her eyes drifted to the end of the closet which had her black dress, a couple of other dresses beside it. “Whose are those, Kim’s?” Her eyes started to water.

Vincent finished pulling his shirt off. “What are you talking about?”

“Those dresses. You fucked Kim again, didn’t you? I’m not experienced enough for you, am I?” She wiped at the tear that slid down her cheek.

“Lake, those are new dresses I bought for you while you were gone. The tags are still on them.” He came over and wiped her tears away with his thumbs. “I never fucked Kim. When you came in that bathroom that day and I found out everything, I swear to you, I haven’t wanted to fuck anyone besides you, baby. I love the fact that the only experience you have is with me. Baby, you are more than enough for me. When I told you I love you, I meant it.” He lightly kissed her forehead. “Now, why would you say that? Kim told you that, didn’t she?”

She moved her eyes down to his chest, unwilling to tell him and unable to lie.

“That’s why you left, wasn’t it?” He tugged at her hair.

Partly. Lake still couldn’t tell him, but she didn’t have to; it was written all over her face.

Her head slightly leaned back when he came down to kiss her, giving him a better position to claim her. She placed her hands on his bare chest, causing her to melt into him. They had spent too long apart, and her body was craving his.

“You don’t have to work, do you?”

Vincent placed another kiss on her lips. “I do, baby, but I promise I will be back.”

She hated the loss she felt when he went back to getting dressed, but she didn’t mind watching him strip down, either. Damn, he’s perfect.

When he started putting on a nice suit, it reminded her where he was going.