Vincent (Made Men, #2)

“We were worried sick about you, Lake! All day, you disappeared, and you were hanging out with them Satan-loving, devil-worshipping bikers! You said you came here to get away from the mafia, but those men are just as dangerous if not more. At least Italians pray in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!” Her grandmother started praying to Jesus for her forgiveness and to help rid herself from any demons she might have picked up from the bikers.

Lake shook her head, wondering why she had asked Rider to take her home instead of to his clubhouse. Probably because he wanted to fuck me. Honestly, he and Train had eyed her together as if they wanted … No, that’s just crazy!

“They are really nice people, Grandma, and a lot of them go to church. One is even a pastor, I think. Beth is a nurse who is married to Razer. They have twin boys who are adorable. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.” Lake gave her a look like she had told her so.

Her grandmother’s face slowly turned pale. “Razer?” She turned to her old husband. “We need to move. The bikers have only multiplied since they first came here. I didn’t run from the mafia to be around a gang of dangerous bikers who call themselves Razer and God knows what else.”

Lake rolled her eyes, going to the one and only bedroom in the tiny trailer. She had been sleeping on the fold-out couch but right then, she was going to their room and hiding out while they planned their escape plan.

Shutting the door behind her, her mouth was immediately covered and she was dragged against the wall. Facing her captor, her eyes started to gloss over.

“Shh,” he said before he removed his hand.

“Vincent, how did you—?”

Vincent’s body pressed against hers while he covered her mouth with his, kissing her hard and rough as if he was starved.

Lake pushed at his chest and turned her head before it was too late. “You should go,” she whispered.

He grabbed her chin, forcing her to face him. “The only reason I didn’t tell you about paying your debt was because I didn’t want you freaked out by David. So don’t tell me to fucking go when you ran away from me without a fucking word, Lake. And now you’re hanging out with bikers? You better not be fucking seeing one of them.”

“So you can fuck around all you want, but I can’t? As a matter of fact, me and Cash have a thing, so you can go back home now!” she was yelling and whispering at the same time.

“Cash? That guy’s name makes him sound like the biggest fucking dick. Are you being serious with me right now, Lake?”

Lake looked at his baby-blue eyes, seeing past his fury to his hurt that she would be seeing someone else.

“No,” she whispered. “He had an epic shotgun wedding to Rachel, and they’re very happy.”

Vincent released his breath and rested his forehead on hers. “Please, baby, come back with me. You don’t belong here.”

“I do now, Vincent. Dante wants me dead, and I’ll be fine here. There’s a technical college not far—”

“You don’t belong in a fucking trailer or going to a technical college.”

“There is nothing wrong with that!” She hit at him.

He grabbed her hand, stopping her from hitting him again. “No, there’s not. You’re not listening to me, Lake. I’m talking about you. Is this what you want in life? To live in a trailer and go to a technical college?”

Lake slowly shook her head, tears coating her eyes again. She once had a different dream, which had washed away the moment she had handed Dante the money to save her father’s life.

“It doesn’t matter anymore, Vincent. I can’t go ba—”

“I love you.” He took her face in his hands. “I fucking love you, Lake, and I don’t want you to say it back. This week was the worst fucking week of my life without you, not knowing where you were. I’m asking you to come back with me. Come back with me and stay with me just for the rest of the summer. I have kept all the money you’ve made, and I’ll pay for the rest to allow you to go wherever you want to go to college. Just please, baby, stay with me for the summer.”

The tears finally fell from her face as she started crying. When he leaned down and started kissing them away tenderly, she kissed him back. Her mouth opened to let him explore, and she pulled him closer to her by grabbing onto his hair. The taste and feel of him hadn’t changed; it was only heightened from their loss.

Suddenly, the bedroom door flew open, breaking their kiss.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the mafia finally found us! They came to kill us!” Her grandmother ran, screaming through the trailer.

Vincent looked back at Lake. “What the fuck is she on?”

“Unfortunately, nothing.” She squinted when her grandparents’ Shih Tzu, Pippin, came into the room, barking his head off at Vincent.

“Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Pippin, my baby!” Her grandmother quickly ran back in the room and snatched up her little dog then ran back out screaming, letting Lake fend for herself.

“Are you ready to get the fuck out of here now?” he asked her.

Fuck yes. “Yep, let’s go.”

Vincent took her hand and led her out of the bedroom.

She about had a heart attack when she saw her grandfather with a shotgun in his hand, pointing it at him with her grandmother behind him, holding Pippin to her chest.