Scornfully Yours

Chapter Thirteen

“Emma, I’m telling you again, this is not the wisest of ideas,” Bass croaked out.

I merely shrugged as I pulled the hem of my shirt, lifting it upwards and off.

I turned around to face Bass. “Ready to swim?”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Emma Anderson,” Bass taunted me as he placed a bottle of vodka and his phone at the edge of the pool. I just gave him a seductive smile.

Without breaking eye contact, he took off his clothes—all of them. What was a skinny dip if one didn’t take it all off?

I gasped as Bass pulled down his boxers and stepped out of them.

“Is it up to your approval, my darling?” he amorously asked me. Cocky.

I couldn’t help but lick my lips and I tried to drag my eyes away from his...

He actually laughed at my embarrassment before diving into the pool. I watched him swim a few laps before he came up for air. I made sure to stay in the deep end, choosing distance. We were on opposite ends of the pool.

“Scared of me already?” he called out as his hands leisurely skimmed through the warm water.

“Hell no; should I be?” I asked. He was daring me to come closer, so I did.

I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he guzzled the bottle of Vodka. “You’re not going to share that? What a greedy man you are, Bass,” I teased and then settled myself right next to him, our arms touching.

“I’ll share whatever you want me to share, little lady,” he retorted back as he handed me the bottle of vodka, eyes zeroed in on my lips as I placed the bottle opening to them, threw my head back and took a quick gulp.

I couldn’t help but shiver. “Argh!” I muttered as I placed the bottle back on the white cobbled floor, next to his phone. “Bass, are you nervous?” I leaned close to him. Wanting him to kiss me, touch me, something!

Without answering me, he went under water and swam away from me. When he came up for air, he swam towards the middle side of the pool and stared out at the city.

I couldn’t help following him. He let out a soft moan when I pressed a kiss to his shoulder. He grabbed my waist and drew me into him, pressing my back against the pool wall.

Face to face, we stared at each other, both hearts on a wild stampede. With the searing power of his eyes, he caressed me—slowly, decisively and acutely.

Then, he said the sweetest thing.

“Exquisite, so lush and pure

Will you taste as sweet as I have dreamt you to be?

I’m staggered by your magnetism, your beauty and your truth—

Will I captivate you as you have done me?

Sweet Emma, your name alone, spoken from my lips gives me enough sweetness

Savored and cherished as one should be.”

He buried his head in my neck and softly bit it. I moaned and threw my head back, exposing my neck to give him full access to it.

“Bass,” I gasped out his name.

From the base of my throat, his hot tongue snaked out and licked my wet skin all the way to my chin. His hand found my nipple and he placed it between his thumb and finger, twisting it back and forth as he sucked on my neck and bit into it as my legs locked on his hips.

“I want… Bass… your lips… kiss me,” I pleaded, breathless. MY hips grinded against him and my scantily covered, hot mound rubbed against his naked cock. He panted against my neck and I became determined with my grinding.

I felt the hazy lust-filled moment that blanketed us; leave him when we heard his phone ring. Bass cursed. Kissing my forehead, he unlatched my legs from his waist and swam towards his ringing phone. I heard him say, “This better be important, Papa.”

Bass pulled himself out of the pool and walked out of earshot. I drug myself out of the pool and laid in one of the lounge chairs, awaiting his return.

“Emma?” I heard Bass call out.


Strolling towards me, Bass sat on the edge of the lounger. “That was Martin. He’s wondering if you’re interested in replacing Samantha in the film.”

I sat up. “Shut up!”

Bass shrugged and smiled. “If you say so.”

My mouth hung open. “Martin wants me? But I f*cking suck compared to other actresses. I’m an amateur, what could I possibly offer?” “Chemistry, he said we crackled with it.” He reached out and stroked my calf. “Martin is known for picking out fresh faces and he has an eye for making a hit. He thinks you and I will be a hit. That alone proves how much he wants you to be onboard. Will you do it, Em? Filming doesn’t start until summer time anyway.”

“Bass, are you crazy? Of course, I want to do it! It’s a f*cking Martin Lombardo film. I am not dense; I recognize that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but what I’m worried about is… I don’t want to disappoint any of you guys. This is major for me. I’m psyched and freaked out at the same time.”

“Baby, look at me,” he requested. “You’re great. I’m not saying this just because I feel like I should, but you were fantastic. Didn’t we just speak about you following your dreams? Well, this is it. It’s the universe calling out to you and handing you this amazing opportunity. What other fantastic way to debut your acting skills other than being the lead actress in a Martin Lombardo film?”

“I don’t know.” I shook my head and let out a long breath. “Can you guys give me until the weekend to think it over?”

He shook his head. “Martin needs your answer by nine this morning.”

“Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it.”

~Danny Kaye

Pamela Ann's books