Scornfully Yours

Chapter Eleven

“Here we are.”

Here was a palatial home in Holmby Hills. Bass turned off the engine and got out of the car as the attendant opened the door for me. I graciously thanked him.

“Good evening, Mr. Cole. I’m Steven, the attendant for tonight,” a uniformed man introduced himself. Bass greeted him and handed his keys to him.

My eyes scanned the estate and found that there were five uniformed men; three of them were the valet attendants and two of them were dressed in dark clothing who—I’m assuming—were there for security because they looked way too serious.

The Italian Renaissance-esque garden had parterres that were created in artistically perfect geometric shapes. They were laid out in symmetrical patterns and adorned with fountains, Romanesque statues–angels, naked men and women–and other exotic plants and bushes. There was even a labyrinth. The outdoor pathway that led to the main door was lined with plum crystal vases on both sides with rose scented candles in them.

I swallowed. If I thought I was nervous before, I was a double wreck now. Martin Lombardo was an icon—a legend. What the hell was I doing here amongst these people?

“Don’t be nervous; my godfather will love you.” Bass’s right hand nestled on the base of my spine as he ushered me towards the daunting palatial home.

“Your godfather? I thought we were going to Martin Lombardo’s house?”

“The one and very same.” He chuckled as he guided me towards the massive home.

“You’re godfather is The Martin Lombardo?” DUH, Emma! One plus one equals two, right?

He stopped us and turned to me. “Listen, there’s nothing to be anxious about. I’m with you; you’re going to be fine, okay?” he gently reassured me as he softly pecked me on the cheek. Bass stilled as he inhaled my scent, breathing me in.

My world stopped spinning.

He moved closer, held my hips and enveloped me into his large muscular body and my body shook against his. The sexual charge was loaded with violent acuteness as his lips brushed against my ear. He held my palm against his heart. It was beating frantically, wildly thumping in his chest. “Do you feel what you do to me? Being this close to you affects me this much. There is no greater explanation but to show you how electrifying you make me feel.”

“But we only met Saturday…” I was simply dumb-founded.

“Precisely.”Precisely what, exactly? That this was madness? That it didn’t make sense at all?

Whatever this was with Bass, it was definitely moving way too fast for me. I knew I wasn’t ready to be with someone else. I couldn't be with Bass knowing that Carter still held my heart. He was a great guy and he deserved a woman who could give him her all. That woman wasn’t me, but at the same time, a teeny tiny part of me wished I was.

“Let’s get you inside and enjoy the rest of the evening. Hopefully, with you in my arms. So, how about it Emma?” Bass winked at me, giving me his to-die-for smile.

I blushed at his innuendo. “Well, if you put it like that. Why waste time?” I quipped back at his wicked, grinning face. He was way too gorgeous for his own good.

What does a man this good looking want from me?


As it turned out, there was no need for my anxiety. Martin was a charming man and his wife, Miranda, was a lovely, stunning woman. Their home was absolutely gorgeous and from what I could see, everything looked expensive or like a priceless artifact. Needless to say, I didn’t touch a thing.

There were ten of us, including Martin and his wife. Some of the actors couldn’t make it because they were out on location, filming elsewhere. The main cast was there, except for the elusive Samantha Knowles, the lead actress.

I learned, during the five course dinner, that the movie was going to be filmed on some privately owned island in Greece, as Bass mentioned before. It was a story of a family who lost their father from the 9/11 Attacks. The mother and son leave the big city and move to Greece to start anew. The son—Bass—still recovering from the loss of his father, turns to alcohol and drugs to cope with his pain and loss. The son meets a woman who turns his world upside down. He falls in love, but in the end, finds out that she is married to another man.

It was actually an interesting plot, but I didn’t get to hear the rest of the story, told by Ross Maitland—the mother in the movie—because Martin and his wife moved us to the game room.

Before we entered the red and black themed room, Bass pulled me aside and pushed me to a room that was dark and cozy. It was obvious how familiar he was with his godfather’s house.

I was a little thrilled that he wanted some alone time. All night, I felt his gaze on me. Randomly, he would find a way to touch me; a brush of my hair, a squeeze of my hand, a massage on the back of my neck or one of his cute, toe-curling whispers. He managed to make me feel connected to him.

“Having fun, my darling?” I’m his darling now?

“Actually, I am. Thank you for inviting me.” I bit my lip as his closeness made my breathing more pronounced.

“Did you know that you have this glow about you when you drink? Your cheeks get all flushed and your eyes sparkle luminously. It’s very enchanting…” His voice trailed off as his nose found my neck, breathing me in like I had the most beautiful scent.

Dear God, that was intoxicating… beautiful… excruciating… My thoughts were wiped from my mind when I felt his hot kiss sear my skin; soft, gentle and burning, making me shiver in anticipation. How did he taste? I wanted to feel his kiss…

gripped his shoulder as he pushed me against the wall. His arousal was hard against my hips. “Emma, Emma, Emma,” he whispered against my heated, sensitive skin, “what are you doing to me?”

Good question because I had no f*cking clue.

“Bass? Emma? Are you two lovers ready to join us?” Martin’s voice called out.

“Get your nosy self back inside, Martin!” Bass’s playful tone made me laugh.

“He better not think we’re doing something bad here,” I chided. It was the last thing I needed tonight.

“The things I want to do to you are way past that. Bad is putting it mildly. I want to take you up against this wall, come inside you and walk back to the rest of the party with you marked by me. I want to smile at you from across the room while I talk to someone, knowing full well that I unloaded my seed inside you. I want you to feel it drip from your mound all through the night, reminding you that you are mine and only mine.”



He was one graphic man.

He gently pushed against me as he studied my expression. “You like me. You’re even attracted to me,” his finger pointed at my heart, “but this is taken. As much as I want to take you and your exquisite body, I don’t think I could bear it if you were imagining another man buried inside you. Even if the only thing I can think of lately is… you. There is no other woman in my mind, no one else but you, Emma.” I was incoherent and voiceless as I stared back at his azure eyes, packed with emotions far too intense for me.

“Bass, I do like you… but what you’re asking of me… it’s just too much—”

“I know,” Bass cut me off. “That’s why I’m not doing much about it.”

How could he feel this much already? I thought as we strolled back towards the game room to join the rest of the party.


I was sipping my espresso and was about to take a bite of a mini Napoleon when someone directed their attention to me.

“Do you act, Emma?” Martin Lombardo asked as he twirled his amber colored drink around his glass.

Flushed, I placed the small Napoleon back on my dessert plate. “I was in drama class back in high school. It was nothing big or anything, a small play here and there.” Martin’s dark eyes perked up.

“Small play? Come on, show us some of your craft!” he avidly suggested as the others joined along, encouraging me.

My craft? Was he serious? Everyone here, except for his wife and I, were actors. I’d rather get hit by an eighteen wheeler than perform my mediocre high school acting skills in front of all those professionals.

“Bass, help me out here!” I hissed at his smiling face. Sigh.

“Martin, stop putting my darling on the spot. I promised to give her a good time.”

“We are having a good time, aren’t we all?” he asked everyone. Amused, he asked again, “Why don’t you read lines together? See how it goes? Come on, run along, kids!”

Apparently, Bass conceded and he got up and held out his hand. “What do you say, baby? Let’s give these folks a show they’ll never forget!”

Ah, shit, I thought as I let myself be pulled up by his strong arms.

Martin got up and handed us each a paper. Bass was to be Logan—the son—and I, Angela—the married woman. My eyes skimmed through the lines as I heard Bass clear his throat.

“Ready for me, baby?” Ha!

“As ready as I’ll ever be!”

David Shilling got up and jovially said, “Three, two, one and ACTION!”

Logan: You’re married? How could you keep this from me? He growled, clearly pissed off; his emotions rolling off of him.

Angela: I—I intended to, I swear, but there was never a good time. You were persistent and wouldn’t let me think for a second. It was too hard to resist you. I don’t have the power to say no to you, Logan. My voice shook as I looked at the man I loved. I went closer to him—felt his warmth—this man who arrested my soul and my very being.

Logan: But you should have! You’re f*cking married! You’ve had plenty of time to say it. You could’ve said it when I was f*cking you! You could’ve said it any f*cking time, but you chose not to! He cussed as he paced back and forth, distraught.

Logan: I don’t believe this. The woman I fell for is married to someone else. How could you do this to me? To us? You’ve betrayed me, Angela! He stopped pacing and yelled at me. His eyes pained, but full of love. For me and only me.

Angela: You love me? I whispered as my heart soared, lifting me higher and higher.

Logan: I have f*cking loved you all this time. Since the first time you smiled at me, Angela. How could you not see that?

Angela: Maybe I was afraid to look because your love would complicate things. God, I’ve been so stupid, Logan. I love you, too, but I don’t know how this will work out. My husband will kill me if he finds out that I’ve cheated on him. Logan moved closer and he held me in his arms.

Logan: He doesn’t matter as long as we have each other. I would kill for you. I would die for you, Angela. That’s how much I love you.

“And cut!” David Shilling called out.

Everyone applauded, much to my relief! I just smiled at Bass. He embodied the role quite well. Well, duh? He was an actor—an Oscar winner!

“That was amazing, Em!” Bass beamed at me and gave me a huge hug, picking me up and twirling me around.

“Thank you.” I shyly looked at him and his beaming smile. For a moment, we held each other’s gaze, something passed between us, but it was interrupted by everyone who wanted to chitchat.

“Wow, Miss Emma Anderson! I am impressed,” Ross Maitland gushed. The older woman was an acclaimed actress, one of the highest paid in the industry, yet she was gushing at my mediocre acting and seemed to mean it, too.

I warmed at her sentiment. “Thank you. That’s very sweet of you to say.”

“You did a splendid job, Emma!” Martin expressed as he double-tapped my shoulder. I murmured my delighted thanks. “You both did quite superbly well…” I heard Martin trail off as I was taken by David Shilling into another conversation.

After an hour of talking and drinking, Bass finally sat next to me. He had been busy with Martin for the last hour; I guessed talking about the movie and the trip to Greece.

“Hanging in there?” Bass whispered in my ear making my entire body shiver.

“Of course, everything okay?”

“There seems to be a problem with Samantha Knowles. Martin just got a call, I’m not sure yet what is going on. Anyway, everything seems to be winding down for the evening, want to head out soon?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” As fun as it was to be surrounded by these lovely people, I just wanted to chill and relax with Bass.

“Kisses are like tears, the only real ones are the ones you can’t hold back.”

~Unknown Author

Pamela Ann's books