Until Jax

“You ladies ready to open shop?” Frankie asks, walking out of the backroom heading towards the front of the salon.

“Ready.” I smile at him as he passes by then turn to look at Kim, who has pulled out a compact from her bag. “Will you be okay?”

“One thing I know, Ellie, is I will always be okay,” she says softly, but I understand immediately what she means. Being happy isn’t something I found easily until I was blessed with raising Hope. I know how it feels to struggle everyday, never really feeling any true emotions like happiness or joy. Always just being okay.

Feeling my throat get tight, I swallow through the pain and press my lips together for a moment. “One day, you’re going to find happy, Kim,” I tell her softly when I catch her eyes in the mirror in front of us.

“One day,” she agrees, putting the compact away before heading to the front of the salon, out of sight. Pulling in a breath, I finish setting up my station then head to the front of the salon so I can take a look at the appointment book. When I walk around the corner into the waiting area, I see Mellissa talking to Frankie.

Ignoring her, I walk behind the reception desk and take out the calendar. Seeing I have a client coming in in twenty minutes who is getting a full head of highlights, I head to the back of the salon and go to the small color kitchen that is set up. I begin getting products out so that when my client comes in, the process will go by much faster. Once I have everything together, I start toward my station, but as I go to pass by Frankie, who is standing at one the shampoo bowls in the back washing Mellissa’s hair, I feel her foot hit me just above the ankle, which causes me to go tumbling forward. Dropping the items in my hands, I hit the ground hard, landing on my hands and knees.

“Ellie, are you okay?” Frankie cries, wrapping an arm around my waist and helping me stand.

“I’m fine,” I mutter, dusting my knees and hands off as I feel my cheeks grow red with embarrassment.

“Are you sure?” he asks softly, pushing my hair back over my shoulder and searching my face.

“I’m sure. I just hope my knees aren’t bruised. Jax and I have a date tonight, and I brought a dress to change into,” I tell him loud enough for Mellissa to hear. If she thinks tripping me like we’re in middle school is going to scare me into giving Jax up, she has another think coming.

“Oh,” Frankie’s eyes sparkle, “a date with Jax. Please tell me I get to do your hair.”

“Uhh…” I haven’t let anyone touch my hair since I was around twelve. I even do my own cuts when I need one.

“You’re not scared, are you?” He smiles wickedly, nudging my shoulder.

“You should really let Frankie do your hair, or a least have him cut off your split ends,” Mellissa chimes in from her position at the sink, making my teeth grit.

Looking over at her, I give her a fake smile and lie, “That’s a great idea. Thanks, Mellissa.”

“You’re welcome,” she says, rolling her eyes and leaning her head back into the bowl.

Picking up the stuff I dropped on the floor, I look from Mellissa to Frankie, seeing he has his eyes narrowed on her. When his eyes come back to me, he asks softly, “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine.” I nod, and he nods as well then gives my hand a squeeze.

“We’ll talk about your date later.” He winks.

“Okay,” I say, but this time I really smile and he grins back while shaking his head then moves toward Mellissa.

Going to my station, I set the items in my hands down on the counter then giggle when I hear Mellissa shriek, “Oh, my God! That’s too cold!”

“Karma is a bitch,” Kim says, smiling at me in the mirror between us.

“Yes, she is,” I agree then laugh harder when I hear Mellissa scream, “You’re getting me wet!”


“Mommy,” Hope yells as she runs toward me from the front of the salon.