Until Jax

“How did that go?” she asks curiously. She knows how worried I’ve been about this. I told her the last time we spoke that I was concerned about Hope and explained she had never been around anyone besides family before, and Jax wasn’t exactly making it easy for me to keep us a secret from her. When I told her my concerns, she told me I should just be honest with her about us.

I’m still not sure what to think, so even though it’s awkward as hell, I talked to Lilly about it, and she said Hope talks about Jax and me all the time. In Hope’s eyes, we have become a family of sorts, and even though things are new and she’s young, she should know what’s happening, because in the long run, it’s something that will affect her. After Lilly said that, I told her more about how Hope came to be in my care. Hope knows about her mom and dad, but she has no memories of them. To her, they are just pictures and stories. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I didn’t expect Lilly to have the reaction she did. Instead of making me feel like less of a mom, she made me feel like I was the best mom in the world for Hope.

“Earth to Ellie,” July breaks into my thoughts.


“It’s okay. So what did she say?”

“She asked if she can have a sister, so I think it went okay.” I smile at the memory and hear July laugh in my ear. “I told her no, and then she asked if she could get a dog instead.”

“Well, you’ve obviously raised a smart girl if she’s already negotiating.” She laughs again.

“She’s too smart. Are you at work?” I ask, hearing a dog bark.

“Yeah. Oh, now that I’m on the phone with you, I can ask you myself if you’re coming to the compound tonight. We’re having a get-together. I know Ashlyn was going to try and convince you to come hang out.”

“Probably not. I have Hope—”

“You know my mom or any of my aunts would love to watch her.”

“I don’t know. I hate asking people to watch her. I mean, every time I bring up paying anyone, they ignore me, which makes me feel guilty.”

“We’re family, girl,” she says softly.

“I’ll see about it, but I can’t make any promises,” I tell her after a long moment of watching the clouds go blurry through my tears. It’s weird knowing I have this whole group of people to count on, and even stranger that I actually trust them.

“Let me know,” she replies just as quietly.

“I will; talk to you later,” I say before hanging up and tucking my phone back in my pocket.

Pulling in a deep breath, I let it out then stand up, dust my bottom off, and start walking back to the house. When I reach the corner before the house, I start to jog again so it looks like I was jogging the entire time then head up the driveway, up the front walk, and then push the door open.

“What are you doing?” I squeak as a shirtless Jax pulls me fully into the house, slams the door, and pushes me up against the wall. He drops to his knees, covering my sex with his mouth through the material of my workout pants, pulling so hard my head falls back and my clit pulses against his tongue.

“Jax,” I whimper, feeling his hands slide around my hips, pulling my core closer to his mouth. “Wh…what are you doing?” I ask, forcing my eyes to open. Seeing him on his knees, his mouth open over me, causes something deep inside me to start to unravel.

Letting out a loud moan, my hands fist in his hair and my head falls back against the wall with a loud thud.

“Ellie,” he groans, pulling me down to straddle his lap. One of his hands wraps around my ponytail. The other trails under my shirt then down over the skin of my belly and under the material of my pants, where one finger slides through my folds, causing my hips to jerk forward.