Until Jax

“Another time.” I chuckle from the serious look on her face.

“Fine,” she pouts, laying her head back against my shoulder. Once we make it to the second floor, I lead her to my room and set her on the bed. I know I should probably put her in her own bed, but I tell myself I need to be close in case she gets sick and needs me during the night.

“Why are we here?” she asks, sitting up and looking around.

Ignoring her question, I walk to the dresser and find a shirt before going back over to her and answering, “In case you get sick, my bathroom is closer than if you were in your bed and would have to go across the hall.”

“Oh.” She smiles, flopping down on my bed and raising her arms above her head, giving me a visual of her spread out just like that for me to enjoy. Shaking my head, I lift one of her feet then the other and pull off her boots and socks then help her sit up. I slip the shirt on over her head, and as soon as she has it on, she does the shit girls do and puts her hands behind her back, unhooking her bra and slipping it out the sleeve of the tee.

“I hope Mellissa doesn’t get mad that I’m in here,” she mutters, lifting her head to look at me.

“Mellissa?” I frown, wondering how she could possibly know about her.

“Yeah, Mellissa…the one who loves you,” she singsongs, making my eyes narrow.

“Babe, Mellissa and I dated back in high school,” I rumble.

“Well, she loves you, and even told your mom to tell you that.”

“I don’t love her, and I’m not with her, or anyone else,” I say, knowing I’m going to have to repeat this shit when she’s sober, because I’m sure she’s not even comprehending anything I’m saying right now. “Jeans off, babe, and get under the covers,” I order, turning around toward the bathroom, so I can grab the garbage can, but I stop when she sits up and bolts past me to the bathroom, landing on her knees in front of the toilet.

Pulling her hair away from her face, I rub her back, waiting for her to finish being sick before grabbing a washcloth and turning the water to cold. Placing it on her forehead, I wait a moment until I know she’s good then wipe her mouth. I help her sit up then grab a toothbrush from the holder. Muttering, “Open,” I move it around her mouth while her head tilts back and her eyes close. Once I’m done, I get her to the sink to rinse her mouth before picking her up and carrying her to bed, putting my knees on the mattress with her in my arms and laying us down, tossing the covers back over us.

“Jax?” I hear her whisper as I hit the remote for the light to go out.

“Yeah, baby?”

“Thank you for taking care of me.”

“I’ll always take care of you, Ellie,” I say softly, listening as her light snore fills the quiet. Wrapping my arms tighter around her, I fall asleep with her weight against me, knowing this is how it’s supposed to be, and there is no way I’m ever going to give it up.

Waking up, I feel my hand on something soft and smooth before it registers that Ellie is with me, her ass pressed to my morning wood, my hand holding onto her stomach, and my other arm dead from being underneath her. I lay there, enjoying it for a moment, and know exactly when she wakes up, because her body goes solid against me and her hand goes to her head. Turning she looks over her shoulder, her sleepy eyes meeting mine, and a dark blush creeps over her cheeks.

“Morning.” I smile, trying to ease whatever embarrassment she’s feeling.

“Um…” she mumbles then looks around. “I…what am I doing in here?”

“You got drunk last night,” I remind her, and she nods then rolls to her stomach and blinks. “Wes brought you home and you got sick.”

“You took care of me,” she says softly, closing her eyes like she’s remembering. “I’m sorry you had to do that.”

“Baby, taking care of you isn’t a hardship for me. Plus, now I can say you owe me one, and you can take the Rover, and the silent treatment can be done.”