Until Jax

Or at least I hope she will.

For the five days, anything and everything Ellie felt necessary to tell me, she did it through text messaging, including the fact July asked her to be one of her bridesmaids at her wedding this weekend. After what happened with July getting kidnapped, Wes told her they were going to get married now, rather than in a few months. Aunt November refused to let July get married at the courthouse like she did, and she pulled my mom and aunts together and planned a wedding in just a few days, which apparently included an impromptu bachelorette party tonight, since tomorrow night will be the wedding.

I also learned through text that Harlen would be escorting Ellie at the wedding. Though that text came from my cousin, who I’m pretty sure was just saying it to piss me off. And it worked. That day, I found my ass at the Broken Eagles Bike Shop, where I had a talk with Harlen about his hands and what would happen to them if even one touched Ellie in a way that I didn’t like.

“My wedding’s tomorrow. Any other time, I would have called, but my girl needed tonight, so I gave it to her.”

“That’s ’cause your sweet…and hot,” Ellie slurs, looking at Wes, which causes my chest to vibrate in annoyance, but the feeling abruptly ends when she presses her face into my shirt while wrapping her arms around my middle.

To say I’m over this shit is an understatement, but now, seeing Ellie drunk and cute, I’m completely the fuck over it. We need to talk, and whether she wants to or not, it’s happening. Maybe not tonight, because she wouldn’t likely remember any of it, but it would be very soon.

“You should have called me to come get her.”

“Like I said…” He shrugs then looks at Ellie in my arms and raises a brow.

Shaking my head, I ask, “Where’s Hope?” while pulling Ellie’s hands out of the back of my shirt, where they had wandered. I was already hard from seeing her in the tight jeans and tighter tee with her body pressed against mine, but her hands on my skin would send me over the edge.

“Your mom took her home with her for a sleepover when the girls decided they were gonna drink and hang out.”

My mom is in love with Ellie and Hope, and completely backed Ellie in her silent treatment, so it doesn’t even surprise me that she wouldn’t call to give me a heads up about tonight. Still, that shit pisses me off too. What happened to loyalty?

“If you’re good, I’m gonna head out. July’s in the truck,” Wes remarks.

Lifting my chin, I walk with Ellie, who’s still glued to my front, to the door and lock it behind him.

“It’s so hot,” she gripes. Tilting my head down, I see she’s peering up at me. I close my eyes for a moment, praying for strength. “I need to get out of these clothes.” Opening my eyes, I watch as she pulls from my grasp and drops her coat to the ground, her shirt coming up and over her head, leaving her in a dark purple lace bra and jeans.

“Jesus,” I hear myself hiss under my breath, knowing I should stop her, but fuck if I can do or say anything as her hands go to the buttons of her jeans and I see dark purple lace is there too.

“Ellie,” I growl, needing her to stop.

“What?” she asks, tilting sideways, but before she can hit the floor, I pick her up bridal style and head for the stairs.

“I’m too heavy for you to carry. I suck at being on a diet; I don’t even like vegetables,” she murmurs, pressing her face into my neck, where I swear I feel her tongue touch briefly.

“You don’t need to diet, Ellie. You’re perfect the way you are, and I could run laps with you in my arms just like this.”

“Really?” she whispers, pulling her face away from my neck to catch my eyes.

“Really,” I grunt, feeling my zipper imprinting on my dick just from her weight in my arms, her skin against mine, and the view of her tits in her lace bra.

“Can I see?” she asks, wrapping her arms around my neck as I head up the stairs.