Untamed (Thoughtless #4)

“It’s going,” I muttered. I popped open a beer, brought it to my lips, then changed my mind and offered the bottle to Harold. He had just called me friend, after all. With a small grimace, he shook his head and turned it down. Then his expression shifted to reluctance. It was subtle, but I saw it. “Something going on?” I asked, sitting on the opposite end of the couch.

“Nothing major, but I feel obligated to tell you…LMF has decided to go a different direction with their fall lineup, but not to worry, Acing It is slated for midseason replacement. That’s actually good news for us. Some of the greatest shows in history started out as replacements.” By the smile on his face, you’d think we’d just won the lottery. I wasn’t so sure.

“They’re pushing us back? This wouldn’t be because of the crap between the writers and shit, would it?”

Harold seemed surprised that I knew about that. His face immediately settled into a carefree expression though. “Oh no, of course not. All television shows have drama behind the scenes. It helps fuel the drama happening in front of the camera. But have no fear, Mr. Hancock, the show is moving forward perfectly. It’s just a matter of time before you’re on top of the world.”

“Okay…good.” Even as I said it, I couldn’t help but think I’d already been on top of the world with the D-Bags…but not really. I’d been on top, but in the backseat. Now, I was the driver.

Once we were done filming the six episodes LMF had ordered—a feat that I had doubted on more than one occasion would ever actually happen—the really fun stuff began. Parties, parties, and more parties. Say what you will about the entertainment industry, they sure knew how to wine and dine. The fluffy schmooze coming out of people’s mouths was as consistent as the alcohol going in. And everyone I met told me how incredible I was and how amazing this show was going to be. I was in heaven.

Anna wasn’t enjoying it quite as much as me. “Again? This is the fourth party this week. I’m all for having a good time, but I’d like to spend some evenings with my family too.” She was flipping through the clothes in her closet, looking for a party dress that she hadn’t worn yet. By the look on her face, I could tell a shopping trip was in her future. Personally, I thought she should just wear what she was wearing now—a black and pink bra with matching boy shorts. Damn, she was smoking. Maybe she was right about sitting this one out…

Shaking those thoughts out of my mind, I told her, “The network wants us to go. It’s good for the show…I guess. Fuck if I know why we really need to be there. All I know is it’s an open bar.”

Sighing, she muttered, “It always is.” Turning to look at me over her shoulder, she asked, “Chelsey is going to watch the kids tonight, right? As much as I like Carl…he’s not a babysitter.”

Our enormous closet was divided down the center by a long row of dressers. As I opened a drawer to pull out some clothes for tonight, I imagined laying Anna on the top them and having some fun with her before we left. Another time maybe. “Yeah, Chelsey should be here soon.”

Anna turned back to her clothes. “Good. Remind her to keep Gibson away from Onnika.” With a long exhale, she shook her head. “I don’t know what her problem is with her sister. I asked the doctor, but he said it was just sibling rivalry.” Pulling out a tight, black dress, she turned to me with a pout on her full lips. “It seems like it’s more than that though. I mean, just the other day I caught Gibson drawing a picture of our family.”

She paused, like that was supposed to mean something to me. “Yeah. And?”

“She crossed out Onnika in every single picture.” Raising an eyebrow, she clarified her statement. “She didn’t just forget to add her, she made little stick people for all of us, then scribbled Onnika out. Hard. With a marker.” She shook her head. “It seems deeper than rivalry to me.”

I shrugged. “She’ll get over it.”

Anna put her hands on her hips…her curvy, luscious hips. “Maybe you could talk to her.”

“She’s two and a half. She’s not gonna understand me.”

Anna’s arms folded across her chest, the alluring dress between them. “She understands more than you think. She’s a smart girl…she takes after Kiera.” Her voice grew wistful at saying her sister’s name. Anna talked to Kiera as often as she could, but she missed seeing her. Even I knew that. She was probably due for another girls’ weekend.

Not wanting to think about Kiera, or Kellan, or any of the others, I shook my head so hard my vision blurred. “Fine. I’ll talk to her.”

Grabbing my high-end duds, I dressed while Anna put her outfit back on the rack and resumed scanning her wardrobe. When I was done, I studied myself in the mirror. Damn, I was hot.

After giving myself double shooter guns in the mirror, I headed to the bedroom. Onnika was in a contraption that let her sit up, bounce, gnaw on things, and turn around. I wished they made the toy in adult size…and with room for two. I could have a lot of fun in something like that.