Untamed (Thoughtless #4)

“But you still threatened to take it…like you wanted to punish us or something. So tell me, Griff, what the hell did any of us ever do to you?”

Steam was practically coming out of my ears now. Calling him was a mistake. Caring about the band was a mistake. Cutting all ties was best for everyone. The D-Bags are better off without you, Matt had told me. I doubted that, but I guess we’d see. I was done.

“You know what, Evan, why don’t you, Matt, and Kellan get back up on your high horses and ride off into the fucking sunset together. It’s clear to me that none of you get me, and none of you ever will.” I hung up the phone before he could further rip into me. My ass was sore enough.

My driver was staring at me in the rearview mirror. Not in the mood, I barked, “What?” His eyes returned to the road, and finally feeling somewhat in control, I told him, “Drive faster. I want to feel like I’m flying.” Fuck them all.

When I got home, I was not in the mood to deal with any more crap. I just wanted to grab my wife, take her into the sauna, and mix our sweat together. Along with other fluids. Anna was on the floor playing with Onnika in the living room when I came upon her. Gibson was tossing blocks at Onnika, and Anna was reprimanding her. “Stop it, Gibson! You’re going to hit her in the eye.”

Gibson didn’t look like she cared. But she brightened when she noticed me. Running over, she leaped into my arms with a squeal. Anna turned to smile up at me. “Hey, babe. How was work? Dinner should be done in twenty minutes or so.” She batted her feet together as she lay on her stomach. She was wearing short shorts that almost exposed her ass. My dick made its approval known. I needed her. That would make me feel better.

Extending a hand to her, I said, “I need to talk to you.”

With furrowed brows, she let me pull her to her feet. “Everything okay?”

Almost on cue, Carl appeared in the living room holding a tray with a bottle of beer on it. He knew what I liked to have as soon as I got home. Except today. Today I needed more. Turning to him, I said, “Alfred, watch the kids for a minute, will ya?”

Gibson crossed her arms over her chest, pouting. “No, Daddy. Stay.”

I ruffled her hair. “I just need to talk to Mommy for a minute. We’ll be right back.”

I had to pry her off me before I could leave the room with Anna. Walking at a brisk pace, we made it to the sauna room in no time. It had a bench that wrapped around the entire room; I wanted to spread Anna out on it.

Pulling her inside, I quickly shut the door. “Griff? What are we doing in here? Can’t we talk somewhere less sweaty?” she asked, while I turned up the heat. When it was ready, I added some water to the rocks, releasing a nice, relaxing puff of steam.

“Griff?” Anna asked again. “What’s up?”

A bead of moisture appeared on her upper lip and I sucked it off. “Strip. Now.” I started pulling at her clothes, baring more and more of her creamy skin. Yes…this would make my day disappear.

She let me pull off her shirt, then unbutton her shorts. Even though she was kissing me back, there was a question on her face. “Everything…all right?” she asked, when she was just in her bra and panties. Moisture was beading up on her skin, making it an irresistible draw. I couldn’t wait until our bodies were sliding together.

I sucked the hot air down in sharp pulls while I got to work on my jeans. “Yes. I just need to fuck you.” Then everything will be perfect. “Make me come, baby. Make me come all over you.”

Her eyes lit up at my suggestive words. She pulled my jeans down as she sank to her knees. “Baby, I’ll make you come so hard it will be a week before you can do it again.”

I laughed at her remark, then her mouth was on me and every thought in my head vanished. Yes, take it all. I don’t want it. I explored her body for twenty minutes before I finally drove inside her. The heat and the sweat nearly made me nauseous, but it only amplified the release. Our orgasms echoed around the room, sizzling as loud as the rocks steaming in the center of the space.

Fuck, yes, that’s what I needed.

When I was spent, I climbed off her and lay down on the bench. Closing my eyes, I flopped my arm across them. Now I needed a nap. I felt Anna stand and hover over me. “Babe?” I mumbled some incoherent response. I just wanted to stay in the void awhile longer. Anna sighed, and I heard her pick up her clothes. “I’m gonna go rinse off and check on the girls. Gibson is probably picking on Onnika…who is probably freaking out that I’m gone…And dinner is probably done now, so don’t be too long, okay?”

I held my thumb up, and she tenderly kissed my forehead before she left the room. I shivered when the sudden chill of the outside air hit me. I should get out, I just didn’t want to move yet…The D-Bags are better off without you.