This Love of Mine (Raine Series #1)



"You are out of here first thing tomorrow, do you hear me?" My mother's voice was like nails on a chalkboard.

"Yes, ma'am." I was silently jumping for joy, knowing I would be free of her in less than twenty-four hours.

"Go flush that shit down the toilet before Richard gets here. I swear you're about as stupid as they come."

I grabbed the small baggie of weed off of the floor where it had fallen, and walked straight to the downstairs bathroom. I had no qualms with flushing the drugs, seeing as they weren't even mine. Trust me, I had done my fair share of drugs over the years, but I had quit practically everything cold turkey about six months ago. Of course my momma wouldn't know that because she was barely even awake, let alone present throughout the day.

Just as I flushed the toilet, I heard the front door open. I knew it was Richard for my momma, but knowing that us being nice to one another really pissed her off, and the fact that I was leaving first thing in the morning, I decided to push her buttons. I came around the corner, baggie in hand and saw Richard walking towards me.

"Hey Richard, looking good. How has your day been?" I was all smiles and I could feel the anger radiating off of my mother. She never showed her true colors in front of Richard, and I used this to my advantage, knowing I would pay for it later.

"My day is going pretty good so far KJ. You seem rather chipper today."

I had to admit Richard was extremely good looking for his age. He was about thirty-two, tall and had muscles that I don't think any boy my age even knew existed. He was only a year younger than my momma, but she looked at least forty these days. I caught sight of her enraged face standing at the kitchen island before I answered.

"Well, it has been a fantastic day so far, and I just found out I get to go stay with my grandparents for the summer. I leave tomorrow morning." I smiled in his direction, before bending down and scooping up the strip of condoms off of the floor.

"Well that sounds fun. I hope you have a great summer then. Maybe I'll see you when you get back." He smiled in my direction, but I knew that look. I had seen that look on many other boyfriends’ faces of my momma's. He knew he wasn't going to be around when I got back. Part of me was sad, simply because he made my mother a little more bearable, but I would survive.

"Thanks. I'm sure I'll see ya around." I headed up the stairs as fast as my feet would take me and quickly closed the door behind me.

I reached for my cell phone as I flung myself onto my bed. I had to call Wren and let him know what was going on. He knew it was a possibility that I would have to leave, but he didn't know that I was all but banking on it. Wren and I had been together now for almost a year. I had just turned seventeen last month and he had turned seventeen in January. Things had smoothed out a bit over the last six months for us, but he was still extremely possessive and I wasn't exactly sure how he was going to take the news, about me, or the drugs.


"Hi baby, what are you up to?" My voice sounded strained and I knew if I didn't change it soon, he was going to catch on too quickly.

"Hanging out at home with everyone. What's up?"

I could tell by the tone in his voice that he was already as high as a kite. Great, this was going to be fun. When Wren got high, he got mean. "I have something to tell you, actually two things. Wait who is everyone?" I knew when he usually said "everyone," he meant other girls as well.

"Seriously KJ, you're going to start already? F*ck!"

I could hear the anger growing but I was beyond caring. I was gone tomorrow regardless, for three whole months. "Yes I'm serious! And I swear to god if you say that Angela is over there, I'm going to flip my shit, Wren."

"So what if she is. She's just a friend KJ. God damn, I don't know why I even bother anymore. You're so f*cking paranoid."

"Paranoid is when you HAVEN'T f*cked one of my best friends, Wren. So yeah, I question your relationship with Angela. Anyway, the reason I called was to tell you that your weed got flushed down the toilet. My mom found it and freaked out. Oh and I leave in the morning for my grandparents farm." I waited with baited breath for his answer or for him to flip out, but I was genuinely surprised when he didn't.

"Cool. Well have a good time. Make sure you leave me some money on your windowsill, before you go. Drugs aren't free ya know."

I could feel the anger flowing through my veins. I sucked in a big breath before responding, as not to piss him off. "I'm sorry what? How the hell am I responsible for your drugs? You're the one who left it at my house last night, so it's not my fault my mom found it. Oh and by the way, she also knows we are having sex."

"ARE YOU F*ckING KIDDING ME?" His voice raised about three octaves as I held the phone out away from my ear. "Jesus Christ Kayla, what the f*ck?"

"It's not my fault. She ransacked my room and found the thing of condoms you left here, yet again." I was over being nice and placating his ass. I was done. This relationship was toxic and now was the perfect time to get out. "Whatever Wren, I'm done. We are done. I'll leave your money under the red rock by the tree out front. See ya around."

I went to hang up but heard him screaming into the phone. "NOT GOING TO HAPPEN SWEETHEART!"

"We'll see," I muttered under my breath before ended our call. I knew Wren wouldn't come over while my mom was here, so I took the opportunity to start packing my things for tomorrow. Maybe I could convince her to even let me leave tonight. I grabbed practically my whole wardrobe and threw it into my suitcase and duffle bag. There was no way I was leaving anything behind.

I tugged my luggage behind me as I made my way down the stairs. I heard hushed voices, but never imagined what I would walk in on. My mom stood at the kitchen counter with white powder broken up in tiny lines in front of her and next to her stood, Wren? Before I could even comprehend what I was witnessing, I was running down the stairs full force and lunging myself at Wren. My fist connected the first time with his jaw and the second with his eye. After that, I didn't land a single punch.

Wren gripped my wrists tightly in his hands, before pushing them behind my back as he pulled me into a tight embrace. "Wren, what the f*ck?" I looked between him and my momma and almost laughed at the scene playing out before me. It was as though I was transported into a movie, with a really bad director.

"Now if you're going to behave, I will let you go." He whispered softly into my ear.

I nodded. "Fine, let me go."

I could feel the bruises already starting to form around my wrists and I made a mental note to ice them later before bed. I looked up at my mom and saw that she was oblivious to what had just happened. She was happily sniffing shit up her nose, without a care for me or anything else I'm sure. Wren glanced over at my mom and then back to me, and let out a throaty laugh.

"Sweetheart, this is how you're paying me for my weed that you flushed. I was already on my way over to your house when you called. Your momma here decided to pay me in full for the weed and buy a little something extra for herself."

I let out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding, before unleashing all my pent up rage onto my momma. "You're nothing but a piece of shit, you know that? You call me a slut and every other word in the book, yet you are doing drugs and drinking like you’re my age. I'm done, with both of you." I quickly ran up to my room to gather all of my odds and ends that I hadn't packed yet, and slid my hand underneath my bed. When my fingertips grazed the cool tin, I slid it out and shoved it into my purse along with everything else. I didn't need this shit anymore, and I sure as shit didn't need either of them.