This Curse


“Your ineptitude is equaled only by your arrogance, fool.”

The voice was deep and melodious, despite the insults being tossed about; the sound was oddly soothing. I tried to move, pain radiated from the break in my little leg and I flinched, sucking in a quick breath.

“You’re awake? Oh, man, I thought you were dead!” Jamie’s whisper was almost too soft for me to hear.

“What happened?” I rolled over gingerly, careful to keep my leg as still as possible. The break didn’t look bad, but as far as I knew, I was one good sneeze away from it shoving through my skin. The damp floor was cold and made my bones ache. I looked around, “Did they just kick us into a corner?” We weren’t shackled or restrained in any way.

“No, I think they’re trying to figure out what happened, how Lucian must have messed up. They think the tank just burst, injuring you, and scaring me. So far they still believe we’re just a couple of witches.”

I looked at the men as they spoke. Lucian stood with his arms folded as always, but this time, his head was lowered. One foot rested on the edge of a table leg, his heel bounced up and down rapidly. He looked nervous.

The other man was taller. His shoulders were broader, more defined than Lucian’s and his blonde hair was much lighter, almost white. Cut close to the man’s head, it looked almost military. I could see the tips of a tattoo poking out of the collar of his shirt. His back was facing us and I found myself wishing hard that he would turn around.

The blonde man’s shoulders stiffened and he stopped speaking. I realized my mistake, sucking in a shocked gasp. What did I just do? I might as well have called out to him. Panic flooded me as he slowly turned to look at us. I flinched, trying desperately to look away. It was impossible. His eyes found and held mine.

A frown drew his brows together. It did nothing to mar his exquisite beauty. He stepped forward slowly, his face a puzzle of wonder.

I watched him move, a strange heat filled my body as if an ancient part of my soul had just awoken. He was somehow familiar to me. My heart began to hammer in my chest and my breathing sped up as he came closer.

I was frozen with fear. I knew… I knew who this creature was.

“No…” I felt the blood drain from my face.

“Lucifer,” it was sound on breath but it might as well have been a shout.

Jamie gasped, staring at the man in horror, she sputtered. “Lucif...” and then thankfully, she fainted dead away.

I struggled to pull her limp body close to mine, it was the only thing I could think of to do and I felt a bit better when she was firmly pressed against my side.

He was still approaching almost too slowly now, Lucian following a fair distance behind.

I shrank back as he drew closer, yet I was still unable to look away. This was the Big Bad! Beelzebub. This was the angel cast out of Heaven. He was the ultimate evil, and he was looking at me!

“You are nothing that you seem, are you, little imp?” he spoke, his voice reached out like a living thing, caressing me, tempting me to answer. ‘Open up. Trust’ it soothed. I was transfixed, mesmerized by the movement of his perfectly sculpted lips. I jerked my eyes from his mouth, shaking my head I focused on his knees.

“Tell me, little one. What are you in truth?” He knelt down, leveling his face with mine. “Your power pushed me.” He looked down and frowned as if realizing the significance of that for the first time. Standing, he glared at me. “You compelled me?” He turned to Lucian and then back to look at me again. He smiled and I watched in horror as understanding filled his eyes. I stared spellbound and watched him as if I was floating in a sort of numb state of stupidity. He looked at Lucian again and then started to laugh.

I was unable to move. I watched his hands rise up. Man, tattoos peeked out of his shirt cuffs? Yum, so sexy. I shook my head, alarmed at my thoughts. F*ck! Something was so wrong! He was the ultimate seducer. I was being seduced and he wasn’t even trying! I watched his long fingers as they glowed with power.


Oh no.

A bolt of crackling power shot from his hands, hitting me square in the face. Pain entered every cell of my blood and I shot backward. I screamed as my skin sizzled with blistering heat. The power shot off of my skin and onto Jamie. My glamour boiled and then melted from my Madea flesh. My hair erupted from the confines of the tiny cloak, which now lay shredded on the floor at my feet. I had been thoroughly stripped of all shards of my glamour and my skin glowed with the power of the Madea. Panicked, I sucked in my breath and searched for Jamie. I was strong, thanks to my power, but Jamie was still human. She may be a witch, but she was mortal.

She lay motionless, her glamour gone, just as mine was. Her clothing was gone as well. Not from any purpose of his, but the simple fact that we were now much larger than the clothing we had come in. Thankfully, her bracelet was still on her wrist, it pushed deep into her flesh, but it would only leave a mark.

I looked up, my mind a whirl of panic and confusion.

Lucifer’s blue eyes glittered. Lucian blanched and began to visibly tremble. I had been right in front of his face but he had been too arrogant to pay any attention.

“Well, now.” A fearsome look crossed Lucifer’s face as he searched my eyes. “This is much better; don’t you think my idiot friend?” Lucifer glanced vaguely behind his shoulder before bringing his attention back to me. He stepped close, his eyes traveling the length of my nude form. “So it is you. I was quite sure that Voltaire had conjured the story of your existence merely for the chance to possess a human being. Of course, I granted him the opportunity, after all, if it turned out to be true, then I would profit, if it turned out to be another deception, well, then…” he let the statement hang in the air as he glanced at Lucian or Voltaire as Lucian was no where in those evil eyes and cold actions.

“You granted him the chance?” I couldn’t help it. I was so pissed off that I couldn’t contain it. “That man was my friend and Voltaire took him!” I was no longer as moved by his beauty. Being in my own skin filled me with a confidence that I never believed possible. Seeing with my true eyes, I was happy to find that his allure was muted, allowing me to think more clearly.

I conjured clothes for myself, feeling foolish and way too exposed to stand in front of these monsters in the nude. Lucifer frowned and made a tsk, tsk sound. My clothing dissolved again and I scowled at him. He smirked and I opened my mouth only to be slammed against yet another wall. My eyes flashed fire and I growled between my teeth as I struggled to free myself.

“You are not afraid?” He seemed to float rather than walk. It was then that I noticed Lucian slowly slinking from the room. I knew what he was thinking, the coward. Well, screw that! He was so not getting away!

Lucifer reached for me and I blurted, “Stop him.” I nodded toward Lucian’s retreating form. “He has plans that you’re not a part of.”

Lucifer’s hand stopped a mere inch from my face. “Does he now?” His eyebrows rose and he smiled turning to look at Lucian. “Tell me fool, is this true? Think hard, now. You wouldn’t want me to rip it from your mind.”

Lucian’s mouth opened and closed like a fish and he held his hands up in surrender.

“Oh what the heck,” Lucifer shrugged and Lucian began to spasm. He jerked and twisted violently and fell to his knees. “Why waste time?” Lucifer looked over his shoulder and winked at me. “He’ll only flood this room with bullshit.”

Lucian’s body convulsed, falling backward, his head hit the floor hard. Foam and blood collected at the corners of his lips. It was so quick. His mouth began to darken to a sickly blue hue and he sputtered, spraying bloody foam onto his face and neck as he laid thrashing on the ground.

“Isn’t this fun?” Lucifer sighed, his head lolled to the side as he closed his eyes. He bit his bottom lip and moaned as if Lucian’s pain was somehow orgasmic.

I gasped and felt a tear run down my cheek. Lucian was dying. My brain tried to remind me that this was only the demon Voltaire but my heart screamed that this was my Lucian, no matter who possessed his body.

The devil shook himself, his eyes had gone red and rolled in my direction. Smoke and mirrors, I remembered as I tried to move my arm in order to wipe the moisture from my face. It was no use. He had me pinned.

“What a bad boy.” Lucifer purred. “But, in a way I am quite pleased,” he moved closer. “I finally have my very own Madea and they say you are the only one? How perfect.” He examined me. “I knew many of the ancient Madea, you realize.” He stalked back and forth in front of me, watching my face, “How silly, of course you realize, I am older than time as far as you’re concerned.” He turned away and walked toward Lucian’s now inert form. “They were all such bores.” He nudged Lucian with his booted foot. “So righteous, so nauseatingly pure of soul and heart.” He turned to me again, dragging his teeth over his bottom lip yet again. “I was never able to persuade a single one to cross over into Hell.” He was suddenly in front of me, so close that his next step brought his body close enough to mine that the fabric of his shirt rubbed my naked flesh. He reached out, and gently wiped a tear from my cheek. Bringing his finger to his lips, he took the tear into his mouth. “This.” He touched my cheek again and I flinched backward, pressing myself hard into the wall.

“This tear you shed for an enemy, one you know to be a demon is proof of your pure Madea soul.” He smiled, “What a superb gift.” He looked at Lucian again.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” My voice wavered and the Devil looked at me. “Lucian is my friend.” I felt my heart break. “He’s a man not a demon no matter what’s squatting inside.” I jerked back as he reached for me.

“Oh, my darling. Another week in that body and there will be nothing of you friend left.” He shook his head as if the thought sadden him. “Voltaire has no desire to depart. His own withered body is old and tainted with too much Hell. Demons do not age my angel; they rot with the evils of this place. This new body is strong. It has many years left.” Lucifer grazed his knuckles along my jaw and I clenched my teeth. “Voltaire can walk with the humans.” He bent and looked directly into my eyes. “He can f*ck the humans.”

I turned my head. “You are the father of lies!”

He chuckled. “I can force him out for you, my darling.” He stepped aside so that I could look at Lucian’s fallen form. His lips were still blue. A puddle of white froth and blood had soaked into the golden locks of his hair. He looked dead. I jerked back a sob. “You lie!” I spat. “You’ve killed him. All you’d be doing is freeing one of your despicable demons from a useless body. I’m not an idiot!” My chest rose and fell rapidly with my angry breaths; my hair writhed in its unnatural, serpentine dance. The curls twisted and whipped about with a life of their own.

“You are wiser than most, but I will promise to restore your Lucian’s health and vitality. I will do nothing to him after this point to harm him in any way.”

I studied him, trying to chip away at his mind. A sculpted eyebrow rose and he let out a small laugh.

“You are a strong one, aren’t you?” He stepped back.

“Why would you do this? Clearly, I’m in your control. A position I’m getting pretty familiar with. Why would you try to make a deal with me?”

“I want you to have free will when in my home. I wish to ally myself with you.” He spread his hands as if to show that he was harmless.

“That is the biggest pile of horse shit ever shoveled. What’s the real reason? Sex? After all, I am still naked!”

I was suddenly free from the wall. I stumbled and quickly gained my footing. I was dressed, I observed with a sigh of relief and my hair was tamed into a tight braid behind my head.

“I do not wish to bargain for your body. I need no such empty pleasure; after all, sinners and whores surround me. For now I want you to remain pure, Madea.”

I laughed, “Oh, buddy. I am in no way pure. Don’t you know what year this is?”

“As far as I am concerned you have yet to be corrupted. You will not grace my halls when your life is taken, and believe me all immortals eventually die. Immortality is a cruel illusion.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” And it was. I had no desire to see the walls of Hell from the eyes of the dead.

“So, what is your answer? Do you wish to see your friend returned?”

I was nervous. I knew that a deal with the devil was just that, a deal with the devil. The worst deal any creature could make. I looked at him. “If I say no? If I tell you that, I won’t make a deal with you? What then?”

He tilted his head back, and then he looked down at me, his eyes focused on mine with unnerving intensity. I shifted my stance nervously.

“I will not force you into anything, but could you really allow your friend to die?” he nodded toward a dark corner. “And Look,” I followed the direction of his gaze and noticed a large mass lying in the corner. I sucked in my breath Seth was there. His long black hair was matted to his head. I felt my mind scream. He looked no more alive than Lucian.

“I think the hybrid is leaving you.” Lucifer shook his head. “Pity.” He sighed dramatically.

“They are both almost dead and you could stop it.” I looked at him and curled my lip, “Let’s not forget, that they’re almost dead because of you. Now, please, I know it’s beyond you, but damn it! Is it even possible for you to be straight with anyone? Ever?

He smiled, showing his perfect teeth.

I sighed, “What do you want from me, really?”

He chuckled. “Spell it out for you, you mean? Well, I suppose I could explain. Tell me, do you like stories?”

My heart sank. “No, not really, the last one changed my life in a pretty f*cked up way.” I folded my arms, ready for another dip into fairytale land.

He took my hand; hot fingers surrounded mine in a firm unyielding grip. I was facing him; his blue eyes were spinning, drawing me deep inside, and taking me under.

I fell.

Alisha Basso's books