Theirs to Cherish

Chapter Fourteen

“ON her nipples,” Thorpe instructed Sean. “Suck the buds first. Get them good and hard. Make her feel every pull of your mouth all the way down to her *.”

Callie thought she might explode. Thorpe was doing everything in his power to drive her beyond her ability to endure his sensual torture, and now Sean was pitching in to help out. Having both of their hands on her, their bodies crushed to hers, had been a fantasy nearly beyond her wildest imagining for weeks.

A big smile stretched across Sean’s face. “I like the way you think . . .”

“I’ve got a ton more ideas,” Thorpe assured.

She’d just bet.

Callie panted now, every breath a labored cry as he worked her p-ssy, fondled her *, and breathed across her neck. He made her suffer, ache. She wanted to cry out, but held in the need. In every way possible, Thorpe was reminding her that he was not only a Dominant, but a Master—the sort of man who would crawl into her head, read her every need, dangle it in front of her until she knelt and pleaded and submitted, then he’d turn her inside out as he fulfilled every dark fantasy.

Drawing up the other kitchen chair and dropping into it, Sean looked completely on board with that plan.

“Excellent,” he murmured as he leaned forward, closer. “Give me your breasts, lovely. Arch to me.”

With a whimper, she did. She couldn’t help it. Sean grabbed her sides, pulling her closer. He didn’t pounce on her aching nipples right away, though she wished he had. Instead, he hovered over her, palmed back the damp hair that had worked onto her face and plastered to her breasts, then fastened his hand around her nape. He plowed his way past her lips, seizing, taking, wildly devouring her mouth. She melted, gasping into his kiss as Thorpe’s fingers plied her * with ruthless efficiency. He backed off again when she held her breath. Perspiration sheened her skin, and she keened out with unfulfilled need.

Sean lifted his head, and he gave her a lopsided smile of triumph. For good measure, he fondled her breasts, pinching her nipples. “Not so eager to run now, are you, lovely?”

Wasn’t it obvious? She couldn’t move now if she wanted to, not when satisfaction was so close and they held the key to her pleasure. To her heart.

“Answer him,” Thorpe barked in her ear, then grazed his teeth over her sensitive shoulder.

Callie shuddered. She thought she’d experienced pleasure before, but this . . . Poems and songs were written about the sort of ecstasy they suspended just out of her grasp. Wars were fought. Kingdoms fell. She had no idea how to do anything but plead and beg for them to put her out of her misery.

“No, Sir. Please. Please . . .”

Sean chuckled but didn’t answer her directly. Instead he bent to one of her breasts and took her nipple in his mouth. His suction pulled on the sensitive crest, then zipped a line of fire all the way down to her p-ssy. Oh, gawd. She only thought she’d been on the knife’s edge of need before. Now?

Unable to help herself, she filtered her hands through his hair and tugged him closer, wishing desperately that she could make him suck more. Or less. Or whatever would ease this relentless need driving her to madness.

Instead, Sean backed away and inspected his work. His smile tightened, and he lifted one of the clothes pins to her. Callie’s eyes widened, and a protest sat on the edge of her tongue. The little wooden implement would act like a nipple clamp. She had so little experience, despite living and working at Dominion. She’d never been clamped in any way. No doubt, it would sting at least a little or they wouldn’t bother.

“Please . . .” she begged.

Thorpe stiffened, his voice a dark growl in her ear. “Take your punishment, Callie. You’ve given us no choice for days. Now it’s your turn.”

“Exactly,” Sean agreed as he cupped her breast and applied the first clothes pin.

It pressed down on her nipple. Not pain exactly, but a constant, somehow tugging pressure that jolted straight to her *. Callie gasped.

With rough fingers, Thorpe pinched her other nipple. The second he released it, Sean sucked it into the burning oven of his mouth and pulled. She dug her fingers into Thorpe’s thighs, trying to take in all the sensations at once. The arousal climbed yet again to something dizzying she’d never imagined possible. Callie groaned, mewled. Neither man heeded the sounds. They seemed intent and eager to keep pushing her. Thorpe set his greedy fingers back over her *, his circles on her flesh even more torturously slow. Gawd, she couldn’t take much more.

“Sean . . . Thorpe,” she panted. “I—”

“Burn and ache?” Thorpe breathed into her ear. “Oh, I know. The way I’ve burned and ached for you for f*cking years. I want you to know what it was like every hour of every day I had to be near you, trying to figure out how not to go insane because I couldn’t have more.”

Sean cut off any possibility of her reply by applying the second clothes pin to her other nipple.

The pressure times two did more than multiply the pleasure. Somehow, it turned exponential. Her blood flowed like lava. Her p-ssy throbbed with the pent-up need for release. Her already sensitive nipples ached even more as Sean toyed with the clothes pins, making them gently tug on the hard tips of her breasts, twist and tighten, before he rubbed his fingertip over the top of each.

Callie dug her nails even deeper into Thorpe’s thighs, writhing and arching.

“Breakfast time, pet. Sean is going to feed you. You’re going to eat every bite . . . no matter what we do to you. And no coming,” Thorpe said sternly. “Is that understood?”

Was he out of his mind? Her gaze bounced up to Sean, pleading for respite, mercy—anything. Gently, he shook his head.

“You’ll do as he says, lovely.” Sean picked up the plate of still steaming eggs. “Open wide.”

Automatically, Callie parted her lips. He slid in a strip of bacon. She bit, chewed, swallowed—but didn’t taste anything. Her body felt like a volcano. Her * burned with the most towering, delicious ache, exacerbated by the pressure on her nipples and Thorpe’s unrelenting fingers driving her up into a sky with no ceiling. When she fell, the crash would be monumental, life altering. She felt on the verge of begging them to allow her to give them anything—or everything—just for ease. Instead, she wriggled on Thorpe’s lap as Sean followed the bacon with an intimate brush of his lips and a stare that made her shiver.

“You’re so beautiful, Callie. I like you all flushed and subdued. And I can’t say that I dislike you being helpless and at our mercy.” Sean chuckled, then fed her a bite of buttery toast.

She smelled more than tasted it and choked it down, only to encounter a bite of hot eggs on the fork he shoved past her lips moments later.

“Open wide,” Thorpe insisted.

Callie would have called him a bastard son of a bitch a*shole if she could have found the words and wasn’t convinced that they’d only heap on more punishment. But Thorpe deserved that and more. Once they’d let her come, she would have to think of something really creatively suitable to repay him for this loathsome torture. If he didn’t stop soon . . . Callie really had no idea what she would do or how she would make it through the next five minutes with her body on fire and ready to explode.

“After she eats, do you want me to cook us something?” Sean asked Thorpe as if he didn’t have a care in the world, fondling her breasts while he spoke.

Thorpe shook his head. “I’ll find something quick.”

“Good thinking. I’m not convinced that we’ll have finished torturing Callie by the time she’s done eating. I think I’ve got just the thing.”

Barely missing a beat, he reached onto the counter and yanked a box into his lap. Seconds later, they were both munching on protein bars with one hand . . . and stroking her to insanity with the other.

In the middle of all that, Sean still fed her. Bite after bite passed her lips. She chewed fast and swallowed even faster, hoping that when she finished this meal that maybe there would be an almighty orgasm in her future.

Lifting her with him, Thorpe rose behind her, withdrawing his hands from her p-ssy and his lips from her neck before he set her back in his chair. Whimpering, Callie protested. Sean filled her mouth with another bite of egg, then toast. He washed it down with coffee from his cup. Then he took her lips again in a mind-numbing kiss, fingers tumbling into her hair, tongue plunging deep.

She threw herself against him, and their chests met. Her clamped nipples met his hard flesh, and a fresh riot of sensation ripped through her. She gasped into his kiss.

Suddenly, Thorpe returned and resumed his position behind her on the chair, his muscled slab of a chest—now bare—pressing into her back. Her skin sizzled at the contact. She hissed. A thousand feelings pelted her—the pressure on her tight nipples, the slight bitterness of Sean’s insistent coffee-flavored kiss, the press of Thorpe’s hair-roughened chest against her back, and the slide of his fingers on her p-ssy once more.

The burn of desire decimated her. She couldn’t have fought or refused them anything. All she could do was surrender, hope they would take her, and finally relent—give her the pleasure their every touch promised.

“You need us, don’t you, pet? You’re coming apart. I feel your heat. I hear your breathing. I can taste your excitement.”

“We’re going to make you scream for us, lovely,” Sean added.

“Please . . .” Callie heard the pleading note in her voice and didn’t care. Whatever brought her relief and sanity, whatever urged them to fill and fulfill her, that’s what she needed now.

“But not just yet.” Sean swallowed down the last of his protein bar and tossed the wrapper on the table, then looked Thorpe’s way. “You finished eating?”

“Yes.” Thorpe’s wrapper joined his a minute later, and she heard him swallow in her ear.

“Let’s go. We need a bed.”

Callie’s pulse jumped. A dozen images all leapt to the front of her fantasies as she interpreted what Sean’s words might mean, but the one above all others, dazzling her with want, shimmering hope and promise was the thought of them both giving her all of their desire and making love to her.

“Please . . .” she wailed again.

“F*ck,” Thorpe swore.

Gawd, she hoped so.

His palms heated the insides of her thighs with a possessive caress before his fingers slid back into her drenched folds and he manipulated her * until she was a breath shy of an orgasm she knew would rob her of all sanity.

Bucking for more, keening with the need so acute she saw black spots dancing at the edge of her vision, she reached blindly for Sean and fused their lips together in a searing kiss that had her swallowing his lust, feeling his heartbeat against her own, hearing the blood roar in her ears.

“F*ck is right,” Sean muttered as he tore his lips free and lifted her to her feet.

The second she stood upright, Thorpe grabbed her shoulders and spun her to face him. He clasped her face in his hands and stared down into her eyes. “Unless you stop me, I’m going to f*ck you until you can’t stop screaming. Last chance to say no, pet.”

“Why would I stop you? I need you.”

Thorpe shook his head. “I’m too old for you.”

“You know what the hell you’re doing,” she argued. “I trust you.”

He scowled. “I’m not a tender lover.”

“If you make me come, I’ll relish every second.”

“Only if you’re good, lovely,” Sean taunted in her ear.

Then his fingers found their way to her nipples, toying with the clothes pins clamping them. The pressure there fed the ache below, which he found with his next touch. The caress teased her with just enough sensation to make her knees weak and her blood surge . . . but not enough to send her over the edge.

“You’re so f*cking beautiful.” Thorpe leaned closer, his lips hovering just over hers. “I’ve wanted you so badly . . .”

Callie melted against him as his gaze and Sean’s hands both caressed her. She felt beautiful. They gave that gift to her just by being here with her. She believed they adored and treasured her. Now she knew they’d do anything to keep her safe. Did they have any idea how desperately and for how long she’d wished to feel like that? In all the times circumstance had forced her to flee whatever rattrap she’d temporarily called home and the strangers who might have become friends in different situations, she’d never really imagined she’d feel like the most precious person in the world to anyone.

“I’ve wanted you, too. Why did you never—”

“Eventually you’ll leave me,” Thorpe choked out.

“I’ve never wanted to. That’s one reason I stayed at Dominion much longer than I should have.” Callie stood on her tiptoes, inching closer, their stares all but welded together. “And I’ll never want to again. If something happens and we’re separated, please believe that I didn’t ever want to be apart from you.”

She brushed her lips over Thorpe’s. He didn’t need any more encouragement. He met her halfway and claimed her mouth with a possessive sweep of his tongue, drinking her in as if he’d been parched for her. As if she was the elixir that would keep him alive.

Callie soaked him in, drowned in the heady swamp of the need tugging her under. As she did, Sean caressed his way up her torso to pluck at the makeshift clamps again as his teeth nipped her neck. A shiver shuddered its way through her body. A dizzy fever overcame her. Yet nothing had ever felt so perfect. This was more than a fantasy coming true. She loved them both, and having them with her, wanting her, working together to give her pleasure . . . the rightness clicked into place. She belonged between them.

If only life or fate or God above would grant her this completeness for the rest of her life, she’d take every opportunity to make them feel this wonderful in return.

The thought was almost absurd. She had now, this moment. Tomorrow was a crap shoot at best, and the odds were stacked against them. She’d better seize this glorious sliver of time while she could.

Thorpe lifted his head, breathing hard, his chest sawing up and down. He ripped his stare from her, then glanced over her shoulder to Sean. “What’s next?”

Her breath caught. Hope suspended her from a tightrope. She didn’t dare say a word or even whimper for fear she would wake up from this lovely dream.

“You want Callie, as I do,” Sean pointed out.

“More than I want all my tomorrows,” Thorpe vowed, those gray eyes burning down into her.

She clutched his shoulders a bit harder and felt herself sway toward him. His fingers bit into her hips.

“Lovely?” Sean turned her back to face him.

Worry lay in his blue eyes. Uncertainty. That expression said he feared that no matter what he did, he would lose her.

He might not have always been honest with her, but she’d seen the man under the badge when he’d first come to Dominion. It had been evident in the gentle way he’d encouraged her to open up, in the patient way he’d coaxed her until he understood. She’d feared his questions and where they might lead, yes. But she’d feared losing her heart more. In the past few days, he’d risked so much to help her. Maybe she should be more wary, but over the years she’d developed a decent danger meter. Now that she wasn’t freaking out and had started using hers . . . she knew he might be the best man to ever happen to her.

Callie cupped his jaw. “I’m yours, too, Sean. Always.” At least in my heart.

Relief spread across his face, and he took her mouth in a slow, searing meeting of lips that made the last few minutes of hesitation evaporate. A well of yearning and desire flowed from her to both of them and back. Callie couldn’t fail to feel it. This was right. It was time.

“You are,” Sean confirmed, then grinned at Thorpe. “I kept in mind this possibility when I bought provisions.”

What the heck did that mean? Callie frowned, trying to puzzle out his cryptic statement as Sean reached onto the counter behind him and plucked up a plastic grocery bag, tossing it. Thorpe caught it, parted the plastic handles, and looked inside. Rising on tiptoe, she peeked, too.

Box after box of condoms lay inside.

Thorpe’s gaze bounced up to Sean. Then a massive grin broke out. “It looks like we’ll be really busy.”

Sean answered with a smile. “I certainly hope so.”

Blood rushed through Callie’s veins as she blinked into the bag. The sight was both thrilling and daunting. “I think that’s enough condoms to glove up a platoon for an entire year.”

“I doubt it, pet, but we’ll work like hell to keep up. Get ready.” Thorpe tossed the sack back at Sean, then scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.

Sean followed them, tearing into the first box and dumping a handful of the foil packets onto the bed beside her head as her back met the mattress. She looked up at the men. Thorpe’s stare penetrated her the way his cock would soon.

Beside her, Sean half covered her, his lips swooping down for another kiss. Callie met him, giving herself over as she felt the bed on her other side dip under Thorpe’s weight. Through his trousers, his erection pressed against her thigh, big and hard and hot. She moaned, grabbing at Sean’s hair with one hand and Thorpe’s shoulders with the other.

It should be awkward. She should be nervous. But no. They flowed together, seemingly of like minds and wants from the second they hit the sheets. No bumping, no conflict.

The arousal filling her now was both residual from the guys’ ardent fondling and the deprivation of her orgasm. But more, it stemmed from having their scents combining in her nose, her skin heated by the dual press of their own, the way they began to pass her lips back and forth with devouring kisses. Everything felt right.

Finally, Thorpe lifted his mouth from hers. He zeroed in on her breasts before sliding a sly stare to Sean, who grinned. Callie stilled. When had they developed this silent guy-speak that—

The moment they plucked the clothes pins from her nipples and bent at the same time to suck her flesh deep, she screamed. She arched. Blood filled the nubs as their lips surrounded them. Suction tugged, the sensation reaching down like a direct caress to her *. Oh, hell.

Then they made that a reality, Sean surging a pair of fingers into her p-ssy and Thorpe wiggling his way over her *. Gawd, she was going to combust.

“Guys . . . please,” she panted. “Please.”

“I’m not convinced you’ve learned your lesson properly, pet. Are you, Sean?” Thorpe growled, making her shudder with need.

“No.” He tongued his way around her nipple. “I’m not sure yet that you understand the full extent of your infractions, lovely. I owe you a red ass for drugging me and running away without talking to me. Or Thorpe, for that matter. I’m also not sure we’ve repaid you properly for taking your clothes off in front of a room full of dregs and losers.”

“I’m sorry. I swear. But—”

Thorpe captured her lips and devoured her mouth in an intoxicating kiss.

“Good thinking, Thorpe. Callie doesn’t need to be talking just now.” Sean pinched her nipple before he laved it again, then hitched his fingers high inside her p-ssy, finding the spot designed to send her reeling.

Callie’s head swam. Blood charged her system, converging between her legs. She twisted, silently begging.

“When I’m convinced you’re truly sorry, then we’ll see about your orgasm. Until then . . .” He nipped the side of her breast. “Get on your hands and knees.”

Thorpe slid his fingers over her * one last time, then sent Sean a frown. But he played along. “That was a direct order, pet. Move.”

Her brain struggled to swim through the arousal drowning her body. Finally, the command penetrated her—because their cocks sure weren’t yet—and she rolled over between them, presenting her ass in the air.

“Ah, you look so damn pretty like this.” Sean’s voice had thickened, deepened, as he ran a hand under her body until he palmed her p-ssy again.

“You do, Callie,” Thorpe agreed. “You look ready to serve and please us. Would you like that?”

As much as her body cried out for orgasm, the opportunity to give them everything they wanted and yearned for made every submissive cell inside her clamor. She could find her own kind of reward in satisfying the men she loved. In fact, her whole body felt as if it glowed at the prospect.

“More than anything, Sir. I’m sorry if I worried or upset you by leaving. I meant to protect you both.”

Sean leaned down into her face, his mien surprisingly stern. “What you did was utterly fail to communicate. How can we help you or keep you safe if you don’t let us?”

Callie opened her mouth to reply, but the sharp crack of his hand on her backside made her yelp instead. Had Sean just spanked her? Yes, and much harder than she would have thought, than even Thorpe had in the past.

“Quiet now,” he demanded. “You’ll take your punishment like a good girl. Spread your knees apart.” Sean waited until she’d complied, then widened them a bit more until her stance was to his liking. “Better. You can apologize to Thorpe now.”

She looked up to see the two men exchange a glance. Then a look of supreme satisfaction lit up Thorpe’s face. “Yes, you can, pet.”

He reached for his zipper. It fell in the hush. Callie held her breath as he worked the pants down his hips and revealed his thick cock, standing hard as he took it in his fist. The swollen purple head made her lick her lips in hunger.

Thorpe shoved his fingers in her tresses and fisted them in his grasp, drawing her down toward the engorged stalk of flesh he palmed slowly up and down. Her stomach clenched. Her p-ssy wept. For years, she’d had this fantasy of being at Thorpe’s feet, on her knees, completely at his service. Her breath caught as he brushed his cock over her lips, a tease . . . then gone.

Without thought, she reached up, trying to take his shaft in hand and thrust it into her mouth.

Thorpe pulled up on her hair, denying her, at the same time Sean slapped her ass again.

“Don’t be greedy and impatient, pet. If you’re apologizing to me, rushing me before I’m ready isn’t the way to convince me you’re sorry.” He released his tight grip on her hair, then clamped his big hand around her face, fingers squeezing the muscles of her jaw. “Open up. Suck my cock. Make me believe you’re repentant and eager to please.”

“I’ll have to believe it, too, lovely, or there won’t be any f*cking in your future,” Sean added. “Go on. And not a sound while I take my pound of flesh.”

This tag-team discipline probably shouldn’t turn her on so much, but why deny that it made her needy and turned her inside out. Too bad whimpering and begging wouldn’t do her a damn bit of good. Only obedience would.

Callie hadn’t had many opportunities to really put herself in another’s hands and turn over her will. She wanted to now so, so bad. Yes, they were going to make her wait and ache and beg. But whatever they did would also draw them all closer together . . . for however long it lasted.

She poured her heart into the pass of her tongue over Thorpe’s cock, licking him lovingly, closing her eyes as if she could preserve the moment forever. Behind her, Sean smoothed his palm over her heated flesh, spreading the warmth. She held in a whimper and restrained the urge to raise her hips to him for more. He slid his fingers down her ass, to her p-ssy, skimming over her swollen labia, her engorged *.

The moment was magical. Callie felt touched all over. She felt adored. And she surrendered completely to the moment. To them.

Stretching her lips wide, she took Thorpe deep, relishing his hard length filling her mouth. Every corner burst with his scent and taste, so masculine, a bit salty, so very big and musky and perfect. Holding back her moan became impossible as she eased her head back, sucking until her tongue tingled, then dragging her teeth over the sensitive head. Thorpe cursed on a groan.

Callie sensed more than saw Sean lean around her body to watch. Knowing that his stare fixed on her ignited something in her belly. It was impossible not to want to put on a show and make him remember the moments she’d had her mouth around him, too.

Soon, Thorpe shuttled his cock from between her lips in a rush, as if he couldn’t feel enough of her. He cursed, his fist tightening in her hair. His excitement ratcheted up her thrill.

Then Sean kissed his way down her side before resuming his position behind her and settling into a rhythm. Methodically, he swatted her backside until it burned and tingled and lit a fire in her blood.

Fighting the urge to squirm and plead for mercy was becoming nearly impossible. With their every touch, Callie submerged herself in the most delicious euphoria. She wasn’t sure she could take a deep breath around the bliss. Dizziness swamped her head. Thrill fevered her blood.

And she loved every minute of it, just like she loved them.

“Pet . . .” Thorpe’s voice deepened, roughened, to something so intimate. She’d listened to the man’s every intonation for four years, but never heard that particular note. She loved the idea that it was something he’d reserved just for her. “Callie, baby. You’re killing me.”

She smiled around his thick flesh so hard on her tongue and laved him again with all the feeling swirling and pooling inside her. He groaned and tugged on her hair again, vacating her mouth with a pop.

Callie moaned in protest without thought, blinking up at his big, heaving chest as he worked hard to breathe past the arousal. His jaw was clenched, his nostrils flared. His gray eyes looked stormy and had darkened to something on the verge of a tempest.

No way she could stop herself from falling helplessly into his gaze. “Please don’t stop me.”

“I damn near came down your throat.” He brushed his thumb over her lower lip. “Someday, I would love to shudder and climax right inside that pretty mouth. Not today.”

She bit her lip and tried to swallow down her disappointment. The idea of Thorpe granting her his pleasure—of pushing him past his restraint—aroused the hell out of her. But she hadn’t earned the right to ask for anything she wanted. This was punishment. Very sexy, amazing punishment, but almost more difficult to bear than anything else she could imagine. They dangled a dear fantasy in her face, then yanked it away. This morning would be full of orgasm deprivation. They would stop her anytime she ached for something too much. She would endure it because she regretted worrying and hurting them, even if it had been for a good cause.

“I understand, Sir.”

He caressed the crown of her head, then settled at her nape and urged her up for a kiss.

“Are you satisfied she’s sorry?” Sean asked, still palming her heated backside and adding a swat every now and then.

Now that she wasn’t focused on heaping sensation all over Thorpe, the blood and desire throbbed in the cheeks of her ass. A neon billboard would have been more subtle. She gasped, wishing she had the distraction to focus on again. But Sean only ran his hand between her legs once more, settling his fingers over the jewel of her *.

“I think I might see a little remorse,” Thorpe drawled. “But I’m not convinced that she’s sorry enough. I want to be sure that she never intends to run again.”

Callie swallowed a cry. She didn’t want to flee from them. But if she brought danger or trouble to them and could fix it by leaving . . . she would have no choice.

“Absolutely.” Sean twirled lazy circles at the top of her mound, right where she needed it most, but never with enough speed or pressure to send her flying. “We’ll just have to work her harder until we’re convinced that she truly understands where she belongs.” A groan tore from his chest. “Your p-ssy is so slick, lovely. Perfect.”

Sean lifted her up, resting her back to his chest. He fondled her already sensitive nipples, plucking and pinching. Her head lolled back against his shoulder, and she arched into his touch. She’d barely figured out how to absorb all the hot sensation he forced on her when Callie felt thick fingers nudging her folds in a deceptively insistent touch. Thorpe’s deft, soft stroke against her * incinerated her ability to hold her tongue.

“Please . . .” she panted, then looked at him with dazed, beseeching eyes.

“You’re pretty when you beg, pet.” A little smile played at his lips. “I’ll look forward to hearing more of it.”

“Me, too,” Sean vowed. “On your back.”

Together, they helped her lay supine across the mattress. Thorpe took over the gentle torture of her nipples, flicking the crests, then bending to nuzzle the swells before sucking them into his mouth one at a time. At her feet, Sean gripped her ankles and spread her legs. And she was suffocating in her own need, unable to make her thoughts churn beyond all the ways she craved them.

When they had her positioned to their liking, she moaned, incoherent sounds of pleading she hoped they understood. Finally, she heard the soft tear of a condom wrapper. Then another. Thorpe climbed off the bed, and she managed to lift her head enough to see him stand at her feet near Sean, who shucked his clothes in record time. Both of them arranged the prophylactic over the strong surging stalks between their legs.

Thank goodness there’s sex in my future. Without it, Callie was ready to scream or cry or lose her mind. She absolutely knew better than to touch herself. Thorpe had made it entirely clear in the shower that was a big no-no.

Sean eased onto the bed beside her and propped his head on his hand, his blue eyes glittering with mischief and hot with desire. “Spread wider, lovely. Make me believe that you want us to f*ck you.”

He hadn’t even finished the sentence before she bent her knees and parted them as wide as she could.

Thorpe caressed his way up her thighs and settled between them, the head of his cock nudging her weeping entrance.

“Take me, pet. Take every inch. Please me.”

She blinked up at him. “There’s nothing I want more than to please you both.”

“Callie . . .” he moaned as he impaled her and closed his eyes, grinding. “F*ck.”

Finally, after four agonizing years of waiting, Thorpe was inside her.

She gasped in a huge breath, trying to accommodate him all at once. But with the blood engorging her folds and swells, Thorpe had to fight his way in. A hard thrust, a slow withdrawal. He gnashed his teeth together. His face pulled tight with concentration. He opened his eyes, his stare locking in on hers, penetrating her soul as his cock did the same below.

“Can you feel him, lovely?” Sean murmured in her ear, a tantalizing suggestion. “Can you feel how much he wants you?”

“Yes.” She melted under Thorpe, desperate to take every inch of him.

“That’s how much I want you, too. I can’t wait to sink into your tight little cunt and feel you close all around me. You know how I’m going to f*ck you? I’m going to hammer my way in with a hard stroke that will make you catch your breath. Then I’m going to ease out so slowly, the head rubbing against every sensitive patch. I know what sends you off.”

He did. God help her, he did. And Thorpe was catching on very quickly, working each inch in with an agonizing plunge and a lip-biting pull until, with every thrust, he managed to settle right against the one spot designed to send her soaring. Then he finally withdrew to the tip and plunged deep in one growling shove and claimed her completely.

He settled right against her cervix and awakened another barrage of nerves centered there. Together they fired and tingled. Callie rocked with Thorpe, tilting up to urge him deeper.

“You’ve already discovered that she likes it deep,” Sean said.

“F*ck, I love it that way. Holy hell . . .” Thorpe threw his head back as he inched back and pushed in again. “Callie, pet, I f*cking imagined this so many times, you have no idea.”

“I thought of you, too,” she cried out.

He fitted his hands beneath her hips, grabbed her ass, and shoved inside her, stroke after grinding stroke.

“You look beautiful, Callie,” Sean whispered in her ear between Thorpe’s juggernaut thrusts, then plundered her lips. “Yes, that’s it. Your cheeks are so flushed. Your lips are so sweet.”

“Sean . . .” She didn’t know how to say all the words of need and love bubbling up in her throat.

Somehow, he knew. He dipped his head again. Her eyes fluttered closed, and he kissed both of her lids. “I’ve only ever wanted you happy. Whatever you need, it’s my pleasure to provide. I will always take care of you.”

How could she be on the verge of tears and orgasm at the same time? Every tingle and burn, each sensation and ache built in her clenching p-ssy, her swirling head, and her overflowing heart.

“I will, too, pet. Anyone who wants to wrest you from me will be in for the fight of their life,” Thorpe vowed as he rode her from one dazzling stroke to the next. As she fluttered around him, her body preparing to soar in the heaven they’d created, he pulled free. “She’s awfully close.”

“Not yet,” Sean chided her.

Panting, Thorpe rolled to her right, occupying the space beside her, shoving pillows out of his way and spilling them to the floor.

Before she could wonder what he was doing, Sean climbed between her legs and surged balls deep in one breath-robbing thrust, crashing against the spot he knew would make her tremble in want. She couldn’t stop her cry of need.

“Your orgasms are ours, pet,” Thorpe reminded. “He hasn’t given you permission. He’s in charge of your p-ssy now. Patience.”


“No.” Thorpe nipped at her lobe, and his heavy breath cascaded down her neck, making her shiver and squirm. “Do you think protests are going to induce us to let you come? Who are you here to please?”

“Both of you, Sir.”

“Exactly. It pleases us to see you writhe and flush and need.”

And goodness knew she was doing exactly that, ready to do anything for relief as the feelings surged through her body and the need to come threatened to overtake her. She clamped down on Sean, rising to meet each thrust. She dug her nails into his back, peppered kisses over his cheeks, down his neck. The orgasm was right there, even closer than before. She gave a high-pitched cry.

“Now, lovely, didn’t Thorpe just explain? You don’t want to disappoint us, do you?” Sean withdrew and rolled to her left.

“No,” she sobbed. “But it’s so big. Overpowering.”

Callie couldn’t catch a breath, couldn’t think. She wriggled over to Thorpe, rubbing against him. He pushed her to her back again, then loomed over her, supporting himself on his bulging arms as his knees parted her thighs and he drove in with one savage shove that had her clawing his shoulders.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

She did, anchoring herself to him like a lifeline and trying to hold back the tremendous pressure dammed just under her *. Frantically, she searched his face for mercy.

None. He was going to push her up harder and higher. Even as she mourned, she delighted in his control.

Nor did Callie dare disobey. She really didn’t want to. She’d waited forever to feel Thorpe deep inside her, looking at her like she held his heart. He reached down to cup her hip, the one with the nick in her flesh from that terrible night. He fingered it, soothing it back and forth for a moment.

“That’s it, pet. Stay with me.” He pistoned inside her with ruthless, thorough strokes that had her clawing for more.

Beside her, Sean tipped her chin in his direction and covered her lips with his. She closed her eyes for a moment and basked in their attention, in the adoration that poured from them both, and let it soak into her.

As he lifted his lips, he smoothed a kiss to her chin, then pressed it up, giving himself access to her throat. He skated his lips across the sensitive skin there, then worked back to the tight beads of her nipples silently begging for relief . . . for something.

Thorpe reared back on his knees, never breaking stride, and thumbed her *. “So hard. So needy, aren’t you, my sweet pet?”

Callie honestly couldn’t speak. How did he expect her to hold it together and answer such an obvious question?

“The last thing we want now, lovely, is defiance. Answer Thorpe,” Sean breathed against her nipple, then nipped at it with his teeth before soothing the tip with the rub of his tongue.

The jolt of sensation went straight to her *, where Thorpe polished it to a lightning thrill with a slow rub that made her insane.

“Yes,” she managed to gasp out. “Yes, Sir.”

The blood and need began converging again, building, building, gathering like a storm. Everywhere she tightened, prepared, breath held. Just one more stroke . . .

“Son of a bitch,” Thorpe heaved as he withdrew from her sweltering flesh and plopped down beside her, panting as if it took everything he had to bring himself under control.

“No!” She couldn’t help the protest that slipped free.

Sean grabbed her chin as he rolled back on top of her and slid home in one devastating stroke. “Yes, Callie. Remember your penance? Your punishment?”

He thrust inside her with strong, deep plunges of his cock that did absolutely nothing but push her ardor higher. Vaguely she remembered why she owed them. But the inferno raging inside her made her yearn for more—for everything.

Callie forced herself to draw in a breath and center. Above it all, she softened at the notion of being all they needed. Of course she knew that she offered them what they might have gotten elsewhere, but no surrender would ever be given with more heart or love than what she offered.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good, lovely. Hold still.”

Sean gripped her hips and began a unrelenting pace that made her spine twist and her insides melt. She wrapped her hands around his shoulders, then caressed down to his muscled backside to pull him in even deeper, despite the fact that he’d have nowhere to go. The need to feel him deep was pathological, biological.

Thorpe tunneled his hand into her hair and tugged her face his way until he seized her lips and took control of her mouth, forcing her to open to his kiss, feel the crush of his lips, take the plunge of his tongue, and give him all her soft acceptance and feverish passion in return. He growled into her mouth.

“Don’t come, Callie,” Sean insisted.

That demand was getting harder and harder to meet. Pulling from Thorpe’s lips, she tightened, focused, squeezing her eyes shut and praying she could obey. It wouldn’t be for lack of trying . . .

Inside her, Sean thickened. He pumped harder. A second later, he cried out in a deep sound of agony as he stiffened and pressed himself as far inside her as he could, rooting around as if he’d found home. His cry of ecstasy echoed in the bedroom. Callie whimpered like a wounded thing to hold back her need to join him, to celebrate this moment that might not ever come again.

With a groan from the bottom of his chest, he exhaled against the side of her neck, and managed to push himself up enough to press the lightest brush of kiss on her lips. He worshipped her with a starkly blue stare.

“I love you, Callie,” he murmured in her ear.

Then he rolled away.

Callie lay still, her toes curled and her fists clenched to ward off the horrific need roiling inside her. Mind over body. You can do it. She dragged in more breaths, fighting to control the arousal and the throbbing flesh between her legs, insisting on more.

She hadn’t come close to recovering before Thorpe made his way into the crook of her spread thighs again and hovered above her. With total abandon, he plowed into her. In a lightning-fast barrage of thrusts, he took everything he needed from her, including her sanity.

Callie curled her arms around him. His back was slick with sweat and effort. He heaved in a breath with every shove inside her. And damn it, he swelled inside her as his strokes became even more insistent.

Like Sean, he meant to find his orgasm and leave her body needing and her soul bleeding as a lesson. She’d earned it, but gawd it hurt—in a strangely glorious way. Giving them control of her climax was her giving herself. If they needed that power, if they had to have a show of her penitence, she vowed to suffer.

Sucking in a breath as Thorpe’s strokes shortened, deepened, pounding, pounding, she waited, eyes clenched shut and struggled to give herself over and hold her pleasure back.

Sean tangled his lips with hers so very gently. “Come, Callie. For us.”

Had she heard that right? She opened her eyes wide to see the soft smile on his face. Yes. He’d given her a gift because he loved her, not necessarily because she’d earned it. She’d torn off his collar because he’d lied to her—in the name of duty. But he hadn’t lied about what really mattered. He had been true to his heart. While she had run, hidden, and tried to cut him out of her future and her feelings.

And still he managed to forgive her. No wonder she loved this man.

“Now, pet!” Thorpe thundered into her p-ssy. “Damn it, Callie. Yes. Oh, f*ck. That’s it. Perfect. Now,” he groaned long and low. “Come!”

The pressure grew, pleasure surged. It was as if a weight had been lifted from her body. From her soul. She was free to fly, to soar and bask in their adoration. The submission she’d always craved giving but never had the freedom to grant, made her spill into bliss with more abandon than she’d ever experienced or imagined.

She peaked, then screamed as she hurtled endlessly through the pleasure. She roared out in body-twisting ecstasy. Thorpe was there to catch her, grounding her with a sure embrace and plunging strokes. He prolonged the exquisite sensations by digging against her most sensitive spot. She cried out, shuddered, dizzy, floating, flying again . . .

Sean kissed her jaw, squeezed her hand, praising her with whispers she barely heard as she tried to catch her breath and find a way to bring her soul back into her body.

Finally, Thorpe grunted, then collapsed over her and rolled to her side. Together they surrounded her, cuddling her, both trailing their lips across her skin. She turned to each, back and forth, as the floodgates of her heart opened wide for the first time in her life. Tears spilled, joyous, her smile wobbling. She clutched the moment tight, wishing she could bask here forever.