The Renfield Syndrome

“Which begs the question.” Victoria landed a look of hatred on her child, one no parent should ever bestow. “Why was she allowed to leave your presence? I gave specific orders that she was never to be left unattended until we were assured of where her loyalties lie.”



“That’s been taken care of.” Paine stood and started walking around his desk. “The mark between Rhiannon and me has been established, as well as the bond between those beholden to each other. She’s given herself to me completely as a familiar and a lover. That suffices.”


Shit. The stunned look on Goose’s face made me queasy. Why hadn’t we had the chance to talk so that I could explain everything? At the very least I wanted him to understand.


“Isn’t that convenient?” Victoria circled my chair, marking each of the injuries that Bells had inflicted. I had to hand it to the girl—she knew how to kick some ass. The first two punches were only a warm up. I had bruises, scratches and a swollen eye to prove it. “Perhaps too convenient.”


“She won’t run.” Goose’s voice was so neutral, so indifferent. “She needs our help to sever her debt. It wouldn’t serve her any purpose to flee.”


“Ah, yes.” Victoria’s eerie smile forced me to look away from her as she stopped in front of me. “I’ve been told a deal has been brokered. Isn’t that fortunate for you as well? I’m surprised, frankly, as the cost seemed too high.”


I looked up then, noting that Paine was now staring at the floor, avoiding my gaze. In fact, everyone seemed uncomfortable. Victoria glanced around the room and started to laugh, like a fucking deranged and rabid hyena. When she stopped, she kneeled in front of me, forcing me to meet her eyes.


“Paine didn’t tell you, did he? Naughty, naughty boy.”


Don’t slap her, don’t slap her, don’t slap her.


I made sure my reply was docile and not curt. “What are you talking about?”


“The cost of my help is a night in my bed. Your lover has avoided it long enough.”


I launched myself at her without thinking. I didn’t care about the danger, about the prospect of never returning home. The thought of the violation she’d expect Paine to endure—the very same torment I’d suffered—was impossible to deny. Her initial surprise was short lived. Within moments, she had the upper hand, placing her hand around my throat as she put her weight on my chest and glowered down at me.


“Never, ever, do something that stupid again. You challenge me”—she squeezed her fingers tightly, cutting off my oxygen supply—“and I’ll break your fucking neck. I don’t give a shit about you. All you are is a toy, a means to get what I want. And make no mistake—I will get what I want. I’ll fuck your vampire, I’ll drink from him, and before the night is over, he will call me Mistress. I will own his soul, and he will do each and every single thing I tell him to without question. Even as he suffers the deaths of all the lives I’ve claimed. When he returns to you, a part of me will always remain, and there isn’t a fucking thing you can do about it.”


She released me and stood. I brought my hand to my neck, coughing as I struggled to breathe. No one came to my assistance, not that I expected them to. They hovered back, remaining as they were. As I rolled onto my knees, I had to force myself to keep my eyes on the floor versus look at Paine, unwilling to see the anger, remorse, or frustration I knew he must be experiencing.


“We’ll perform the summoning at sunset, which is just minutes from now. Meet me at the floor of your club. The ritual will happen there.” Victoria turned her back to me. “When the deed is done, you will come to me.”


I couldn’t see if Paine nodded, but since he didn’t speak, I knew he must have.


J.A. Saare's books