The Renfield Syndrome

“We need to talk.” I wanted to cringe when I heard my voice, as husky and thick as a cigarette-toking phone sex operator. There was no way he’d take me seriously like this.


“We’ll talk when I’m ready, not before.” He shoved his body into mine, using enough force that I had to move my head to one side to avoid smashing my nose. “You’ve brought out a dark side of me, something I’ve tried to keep in check. When you vanished without a trace, I swore I’d show you what it would mean if you tried to leave…” He took a deep breath and said, “I’ve always wanted to know how far our trust goes. I think it’s time I found out.”


“Disco…” I tried to recall why it was so important that we talk. I couldn’t go to him after what I’d done. That would only make things worse. But with him so close, so tempting, after I’d thought I’d never see him again—it was impossible to think clearly.


“What did you call me?” He bit my earlobe, hard enough that I hissed.


“Gabriel,” I quickly corrected myself, mortified that I sounded as aroused as he obviously wanted me to be.


“That’s right. Tonight, I’m calling the shots. No more games, Rhiannon.”


He pulled away with vampire speed, leaving me shivering against the door. The loss of his presence was haunting, another reminder of how much I wanted to be with him again.


Shaking my head, I struggled to keep my desire at bay. “We need to talk.”


Returning with the same impressive speed, he slammed me against the wood, wrapped his fingers in my hair, and forced me to look at him over my shoulder. In all our time together, he had never been this dominant. I gulped as his golden-blue gaze settled on my lips.


“I’m going to take a step back and you’re going to turn around, take off your clothes while I watch, and come to me. I’ll get your answers when I’m ready for them.”


Holy shit. He was completely serious.


Even as my heart sped up in alarm, my panties became wet. I wanted this even if a part of me was frightened of it. Before I could mull over the change in my lover, he did exactly as he said he would. I braced my hands on the door to keep from sagging when he moved away from me. My legs were shaking, my entire body growing hot. I turned slowly, until I faced him, and brought my hand to the bottom of my shirt.


Two sides of me warred. In my heart, I knew this was wrong. You didn’t have sex with another man and return to the bed of your partner. Disco—Gabriel—had a right to know. Unfortunately, judging by the heat in his eyes, he wasn’t in a talking mood.


The necklace came off with the sweater, and I tossed them into a heap on the floor. Next went my boots, which were followed by my jeans and socks. All that remained was the underwear Bells had given me—plain and white—without the lace Disco loved to tear apart.


“Beautiful as ever,” he murmured. “Come to me.”


I felt as if I were under a spell of some kind as I complied with the order. It was impossible to look at anything but Disco, who had unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his fully healed chest. He stood motionless and watched me approach. When I was within inches of him, he held up his hand, waited until I stopped, and started unbuckling his belt.


“On your knees.”


This wasn’t entirely new. I often liked to shock Disco when he was in his office by locking the door, going to my knees in front of his chair, and teasing him with my lips and tongue until he draped me across his desk and made love to me wildly, without restraint. However, he’d never asked for or demanded that level of intimacy.


Until now.


J.A. Saare's books