Sweet Magik

Chapter Sixteen

Sunlight streamed into Oskar's bedroom and warmed Kiana as she snuggled under his thick comforter. She stretched like a contented feline, relishing the sensitivity of her well-loved body.

What an amazing night. She had no idea love-making could be so wonderful. With Tom, it was always a race to the finish line...his finish line. He talked a big game about what an incredible lover he was, but she realized now that Tom was just a self-absorbed jerk. She'd been so desperate for an escape from her unhappy life that she'd tried to make him into something he wasn't, and ignored all the warning signs that he was truly selfish.

Oskar was the polar opposite. He'd spent the whole night worshipping her body. He was gentle and considerate and totally focused on her pleasure. He showered her with compliments and made her feel like the most beautiful and desirable woman in the world. She trusted him. It felt good to finally open up about her past in Hawaii. He was so understanding, so angry on her behalf, so protective and loyal.

She'd made a plan to guard her heart, and instead had fallen hopelessly in love with Oskar Klaus.

The thought didn't make her afraid, even after the nightmare with Tom and his pregnant hussy, who'd destroyed her dreams in Oahu. She'd hidden her heart away for six long 214

years, and now she would offer it to Oskar and pray it was safe and secure in his keeping.

He was hardly the superficial punk she'd originally pegged him for at Gregor's party. In fact, her dreams last night had been quite illuminating. She'd witnessed snippets of his childhood, which she was convinced were actual events—

Oskar trying desperately to keep up with his older brothers, competing with them, fighting with them, idolizing them.

After realizing his cooking talent, math skills, compassionate nature and wood-working abilities would never measure up to his sibs, he'd finally found a way to stand out. He became the goofy younger brother, the jokester, the risk-taker of the family.

Her dreams were a jumble of scenes from his childhood...Oskar joy-riding in his father's sleigh while his brothers laughed uproariously. Flying off a snowboard jump three-stories high and breaking his leg. Curled up in a comfy chair with a stack of books, reading about heroes and pirates and knights. Taking the fall for his brothers who'd set up an army barracks in the gingerbread room, knowing full well the Council would punish him without mercy. He was always in trouble.

Finally, agreeing to take charge of the elves who were out of control and needed a firm hand to keep them in line. While his brothers pursued their dreams, Oskar buckled down to keep Glasdorf an efficient work place. Kiana had an enormous amount of respect for him. Hiding behind a spiky green hairdo and Dr. Seuss hat was a man of immense integrity and dedication.


She could hear him whistling in the kitchen and smell the delicious aroma of bacon and frying eggs. Maybe her Bad Boy was going to surprise her with breakfast in bed. In the meantime, she wanted to check in with Trish and Mr.

Brockman to make sure they weren't worried about her.

She borrowed Oskar's cell phone from his dresser and called Brockman's Bookstore.

"Hello? Brockman's Books...."

"Hello! Mr. Brockman! It's Kiana Grant."

There was a pause on the line. "Kiana, you're calling from very far away, aren't you?"

"Um, actually, yes. How do you know that, Mr. B? I just wanted to let you know I'm all right and having a nice vacation."

Mr. Brockman grumbled on the phone. "Still hanging out with that Klaus boy, aren't you?"

She laughed. "Oskar and I have been spending a lot of time together. He's....well, he's wonderful."

"I could tell right away you two were well suited for each other. Your auras were glowing as bright as a meteor shower." He cleared his throat. "You deserve this happiness, Kiana. After everything you've been through, I am delighted you've found a man who makes you happy."

She blinked back tears. "Thank you, Mr. B. That's such a nice thing to say. You're the best."

"I'm getting some conflicting feelings about you, dear.

Good and bad. You're not in any danger, are you?"

Hmm. That's an odd thing to say. "Please don't worry.

Oskar is taking good care of me."


"Be careful, child. I'm sensing some malevolent forces at work where you are. Things best left alone, but evidently causing mischief for the Klaus family."

Kiana shook her head in bewilderment. "How do you know these things, Mr. Brockman? What are you talking about?"

"It's hard to explain, young lady. Just be careful. And please tell Alena I said hello. It's been so many years...."

"Are you talking about Mrs. Klaus? You know her?"

There was a chuckle on the other end of the line. "Yes, indeed. She's a lovely, lovely woman. I sure hope that bear of a husband of hers appreciates his good luck. You tell her I sent greetings. And please, all of you be careful."

The line clicked off suddenly. Okay, that was another weird conversation with Mr. Brockman. I can't believe he knows Mrs. Klaus. And his warnings are making me nervous. Kiana tried to call Trish, but she wasn't home, so she left a message.

"Hey, baby, got a big appetite?" Oskar appeared in the doorway with an old-fashioned chef's hat and an apron that said Please Kiss The Cook. In his arms was a huge tray covered with food. "I'm no master chef like Nicholas, but I can still whip up a pretty mean bacon and eggs."

She laughed. "I am famished. It smells great. Thank you for making breakfast. That was so sweet."

He set the tray down on his dresser and leaned over to kiss her. "Thanks for the best night of my life." His emerald eyes turned smoky.

She reached up to stroke the stubble on his chin. "I like your whiskers," she said softly. "They're sexy."


He growled and lowered himself on top of her, rubbing his rough beard along her cheek. "So glad you think it's sexy...."

His ringing cell phone interrupted the moment, and he cursed under his breath. "I gotta remember to turn that damned thing off...." He snatched it from the dresser and flipped it open. "What!? Oh, yeah. We'll be there in a few.

Just grabbing a quick bite to eat. Uh, don't tell my folks about Kiana, Boris. I'll introduce her when we get there. Yeah, thanks."

He turned to her and smiled. "The meeting at my dad's place is going to start soon. We gotta eat and run. Sorry." He caressed her face. "I was sort of hoping we could fit in some more lovin', too...."

She tapped his chin. "First we need to find Wiebe. And I want to make sure Gabi's okay, too." She paused and searched Oskar's face. "What's going to happen when your parents find out you have a Suddie at your place? I don't want to get you into any trouble. That's the last thing you need."

"Don't worry. You're important to me, Kiana. I want my parents to know that. And my brothers. Everyone. I..." He fidgeted in the bed, looking somewhat uncomfortable. "I want you to be a part of my life. I hope you want the same thing."

She threw her arms around his neck. "I want the same thing."

Could Oskar be falling in love with me, too? I sure hope so....

He sighed with relief. "Thank God for that. Now let's chow down and get over to my dad's place. I want this whole thing 218

with Wiebe taken care of so I can concentrate on more important things. Namely, you."

She smiled and kissed his dimple. "Okay, Bad Boy, where's the bacon?" Oskar laughed and grabbed the tray. Kiana's stomach felt a little bit unsettled. In a couple of minutes, she'd be meeting Santa Claus and his wife.

After a scrumptious breakfast in bed and a quick shower and change, they hustled over to the Weihnachtsmann's house. She'd been touched by the clothes he'd brought home for her. Comfortable blue jeans and a soft ribbed sweater, slightly fitted to show off her figure, but not so much that she felt self-conscious. He'd given her a lecture about "no more librarian duds" and insisted she wear her hair down. Oskar said there was no reason to hide her beauty with fake glasses and ill-fitting clothes. And she had to admit it felt good to wear the flattering outfit.

She tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach as his sleigh pulled up to the courtyard in front of Santa's castle.

Once again she was astonished by the magical feeling the structure emitted. Sternschnuppen blinked on and off like holiday beacons, and a fresh dusting of snow brought out a fairy-tale quality to the surroundings.

"What is it about this place that makes it so....so...incredible?"

Oskar laughed. "It really is something, isn't it? Nicholas'

wife was amazed the first time she saw it, too. I guess we all take it for granted."

"There's something really special about it. Gazing at it makes me feel hopeful, excited even. Why is that?"


"It's the Christmas spirit. This castle embodies it, all year long."

She blinked up at the castle, awed by the wonderful feeling. Christmas spirit wasn't something she experienced growing up. Her parents hardly remembered the holiday, and if they did there certainly was never a tree or any presents.

She wondered what it must be like to celebrate in this enchanted setting. She smiled to herself, imagining Oskar and his brothers gathered around a tree, ripping open their gifts and munching on candy canes.

"What's so funny? You're smiling." Oskar brushed her cheek softly.

"Oh, nothing. I was just imagining you and your brothers on Christmas morning. It must be very festive here." She stared down at her lap for a moment. "We didn't have a lot of Christmas spirit in Oahu when I was growing up. I was always jealous of Trish's family when I heard about their celebrations."

She glanced at Oskar who was scowling.

"Damn it...." He shook his head and grabbed her face in his hands. "Your parents couldn't pull it together for Christmas? God Almighty. I swear to you, Ki, this year I'm giving you a holiday you'll never forget. Tree-trimming, gingerbread-baking, eggnog-sipping, the whole enchilada."

She giggled and kissed him. "It's a deal. I definitely want to experience a Klaus-inspired Christmas."

The front door of the castle started flapping open and shut.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Sheesh. Someone's a little antsy this morning," Oskar said. He grabbed her hand and pulled 220

her out of the sleigh. As they approached the door, music began to play and luminaria lit up on the walkway.

"Oskar," she whispered. "What's going on?"

"We're being officially greeted by the Weihnachtsmann's house. She knows you're new and she's showing off," he said with a wink.

He rapped a brass knocker on the front door, and it was opened almost immediately. A three foot tall elf dressed in a green velvet jumper peered at them through the thickest glasses Kiana had ever seen.

"Hey Wilma. Long time no see." Oskar leaned down to kiss the old woman on her cheek.

She raked her eyes over Kiana several times and tsked.

"Hmm. Your parents didn't tell me you were bringing home a Suddie today. What's this all about?" She planted her hand on one hip and raised her eyebrows at Oskar.

"That's because they didn't know. Kiana Grant, this is Wilma, my parents' housekeeper. She's the real magik in this house."

Wilma laughed and waved a hand at Oskar. "Flattery will get you everywhere, you charmer. It's nice to meet you Kiana Grant. Well, good luck in there. Things are a little bit harried."

Kiana could hear the sound of raised voices coming from a room down the hallway.

"Come on, sweetheart." Oskar tucked her hand under his arm and led her to the great room.

Kiana's first impression was that the Christmas spirit was blazing inside the castle, too. A stunning tree reached to the top of the vaulted ceiling, covered with spun glass glittering in 221

the lights. An enormous fireplace was lit on one side of the room, where countless stockings dangled from the mantel.

Everywhere she looked was some sort of Christmas decoration....bowls of peppermint candies, Nutcracker collections, multi-colored poinsettias, and Santa-inspired knick knacks of all shapes and sizes.

She also realized that the pow wow was already well underway. Packs of elves were scattered around the room, yelling, shaking their heads, arguing in earnest. Some wore work clothes, others had long silken robes. She recognized all of Oskar's brothers, deep in conversation, and saw an older looking couple standing to one side of the room. Both had silvery colored hair, but neither looked geriatric. In fact, the man looked fit as a fiddle, buff even. He sported a well-trimmed goatee and was extremely handsome. His petite companion was adorable, with a pixie hair cut and bohemian clothes. She looked vibrant and energetic.

A sudden hush fell over the room and a myriad of eyes turned to stare at Kiana and Oskar. She gripped his hand tightly, uncomfortable being the center of attention. He chuckled and cleared his throat. "Well, that's a good way to get everyone settled down."

Gregor shook his head. "What in God's name is Kiana doing here, Oskar? Have you lost your mind?"

An ancient elf pointed at her with a shaky hand. "I don't recall being summoned about this. The Council has not granted permission for anyone to visit Glasdorf. Why—"

The elderly woman clapped her hands together. "All right, everyone. This is not a very warm greeting for Oskar's guest."


Her eyes twinkled merrily as she approached Kiana and Oskar, reaching out her arms for a hug. "Oskar, who is your lovely companion?"

Kiana found herself embraced by the woman, who patted her back affectionately.

"Mom, this is Kiana Grant. Kiana, this is my mom, Alena Klaus."

"It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Klaus," Kiana said, shocked that the vivacious woman was actually Santa's wife.

Alena's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, Oskar, she is just beautiful."

Sven shook his head. "Holy hellfire. Another one bites the dust."

Wolfie laughed. "I don't believe it. Looks like the player finally got played. And by a librarian no less."

"What's this about a librarian?" Another elf shuffled over to them. "I'm confused. Who exactly is a librarian?"

The elves started whispering to each other.

"I didn't know Oskar had a girlfriend. She's hot."

"First Nicholas, now Oskar. Maybe all the brothers will be paired up by the end of the year. That would be something now, wouldn't it?"

"Did someone say something about a pear?"

"Not a pear, you idiot, a berry. A berry."

"That makes no sense. I don't get it."

"Maybe Nicholas and Lucy are going to cook something with some fruit, like a blueberry pie or something like that."

"Hell, I hope so. I love blueberry pie."


"Hello. I think we met briefly at Gregor's party. I'm Lucy Klaus, Nicholas' wife." The gorgeous red-head held out her hand. "I'm so glad you're here. It's tough being the only outsider in Glasdorf."

Kiana smiled. "Actually, you look like you fit right in."

Nicholas slid his arm around Lucy's waist. "She sure does.

We got married on Boxing Day, and she's already part of the gang." The eldest Klaus brother stared adoringly into his new wife's eyes.

Kiana felt a quick flash of envy as she watched the two of them together. Lucy Klaus is a lucky woman. Her husband obviously worships her, and she's part of this wonderful family. Kiana snuck a glance at Oskar, who was staring at her intensely. He placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her tightly to his side, sending a clear message to everyone.

She leaned against his shoulder and sighed, grateful for his support.

"Hey Kiana. Fancy seeing you here," Sven said. He raised an eyebrow at Oskar. "Like living on the edge, bro? The Council's gonna rip you a new one..."

"Kiana!" Gabi raced across the room and threw herself into Kiana's arms. "I missed you," she whispered into her neck.

"Oh, honeybee, I missed you, too." Kiana hugged her tightly.

"You know Gabi?" asked Mrs. Klaus. "How is that possible?"

An ancient elf hobbled over to Oskar and poked him with a walking stick. "You certainly have some chutzpah, Oskar Klaus! You're on probation. You can't just waltz in here with a 224

Sudlander and expect us to ignore this brazen disrespect for our rules and regulations." Spittle flew from the elf's mouth.

"Enough!" A roar from the elderly man silenced the room.

He rubbed his forehead. "Alena, could you please get me an aspirin? For the love of God....It's just past breakfast and I'm already nursing a damned migraine." He sighed theatrically and frowned at Oskar. "What the hell is going on?"

Oskar laughed and pounded his father on the back. "Dad, this is Kiana Grant. She sort of....uh....accidentally ended up in Glasdorf. It was not intentional. She found my sleigh on the roof of Gregor's apartment, panicked when she saw Boris, and jumped into the trunk. She woke up here, found Gabi and went way beyond the call of duty to keep her safe and secure, and then the girls found me. That's it in a nutshell." He paused and gazed into Kiana's eyes. "She's an amazing person."

Kiana squeezed Oskar's hand in silent thanks. Her heart pounded as Santa inspected her from head to toe. He had a massive build, just like his sons. Impressive biceps bulged from a Swim Alcatraz T-shirt. His sparkling hazel eyes raked over her in assessment. He stroked his goatee and nodded his head.

Alena rubbed her husband's arm soothingly. "Now, don't start stressing out, honey. How about a cup of green tea to help you relax?"

"Wow." Kiana turned to Oskar. "Your parents are not at all what I was expecting," she whispered.

Alena chuckled. "An old couple with big bellies and gray hair? I suppose some of our ancestors may have looked like 225

that, but we're having too much fun competing in triathlons and marathons to be old-timers just yet."

"You should see all their trophies, Kiana," Wolfgang said, smiling at her stunned expression. "They're just a wee bit competitive."

"That's true," Sven agreed. "They're in way better shape than I am."

Santa leaned down and stared Kiana in the eyes, his expression grave. "Are you trustworthy, young lady?"

She nodded her head, afraid to speak.

"Can you keep a secret? A really big secret?"

An elf with a mohawk piped in. "A super big secret!"

"Yah," added another with a black leather jacket and a nose ring. "No Suddies can know about Glasdorf or we're toast!"

One of the elves in the silver robes inspected her and waved a hand in front of her face. A strange wavy gel appeared around her body, blue in color. "She's good," he said in a rough voice. "Well done, Oskar. She's got a kind heart." The elf smiled at her and shuffled away. Kiana turned to Oskar in bewilderment, not sure what was happening.

Suddenly, Santa swept her up into a bear hug with no warning whatsoever. One moment her feet were on the ground, and the next she was suspended in the air, being squeezed by Santa Claus himself. He finally set her back on the floor and she struggled to catch her breath.

"Geez, dad, don't suffocate my girlfriend." Oskar pulled her back into his arms. "You okay?"


She nodded again. Mr. Klaus had a huge grin on his face, complete with a charming dimple.

I guess Santa likes me!

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Klaus. I can keep a secret. I would never tell anyone about Glasdorf, I swear. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just want to make sure Gabi is okay, and hopefully help you find Wiebe so he doesn't hurt anyone else."

"Thank you so much for taking care of Gabi," Alena said with a concerned expression. "Nick and I are very upset that Wiebe was neglecting this beautiful little girl." She reached down to squeeze Gabi's hand. "Thank you, dear."

An ancient elf ambled over to Kiana and bowed. "Any Sudlander who looks out for a troubled child is welcome here in Glasdorf." He paused and flipped a long braid over one shoulder. "Even though Oskar did not follow proper protocol, the Council appreciates your concern for young Gabi. Thank you very much, Miss Grant." He held out a gnarled hand to Kiana and she shook it, dumbfounded by his announcement.

Santa cleared his throat. "Well, Oskar, I can see this young woman is very important to you."

Oskar nodded and pulled Kiana tightly against him. "She is," he answered.

Santa smiled and turned to Kiana. "Well then, I would like to welcome you to Glasdorf, Miss Grant. Unfortunately, I wish it were under better circumstances. Alena and I will make sure Gabi is taken care of. But I'd rather not involve you in this investigation. Wiebe's dangerous and I don't want you getting hurt."


"I totally agree with that," Oskar added. "Boris, Ingo, any news I should know about?"

Boris ambled over to Oskar, a half-smoked cigar dangling from his mouth.

"Boris Kohl! There is no smoking in the Weihnachtsmann's house!" Mrs. Klaus held an ashtray under his face, and Boris spit out the cigar. He blushed and mumbled an apology under his breath.

Ingo and Lys approached Oskar with their hands clasped.

Ingo cleared his scratchy throat. "It's like Wiebe just disappeared. We can't find him anywhere. I think he's using Dark Magik to cloak himself."

Master Eugen joined in their conversation. "I agree with Ingo. It appears that Wiebe has lifted some very old, very powerful spell books from the Bibliothek Magik. I thought they were protected, but unfortunately he has found a way to access these tomes. We must find him and neutralize his influence before he does irreparable harm to our village."

Boris turned to Eugen. "Is there any way the Bandigers can find him using their magik? A way to uncloak him, so to speak?"

Sven raised an eyebrow. "This is sounding suspiciously like a Star Trek episode."

Santa frowned at Sven, silencing him. "Boris has a good point. What do you think, Master Eugen?"

He shook his head. "It may be possible. I'm not sure."

"I threw some magik darts at him when he ran from the Bibliothek. If I can get close enough to him, I think I can use them to paralyze him briefly," Ingo said.


"Brilliant, Ingo! Excellent strategy." Eugen patted his shoulder warmly.

Lys shot Santa a worried look. "Wiebe almost killed Ingo once. I'd rather not give him another chance to finish the job."

A sudden commotion in the hallway caught everyone's attention. They turned to find two panicked elves stumble into the great room.

"Good God! What happened to the two of you?" Santa rushed forward to catch one of the elves before he fell on his face. His clothes were ripped, and bloody scratches covered his body. Oskar slipped an arm around his companion and helped him to sit on a sofa. "What happened, Kurt? You look like you've been through a war." He took a hand towel from his mother and wrapped it tightly around the elf's arm, where a bloody gash was oozing.

"Wasn't war. It was Wiebe. The bastard conjured up some Teufelchen at Dag's Bar. We're under attack!"

"What are Teufelchen?" Kiana asked Oskar.

"Little devils." Oskar shook his head. "Have you seen the movie Gremlins?"

"Uh huh," she answered.

"You know the evil gremlins who rip apart that town and wreak havoc?"

Kiana swallowed nervously. "Yeah, they're monsters."

"Exactly," Ingo agreed. "Teufelchen are demons created with Dark Magik. They are evil and destructive..."

"Maniacal..." added Kurt.


"Unpredictable," concluded Eugen. "Wiebe must be stopped!"

Alena brought a pitcher of water over to the battered elves and began to wipe their grimy faces.

Kiana poured some into glasses and offered it to them.

They nodded their thanks and drank greedily.

Oskar sighed. "Teufelchen make those gremlins from the movie look like a bunch of German choir boys. We gotta get to Dag's and take them down. Kurt, how many elves are in the bar right now?"

"I'd say....maybe fifty? We were just starting a dart competition. The little devils popped up out of nowhere and started brawling. Josef and I escaped out the back door before they locked the place down. Dag's pissed."

"Any sign of Wiebe? Was he there too?" Oskar asked.

"Nope. Didn't actually see Wiebe. But one of the Teufelchen swaggered into the bar and announced that Wiebe had sent over a present for all of us. And then a bunch of little devils waltzed in and all hell broke loose."

Santa put a comforting arm around Oskar's shoulders. "All right, son. What do you think we should do?"

Oskar stood up and Kiana was shocked by the look on his face. He was in full warrior mode now. He looked furious and determined, his emerald eyes glittering fiercely. He turned to his brothers.

"You guys ready to party?"

"Hell, yeah. What do you want us to do?" Sven asked.

Wolfie stepped forward. "It's time to clean house. Wiebe's stepped way over the line."


Gregor and Nicholas nodded in agreement. "What do you think, O?"

"I think we should break up into five groups, each headed up by a Klaus. We'll approach Dag's from different directions—north, south, east and west. And the last group can see if there's a way in from the roof. Take a posse of about twenty elves each." He turned to his father. "I'd like you to stay here and keep watch over the ladies. I don't like the fact that Wiebe isn't at Dag's right now. It's making me uneasy."

Santa nodded. "I hear that. I'll keep a couple dozen elves with me here, and the Council. If anything happens, you let me know right away. Our healers will be ready."

Eugen reached for Oskar and clutched his forearm.

"Unfortunately, I'll have to stay behind as well, Oskar. I am not feeling too well today. Getting old is difficult, I'm afraid."

He winced as he said the words. The master turned to Ingo.

"You'll be the Bandiger in charge at Dag's today. Use your magik wisely, friend. I have every confidence in you."

"Don't worry, Master Eugen. I won't let you down," Ingo said gravely.

Kiana grabbed onto Oskar's arm as he started to head out of the great room. "Oskar...."

He smiled at her and pulled her to him for a quick kiss.

"Don't worry, Moon Goddess. You'll be safe here with my Dad."

"I'm not worried about me! I'm worried about you." She ran a finger along his stubbly chin. "Please be careful," she whispered. He leaned down for a more leisurely kiss.


"I promise. You take good care of Gab. We'll be back soon."

Kiana watched as Lucy hugged Nicholas, and Lys leaned her teary face against Ingo's shoulder. Then, the five giant Klaus brothers took off like a pack of avenging angels, with a parade of shouting elves following close behind. Gabi clutched Kiana's hand tightly, her face pale and pinched.

Just as the group exited the Weihnachtsmann's house, she heard Oskar say, "Let's get ready to rumble."

And then they were gone.