Sweet Magik

Chapter Fifteen

Oskar approached his cottage, rubbing a weary hand over his face. It was hours past his meeting with Ingo, and after searching unsuccessfully for Wiebe, he was just now returning home.

He nodded to the elves standing watch at the front door.

"Any trouble this evening?"

Bruno shook his head. "Nope. Quiet here, O. How'd the search go for Wiebe?"

Dirk flipped the long tail of his beard over one shoulder.

"Did you find the son of a bitch? Hope you let 'em have it."

Oskar sighed and shook his head. "Didn't find him. We'll search some more in the morning. Thanks guys, for keeping an eye out here. I was worried Wiebe might decide to fry my house." And everyone inside.

"No prob, Boss. We'll see you tomorrow. Let us know if you need us again." The two elves ambled off.

The pane of stained glass on the front of his door swirled a greeting to him. Normally the snowflake-shaped pieces of glass shimmered in blues and greens, but whenever he entered the house, they exploded into a sunburst of gold and amber. All of the Klaus residences in Glasdorf were protected by Light Magik warding spells. If Wiebe ever attempted to disrupt his cottage, the glass would issue a warning.

He stepped into the foyer and threw his coat onto a bench.

Gabi was safely ensconced in his father's place for the night.

His mom had invited her for a "slumber party" so she could 200

get to know the young girl and determine the best family for placement. Even though he knew it was for the best, the idea of Gabi starting over with a new family left him disconcerted.

Kiana wasn't too happy with those arrangements, either.

He'd left her reluctantly at his cottage with strict instructions to keep a low profile and pilfer his library until he got home.

He didn't want anyone to know she was there, especially Wiebe. The rogue elf was unpredictable, and Oskar had an uneasy feeling he'd stop at nothing to hurt the Klaus family and those close to them.

"Oskar? Are you back?" She peeked around the door to the foyer and her face lit up when she saw him. "Thank God, you're all right!" She raced around the corner and flew into his arms.

He shut his eyes in bliss as she plastered herself against his weary body and clung to him, nuzzling his neck.

What an amazing welcome home. I could totally get used to this....

Kiana pulled back and searched his face. "Did you find him? Did anyone get hurt? Any word from your mom about Gabi?" She nibbled on her lip nervously. "Is Gabi okay? Did they find a family for her....?"

Oskar tightened his arms around her waist. "Slow down, Nelly. I guess you've been going out of your head waiting here for the last couple of hours." He leaned forward and kissed her tempting mouth, trying to distract her.

Unfortunately, he ended up distracting himself, and the two of them continued to kiss for several minutes before he remembered her questions.


He cleared his throat. "To answer your questions....no, we did not find Wiebe. We'll have to organize another search tomorrow. I just checked in with my mom before I got home and she said Gabi's having a great time. They're playing games in front of the fire. Scrabble's her favorite."

Kiana blinked and looked down at the floor. He tilted her chin up with his hand. "Gabi took the phone into the bathroom to tell me she misses you. She knows she can't let my parents know you're here and she's being extra careful not to say anything."

"Sorry, I'm just worried about her." She rubbed her misty eyes. "Until Wiebe is caught, it makes me nervous that she's out of my sight. Dumb, huh?"

"No, not dumb at all. I was worried about you every second I was gone today, even with Bruno and Dirk here watching the cottage." He rubbed her back.

Kiana sighed. "It was really tough for me listening to Gabi's story today. I hate hearing about how Wiebe neglected her and hurt her..." A tear dripped down her cheek. "It brings back a lot of awful memories for me. I don't want her to suffer any more..."

Oskar pulled Kiana down onto the bench and wrapped his arms around her. "Tell me what happened, Ki. Tell me about Hawaii. You said you have siblings. Did they help you out?"

She shook her head. "I have three older brothers.

Mak'alohi owns a surf shop. Hoku cooks at one of those fish shacks on the beach. And Wainani is a fisherman. They're a lot older than I am."


He nodded. "So, you had to deal with older brothers, too. I know what it's like to be the youngest in the family and have older brothers breathing down your neck. Did they drive you crazy while you were growing up?" He brushed a strand of hair from her face.

"No, not really. I'm a lot younger than them, so they were pretty much off on their own by the time I showed up. Busy with their own lives...."

"Too busy to check up on their little sister?" He tried to keep the anger out of his voice, but he kept picturing Kiana fighting for the banana, and thought it would have been nice if her brothers had checked in on her once in a while.

"To tell you the truth, I think I made them uncomfortable.

They didn't want to deal with me. Hoku was stoned most of the time, Mak was busy with his place, and Wain could barely take care of himself, let alone a little sister."

Oskar gazed into Kiana's beautiful eyes, shocked by the hurt he saw there. "And how about your parents, Ki? Where the hell were they when you were little?"

She touched his chin gently, dragging her fingers across the stubble. "You're mad at them. I can hear it in your voice."

"Tell me. I want to hear it from you." He ran his hand soothingly up and down her back.

"They were like a couple of kids. Looking for a tropical paradise in Oahu. Drugs, surfing, sex, living on the beach.

Seems like fun and games until you start having babies, and suddenly there are kids depending on you." She took a ragged breath and continued. "My mom and dad were just too far gone to take care of us. Two Haole stoners with dread 203

locks, passed out on the beach. The kids were just a nuisance."

She turned to him. "I learned how to take care of myself. I knew how to scavenge for food or do odd jobs for scraps. As I got older, I became obsessed with reading." She smiled at him sheepishly. "I sort of lived at our little public library, dreaming of alternate realities. I spent a lot of time surfing, too. It kept me sane, kept me focused on something I could control."

Oskar frowned. "I can't believe no one looked out for you.

Social services should have been called."

She sighed. "My parents kept moving. We'd hang out at one beach for a while, then hop to another one. Sometimes, a shop owner or tourist would try to help out. Trish's family took me in whenever they were on the island. They have a vacation house there."

"Thank God for Trish. She's a good friend, isn't she?"

Kiana smiled. "She's the best. Trish and Mr. Brockman are more family to me than my own blood brothers and parents will ever be."

"How'd you end up in Manhattan anyway? It seems a million miles away from your life in Hawaii." He was curious to see if she'd admit to having her heart broken by the a*shole surfer.

"There was a part of me yearning so fiercely for a stable family, a home and a husband, children." She swallowed and stared out the window. "I thought...well, I had foolish fantasies about finding those things with someone who wasn't right for me." She shook her head. "Trish decided to go to 204

New York for grad school, and I decided to join her. I wanted to study library science and work on the mainland. She generously offered me a place to stay while I enrolled in school."

Oskar leaned forward and kissed Kiana gently. "You are an amazing person, Kiana. Gabi is lucky you found her. I wish..."

He stopped suddenly, afraid his voice would crack if he continued.

"What? You wish what?"

He shot her a bittersweet smile. "I wish I could give you the childhood you deserved. I feel so blessed to have my brothers, my parents, even the elves here in Glasdorf..." He rested his forehead against hers. "I know this place must seem crazy to you, but I've always felt safe here. It makes me sick to think of you fending for yourself as a child.

Literally, sick. I'd like to strangle your parents and your brothers. They should have looked out for you."

"It's okay, Oskar. It's all in the past. I'm happy now. I have good friends and a job I love. Security, finally." She rested her head against his shoulder and sighed.

"You feel safe here with me, right?" He held his breath for a moment, praying he'd finally earned her trust.

She glanced up into his face and smiled. "Of course. Don't look so worried. I...I love being with you. You are an unexpected treasure, just like the books hidden in the back of Brockman's."

He pulled her tightly against him and kissed her neck.

"That's good to hear. I'm glad."


Mr. Brockman and Trish aren't the only ones looking out for you, Moon Goddess. Whether you like it or not, Santa's youngest son is falling for you. And I'll never let you down.

Oskar bit back a yawn, feeling the effects of his hours-long search in the freezing cold.

Kiana frowned. "You must be exhausted. Do you want me to fix us some dinner?"

"Actually, I'm chilled to the bone. Let me jump in a hot shower and then we'll grab something to eat."

She pulled back and looked at him shyly. "Would you....would you....like some company in the shower?"

His hand froze on her back. "Are you kidding? Don't tease me like that..."

She reached up and stroked his lips with a gentle touch.

"I'm not kidding," she whispered. "I...I need you tonight."

He gazed intently into her aquamarine eyes. He didn't see any doubts. She looked emotional, somewhat vulnerable, but also strong and self-assured.

And sexy as hell.

She wanted him, and he'd be damned if he'd disappoint her.

He'd been longing to touch her since that first meeting at Gregor's party, and now the opportunity was finally here. All he could think about was pleasuring her until she melted, filling her up with joy and contentment. He wanted to erase every unhappy memory from her past, and replace it with magik.

"I need you, too. Come on." He stood and picked her up in his arms, heading toward the bedroom.


She buried her face against his neck and inhaled. "You smell so good. Natural, earthy...like an evergreen forest." Her mouth moved over his skin, nibbling, licking, arousing him instantly. Just as he got to the bathroom, he felt her suck hard on his neck. He moaned and leaned against the door frame for support.

"What are you doing, sweetheart?"

"Turn-about's fair play. You gave me a love bite, and now you have one, too," she said with a saucy tone.

He stared down at her flushed face and smiled....a wicked, knowing smile that made her eyes widen in response. He set her down and crossed to the shower stall to turn on the water. It didn't take long for the room to fill with steam. He turned back and raised an eyebrow.

"No more hiding. No more fake glasses, no more librarian hair..." He reached behind her head to yank the barrette out of her bun, and a sheet of silken chestnut hair tumbled down her back. She gasped as Oskar roughly grabbed a handful and tugged her into his arms.

"I've been wanting to do that since the night I met you.

You were driving me crazy, you know that?"

She smiled. " You were driving me crazy. I couldn't figure out if you were a punk or an intellectual...or just plain sexy."

She ran her hands over his chest and sighed. "Snowboarding is obviously good exercise."

He chuckled. "Maybe I'm all three. You, however, need to lose the librarian garb." He licked his lips and started to tug off her clothes. "I can't wait to see you, touch your perfect skin."


Suddenly, it became a frenzy of flinging clothes flying all over the bathroom. Ripping shirts, shredding pants, boots kicked off, socks sailing across the tiles. When the whirlwind was over, they faced each other, breathing hard. She was beyond beautiful, even more than he could have imagined. A toned, curvaceous body...long, shapely legs...soft, creamy skin...and lush breasts topped with aroused pink nipples he couldn't wait to taste. He swallowed and reached out a shaky hand to stroke the curve of her hip.

"God, look at you," he croaked.

"Look at you," she answered in a hushed voice as her hands reverently caressed his chest, dancing over his collection of tattoos. "These designs are beautiful. What's this one?" She touched his ivy band.

"Our Klaus family special. It's holly and ivy with a "K" in the middle. All of my brothers have one." He was surprised to see tears in her eyes. "What's wrong, Ki?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. It's just....I guess I'm a little bit nervous. It's been such a long time and you're so incredible."

He held back a groan as her sweet hands found his erection, stroking it until he was on fire. "Come here." He pulled her into the misty shower stall and they both sighed with pleasure as the steaming water cascaded over their bodies. Wet, slick skin rubbed enticingly against him, igniting every cell in his body. Finally free of her armor, Kiana was a fantasy come true. He grabbed her face and devoured her mouth, nipping and licking at her sexy lips. He was vaguely aware of her hands exploring him everywhere...trailing down 208

his back, over his butt, back to his shaft which already felt close to an imminent explosion.

Panting heavily, he spun her around to press her against the wall. He extended her slender arms over her head and held them in place with one hand. The other started a leisurely investigation of her back, which arched in invitation.

Her ass was divine—curvy, tight, sweet as hell. And just above her tailbone was the little mermaid he'd been dreaming about. Wisps of chestnut hair curled tantalizing around its pretty face. Sea shells covered a voluptuous chest, and a turquoise tail glittered flirtatiously. It was Kiana! He laughed and let his hand trail down the sexy curve of her back. Then smack! —he gave her a spank on her tempting arse.

She gasped and peeked over her shoulder. "What was that for?"

He held her firmly in place and spanked her again. "That's for the bun in your hair and the fake glasses."

Spank! Kiana giggled.

"That's for the hideous gray suit."

She wriggled her butt in anticipation. "Anything else?" she inquired in an unusually husky voice.

"Yeah..." Spank! "That's for lying to me about your tattoo."

She stilled and whispered, "Oh...I forgot about that."

He rubbed the rosy skin on her ass. "Uh huh. Anything else I should know about you? Hidden piercings?"

She laughed. "Nope. No piercings. Trish wants me to pierce my belly button, but I'm holding out." She pulled her hands free of his clasp and reached back to grasp his hips, 209

pulling him closer to her body. "Um...do you like the mermaid, Bad Boy? She likes your snowflakes."

Oskar's breath was ragged now. He pressed the length of his body against Kiana's back. His hair-dusted skin, covered with tattoos, contrasted with her pale, smooth flesh. "My tats are digging your mermaid, sweetheart." One hand reached around her to cup the fullness of her breasts and tease her nipples. The other hand grazed the soft hair between her thighs and slipped inside her creamy folds, searching for treasure. She shuddered and moaned.

"Like that, do you?"

She nodded her head and whimpered. "Oh my God, please don't stop, Oskar. Don't stop..."

Her hips were undulating against him. Her center was creamy and hot, working against his questing fingers.

"I need to be inside you." He spun her around and was completely undone by the sensual look in her eyes. Kiana looked like a sea nymph, with water running down every inch of her skin, her hair slicked back, her tempting body aroused almost to orgasm. "Birth control?" he whispered hoarsely, ready to jump from the shower and search for condoms.

Kiana shook her head, "I'm protected. It's okay." She pulled him closer to her and licked her lips.

Oskar sighed with relief. He lifted one of her long, sexy legs to hook around his thigh, and positioned himself at her entrance. She tilted her hips and the head of his sex slipped inside. Slowly, he worked himself deeper, until he was completely immersed within her body.

I'm home.


This was where he belonged. Inside of her. She was hot, tight, welcoming. Steam swirled around them in the shower, the sound of waves rushed inside his ears, the scent of tropical flowers filled the misty air. They both watched in fascination as his shaft disappeared into her body. It was the sexiest thing he'd ever witnessed.

Kiana moaned, tightening her muscles around him. "I can't believe how good you feel," she whispered. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pushed herself forward. "Please, please....move....Oskar...."

She was almost incoherent with need, and he was too damned close to ignore her wishes. His fingers teased her sweet bud while he rocked against her, plunging deeper and deeper. She pushed herself up with each thrust of his hips, grinding against him. Her nails dug into his back and her mouth bit his neck, throwing him into a tailspin of pleasure and pain.

His body was working on autopilot now, slapping happily against her, pushing her to fulfillment. Her tongue snuck into his mouth and he sucked on it as his release came close to the boiling point, insistent and raging. As soon as he felt her tighten around him, he let himself go.

She shouted his name over and over again, writhing against him like an ancient goddess, offering herself for his pleasure.

He pumped one last time and his shaft pulsed with a release so intense, he could barely stay upright. Closing his eyes in utter contentment, his body trembled as he continued to stroke her skin.


When his eyes finally opened, he blinked in astonishment.

Fragile white petals and crystalline snowflakes rained down upon them from the ceiling. Sparkling sternschnuppen danced around the shower, singing and dancing, twirling around their bodies.

Kiana gasped and turned her face upward. Snowflakes melted on her cheeks, petals dusted her hair. She tightened her hold around his neck and laughed.

"Oskar, what's happening?" The blinking lights buzzed along her arms, jumped onto his shoulders and tumbled down to his tattoos, tickling him mercilessly.

He laughed and shook his head, spraying petals all over the shower. "I have no clue, but these petals remind me of you. You always smell like some gorgeous, exotic flower."

She giggled and blinked as more petals and snowflakes fell around them. "The snowflakes remind me of you, Mr. Sexy Snowboarding Hunk." She smiled shyly and rubbed her face across his wet chest. She kissed one of his nipples and he clenched his teeth. "Has this ever happened to you before?"

One firefly rested on the tip of her nose, and he kissed it off.

He barked out a laugh. "What? You mean flowers and snow and sternschnuppen in the shower? Nope. I can honestly say this is a first for me. How about you?"

She shot him a glorious smile that left him breathless.

"Nope. First time for me, too." She leaned forward and kissed his chin. "This is the most wonderful moment of my life, Oskar. Thank you," she added, softly.

He'd always wondered what it would feel like to be so possessive of a woman that you'd want to mark her as your 212

own. Now he knew. He was glad he'd filled her with a part of himself, branded her with his scent.

"You are my fantasy come true, Kiana Grant. You feel like heaven." He rained kisses all over her face, whispering how beautiful she was, how good she felt, how much he loved being inside her. They couldn't stop touching each other or whispering in the shower. Eventually, the petals and snowflakes stopped falling, the sternschnuppen fizzled out, and the water turned cool.

He dried her off with a soft, fluffy towel, wrapped her in his bathrobe and ordered pizza from Klaus Kuche. They spent the rest of the night nibbling on pizza in bed, nibbling on each other, and finally falling asleep in each other's arms. Just as he drifted off, he gazed at Kiana bathed in moonlight from his bedroom window and smiled.

I've fallen in love with a Moon Goddess.