Stolen: Warriors of Hir, Book 3

She found the galley easily enough, and even recognized some of the food there. She grabbed a piece of cali fruit, munching while she searched through the more substantial selections.


“There is kartlet,” Ke’lar suggested, joining her. “It is not of my hunting but I would be pleased to prepare it for you.”


“I can cook, you know,” she said, fingering the cali in her hand. “Kinda . . . if it’s Earth stuff.”


“There is nothing more I can do until we reach the jump point and the ship is set to bring us there.” He offered a smile. “And I like to cook.”


“Roasted, right? You said that’s your specialty.”


He chuckled. “I had hoped to impress you.”


“You did,” she said softly.


He was as efficient in the kitchen of a spaceship as he was in the forest of his own world and he soon had their meal ready.


Summer inhaled deeply as he placed the plate in front of her at the ship’s table. The furniture was affixed to the floor and Ke’lar gave her a proud look as he took a seat across from her.


At the first taste she closed her eyes in appreciation. “Oh, man, this is amazing.”


He grinned. “I am very glad it pleases you.”


Apparently he was as hungry as she because he cleaned his plate, and a second helping before she finished her first.


“Seriously,” she said, savoring her last bite of kartlet. “You should have been a chef instead of a warrior.”


He gave a huffing chuckle. “My father would have been scandalized.”


She bit her lip. “I’ll bet he’s pretty scandalized now, Ke’lar . . .” She wrapped her hands around her water cup. “What will happen when you return home?”


“I do not know,” he rumbled. “And I do not care. Once you are safe—our daughter is safe—what happens to me is unimportant.”


“Of course it’s important! Everyone is furious with you.”


“Not as angry as you when you thought I’d left you to Ar’rar.” He tilted his head, his vibrant eyes crinkled with humor. “Do you still wish me suffering in the underworld?”


She gave a faint smile. “No, I take back the ‘rot in hell’ thing. And you didn’t answer my question. Will they banish you permanently for taking me home?”


“I think they will be far angrier that I have returned you with your memories intact. By doing so I have broken Hir law and endangered all g’hir who follow me to Earth. Humans on your world are to have no knowledge of us.” He gave a rueful smile. “I am not sorry for that either.”


“My memories aren’t worth sending you back to a life of misery,” she said hoarsely.


He cupped her cheek. “I could not bear for you to forget me. To forget that you once loved me. To remember that I will always love you.”


Summer’s vision swam. “How long do we have?”


“Not long,” he rumbled.


She entwined her fingers with his and stood, leading him to the bedroom. It too was meant for xenari, less a bed than a large padded floor.


His bright gaze was pained. “Summer . . .”


“I know,” she whispered hoarsely.


He nodded—a human gesture. His nose brushed hers in a g’hir kiss, and then he cupped her chin to touch his mouth to hers tenderly.


She wound her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, relishing the taste of him, breathing in his spicy scent. She shivered as his purr started, soft and deep. He flicked his tongue against the inner part of her lip, his rumbling sending heat curling between her thighs.


He made short work of her gown, a rush of air raising goose bumps on her skin as the fabric slid away.


His gaze was fevered, his purr vibrating through her. “Are you cold?”


Mute with need, she shook her head.


Ke’lar gave a faint smile, pulling at his own clothing, bare in moments. “Good.”


His fingers brushed her breastbone and his hands moved lower. She gasped at the sensation as he traced her nipples, his hands dipping to her waist. He bent his knees, taking her with him to the softness of the floor.


He coaxed her thighs open and she shivered as he ran his fingers down the inside of her thighs.


“I have longed to do this,” he said huskily, then his lips were tracing the path his fingers had followed. Summer’s breath drew in sharply as his mouth found her clit, his hands cupping her buttocks to hold her.


Her hands were threading through his black hair, the flicks of his tongue and the growling-purring rumble sending tingling fire racing between her legs. She arched against him, gasping, as she came, and then Ke’lar was spreading her wider, sliding easily into her, filling her to the hilt with his slick hot cock.


Ke’lar’s brilliant gaze held hers as he rocked inside her.


His hips picked up speed. “My Summer . . .”


“I love you,” she managed a moment before she contracted hard around him.


His purr thrummed through her and he moved faster, deeper, drumming against her with a g’hir’s speed. His fangs flashed then he was pulsing hard inside her.


He raised his head then to meet her gaze.


Willow Danes's books