
I rested against him, closing my eyes as he washed my hair slowly and tenderly without saying a word. For a while I just got lost in his touch and the music. I didn't know if it was all of the sex the night before, or the lack of sleep, or the heat from the bath, or the glass of champagne, but I felt tipsy, drunk on him.


I slid underneath the water and rinsed my hair, and when I came up, Silas pulled me against him on top of his lap, his hardness evident.


"I want you," he said, guiding the head of his cock to my entrance. I rocked on him little by little, sliding onto his length until he was fully inside me. My hair fell forward, dripping, sending little rivulets of water running down his face as my lips found his. I didn't say anything, just moved against him, slowly at first, and then harder as I became more aroused. Silas gripped my ass, grinding me down on him.


"Tempest," he said, his voice hoarse. "I don't think you have a clue what you do to me."


I moaned, my tongue catching on his teeth as I kissed him harder, pressing my breasts against his chest. He cupped one of my breasts in his hand, then covered it with his mouth, swirling his tongue around my nipple, and sucking me as I rode him.


"That's it," he growled. "Take it deeper. Ride my cock."


My movements became faster as I took him deeper inside me. He grabbed a handful of hair and pulled my head back as he kissed me hungrily, his teeth grazing over my cheeks, my jawline, and down my neck.


"Fuck me, Silas," I demanded, placing my palms on the edge of the tub behind him to brace myself.


When I slipped, Silas growled. "This damn bathtub," he said, lifting me off his cock. "Out. Now."


I stepped out of the tub and tossed Silas a towel, pausing to watch the water run down his body. He wrapped me in the towel, patting me down hastily before he gave himself a quick brush down with it, then dropped it on the ground.


We walked out of the bathroom, me first, backwards so I could look at him.


"What are you looking at?" he asked, grinning.




"Do you like what you see?"


I smiled and rolled my eyes. "You just want me to stroke your ego."


He nodded and wiggled his eyebrows, the gesture exaggerated. "That's not all I fucking want you to stroke," he said.


I laughed. "Filthy boy."


"You seem to bring it out of me," he said, reaching for me, and I side-stepped him. "Oh, is that how it's going to be? I will chase you down if I have to."


"Come and get me then," I said, turning and heading through the room. From behind me, Silas laughed, catching me as I rounded the hallway.


"Good thinking," he said, picking me up, his hands under my ass. I wrapped my legs around his waist. "I haven't had you in this room yet."






Tempest laughed. "So you're going to have me everywhere in this hotel suite?"


I looked at her. "Did you think I was fucking joking?" I asked. "It's been seven years since I've seen you. I've got a lot of pent up shit to work out with you."


That was a goddamned understatement.


Besides, I was going back home, not sticking around in Vegas. Who the hell even knew where Tempest was going, or where she lived anymore? If I was going to work out all this angst with her, now was my only option.


"You're going to work it out by fucking me all over this hotel, then?" Tempest asked.


"That seems like as good of a plan as any," I said. "I told you I was going to take you all over here. I just haven't decided where the hell I want you."


The grand piano was just sitting there, taunting me.


So I walked over to it, still holding Tempest, and she glanced over her shoulder, laughing. "The piano?" she asked. “Really?”


“What?” I asked. “The top of it is down. I’m sure it can hold you.”


“Oh, just me, then?” she asked. “You’re not about to climb up there with me?”


“Well, let’s not be fucking ridiculous,” I said, setting her ass on the edge of the piano and pushing apart her thighs.


Tempest laughed, leaning forward, her hair spilling over her forehead and obscuring her eyes. “You’re the one putting my naked ass on top of a piano,” she said. “Who do you think you are, Christian what's-his-name?”


I pulled her forward so that her ass was on the edge, and bent down, touching my tongue to her. “You taste so fucking sweet, I can't help it,” I said. “And who the hell is Christian? I hope you're not talking about a boyfriend.”


She didn't answer, just let out a moan as I began to lick her slowly, carefully, my tongue exploring her before I focused on her clit. Tempest grasped the back of my head, pushed me tighter against her and I pulled back. "So?" I asked.


“So, what?” she murmured, her breath ragged.


“Who's this Christian guy?”


“You know. From that book, the BDSM one,” she said, and I covered her clit again just to tease her, sucking it into my mouth and eliciting another moan from her. I teased her entrance with my tongue, her taste sweet and salty at the same time. "I can't...remember...the name...right now."


“I was thinking that eating you out on the piano would be more like that movie, the one with the rich businessman and the prostitute.” I slid my finger inside her, stroking her gently while I returned my mouth to her clit.


Sabrina Paige's books