
I touched my hand to my mouth, shook my head. Why the hell did a silly little nickname make me feel so damn...nostalgic?


Silas’ hand came up to mine, and he pulled my fingers away from my mouth, then drew the inside of my wrist against his lips before he dragged them up the inside of my forearm. The act made me shiver. Moving both palms up my arms to my shoulders, he hesitated at the straps on my dress, then slid his hands around my back, finding the zipper. When it stuck, he stopped, spinning me around so that my back faced him, and tugged harder. “Is this some trick chastity dress or what?” he asked.


He kissed my neck, distracting me to no end while he tried the zipper again. “I’m going to rip this goddamned dress right off you in the next two seconds if it doesn't come undone,” he said, before the zipper finally gave way and the dress dropped to the floor.


And then Silas’ hands were on me, covering me, traveling up the sides of my hips, over the flesh of my ass he’d playfully smacked before, and across my back. I couldn’t help but let out a moan at his touch.


With him standing behind me and my eyes closed, I was transported to being seventeen again, back when his touch was the most familiar thing in the world. It was like returning to the one place I’d lived that felt like a home to me. Being touched by the only person who’d ever felt like home.


“Please, Silas,” I whispered.


He slid his hands around me, cupped my breasts, his erection pressed firmly against the flesh of my ass. “I knew you could say please.”


I groaned. The shithead had been waiting for me to beg him. “Stop screwing around and just fuck me already,” I said.


He made a sound that was something between a laugh and a roar. Gripping my wrists, he yanked them down to the small of my back and pushed me closer toward one of the windows that overlooked the city. He pulled my arms up roughly, pinning my palms against the window above my head.


Then he ran his hands down my arms from my fingertips to my shoulder, kissing my ear and then my neck, the roughness of his five o' clock shadow against my skin making every movement even more delicious. He reached between my legs, then drew back his fingers. “Shit, you’re wet,” he said, his voice guttural.


“Of course I am,” I said. “I’m begging you to fuck me over here.”


“Well, I’ll have mercy on you then. You won’t have to beg anymore.” He pressed his erect cock against my entrance, and then stopped. “Shit. Hang on. Condom.”


I turned to look at him over my shoulder. “I don’t have any. You have some, right?”


“I don’t - I mean...” He stopped, shaking his head. “Jesus Christ, Tempest, I’m not exactly having a lot of sex, all right?”


He sounded exasperated, and I couldn’t help but hide a smile. It’s not like I had sex lately. Lately meaning the last seven years since I’d last seen Silas.


I was aware that was fucking ridiculous. Ludicrous. I was a grown woman.


But it was complicated. I didn't intend to not have sex with anyone else. I just never found anyone else. I was Silas’ first, and he had ended up being my only.


It was like coming full circle.


But I didn’t tell him there’d been no one else.


“I’m on the pill, and I’m clean,” I said. “Are you?”


“I’m clean, Tempest,” he said. “And it’s been a while since I’ve had sex.”


Not as long as it had been for me.


“Well,” I said, returning my hands to where he’d put them on the window. “What are we waiting for, then?”


“Are you sure?” he asked.


I arched my ass out toward him. “Stop asking questions and put your cock in me, before I shut your mouth up another way.”


“Are you threatening to shut me up by sitting on my face?" he whispered, his mouth close to my ear. I felt him tease my entrance with his cock. "I think I might like that way of shutting me up."


“Another time,” I said. “Right now, I want you inside me.”


He stopped at my entrance, taunting me with his hardness. “Tell me.”


“Tell you what?”


“Tell me how you want me, Tempest.”


My body responded with a gush of wetness at the thought. “I want to feel you,” I said.


“Like this?” he asked, sliding himself inside me inch by inch, at an excruciatingly slow pace. “You want to feel my hard cock inside you?”


I moaned at the welcome intrusion and then again when he started moving, slowly at first, then gaining momentum. He kneaded my breasts, his thumbs circling around my nipples, the sensitivity heightening my arousal. I moaned his name over and over as he built up a rhythm, plunging his bare cock inside me as deep as it could go.


We'd never done this, completely unprotected, skin against skin, even as teenagers. So I guess this was another first time with him.


Sabrina Paige's books