Saved by the Rancher

chapter Fifty-Nine

DAVID SEETHED WHEN security escorted him out of the boardroom. This was his company, his building. These people worked for him.

He allowed them to walk him to his office where he promptly entered and shut the door in their faces. He headed straight for his desk and unlocked the side drawer. Taking out the gun, he held it up looking at the cold metal.

She won’t get away with this. She’s not leaving this building alive. She thinks she can get away with ruining me. I’ll see her in hell first.

He put the gun in his suit pocket and headed back to the office doors, where security guards waited on the other side to escort him from the building.

He opened the door and turned toward the boardroom. “I just need a word with Mrs. Merrick before I go.” He increased his pace. He both hated and secretly loved calling her Mrs. Merrick. She belonged to him. And he’d show her she couldn’t betray him again and get away with it.

She stood talking with Cameron just through the open doorway. Other men stood around, including that stupid rancher, but he only had eyes for her.

His vision tunneled in on only her. His heart raced, his mind raged with all the anger and contempt he felt for her, for everything she’d done. He took the gun from his pocket, raised his arm toward her, and fired.

Jennifer Ryan's books