Saved by the Rancher

chapter Fifty-Seven

JENNA’S MEETING WITH Cameron went so well, her confidence soared. The limo took them down the crowded city streets, followed by another car full of her security people. She stared out the window at the people and buildings while Jack, Sam, and Cameron talked about . . . Well, she didn’t know what they were talking about. Her thoughts were on the upcoming board meeting and the possibilities of what might happen.

Jack held her hand. Even though the guys carried on with their conversation, they remained focused on her. Even Cameron understood the stakes, and that she was, essentially, walking into the lion’s den.

They arrived in front of the Merrick International building and stepped out. What a sight they made. Three of the most handsome men around, dressed in their best suits, and her in her finest business attire flanked by five other large men, who despite their suits couldn’t be mistaken for anything but bodyguards. They drew everyone’s attention in the lobby of the building as Cameron led the way to the elevators to take them up to the conference room on the thirty-sixth floor.

Nervous, her palms were sweating. Jack still held her hand and leaned in to say, “You’ll do fine. He can’t hurt you. Go in there and do what you came to do. Sam and I have your back.”

The elevator doors opened and Jack released her hand. They exited the elevator and headed to the conference room door. He understood she needed to stand on her own. She entered, Sam and Jack right behind her. Cameron followed along with the five bodyguards, who spread out around the room. Jenna headed to the large table and looked at the other occupants already assembled.

Charles Merrick, Nathan and Marion Merrick, and the other two members of the board appeared surprised to see her. She settled her gaze last on David, seated to Charles’s left at the head of the table, his parents on the right. She noted his furious expression. Mr. Jamison and Mr. Richards were seated beside David’s parents. Cameron took the seat next to David, watching him with a predatory glare.

Jenna stood at the head of the table at the opposite end from Charles waiting a moment to gather her strength. Jack and Sam sat in the chairs behind her against the wall. As she continued to stare at David steam, Charles broke the silence that ensued once she walked into the room.

“Good afternoon, Jenna. We weren’t expecting you. It’s a pleasure to see you. I’m happy you’ve decided to actually attend the board meeting, instead of simply calling in.”

“It’s nice to see you, too, though I doubt you’ll think it’s such a good afternoon when you find out why I’ve come today, Charles.”

She’d always liked him. A shrewd businessman, he believed in hard work and an honest living. He’d never approved of David’s personal life, but stayed out of it so as not to draw David’s temper. He hadn’t liked the fact Jenna won part of the company in the divorce settlement, but he hadn’t approved of David’s treatment of her either. Married for over forty years to his beloved wife before she died of a heart attack, Jenna knew he still missed her, even after her death more than ten years ago. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she couldn’t allow David to run the company when he retired.

“What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were in the hospital,” David seethed.

“I’m sure you did. How’s your new wife. Still alive and in one piece, I hope.”

“You bitch!” He stood and slammed his hands on the table. Every one of the guards tensed. Jack and Sam stepped forward ominously. David fell back into his chair.

“Shut up,” she snapped. “I’m not putting up with you anymore. I warned you in Colorado to leave me alone, or suffer the consequences. I’m here to deliver the consequences.”

“Jenna, we have business to discuss. I’m sure you can deal with your personal issues with David after the meeting, which I’ll remind you is not open to anyone but board members. I’d appreciate it if you’d ask these men to leave the room, while we conduct that business.”

“Charles, respectfully, I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. These men are here to protect me.”

“Protect you from whom? Nobody here will harm you. It’s simply a business meeting.”

“No, Charles, this isn’t just any business meeting. I’m sure you remember the circumstances of David’s and my divorce. My safety is at issue here. The men stay.”

“All right, if it makes you feel better, I’ll make an exception. Let’s get on with the meeting.”

“Charles, I hate to interrupt you, but I have business to discuss before we can go any further. I realize you and everyone else are quite surprised to see me here today, but I have a very good reason for coming. Unfortunately, the consequences David has to face will also affect you and David’s parents. It’s unfortunate, but unavoidable at this point. David pushed me too far. And now, I’m pushing back.”

“She’s crazy. I haven’t seen her in years, except to visit her in the hospital a few days ago after she had an accident. Meredith and I were on our honeymoon in Denver when we heard she’d been hurt.” He tried to sound sincere. He didn’t want his grandfather to rethink his upcoming retirement. He wanted Merrick International all to himself. Soon, he’d have it. If it’s the last thing he did, he’d have his shares back from Jenna, too.

Jenna shook with fury. She placed her briefcase on the table in front of her and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Is that so, David? You haven’t seen me in years? Liar! Bastard!”

“You got what you wanted. You took my shares in the company and millions in the settlement. What more do you want? You were a gold digger then, and you’re still one,” he spat out.

“Aren’t you going to congratulate me on my engagement?” She’d thrown him with that one. She refused to allow him to continue acting like the last few years hadn’t happened. He simply stared at her, furious. She held up her hand and admired the diamond ring.

“It’s beautiful, don’t you think? Jack and I are getting married. This is Jack, everyone.” She pointed to Jack behind her and gave him a big smile. “He’s a very successful rancher in Colorado. Did I mention, David, we’re expecting? Twins.”

David fumed. Sweat broke out across his brow and his ears turned red.

“Charles, I apologize. You were interested in the business I have to discuss. First, let me say I’m truly sorry to do this to you, but there’s simply no other way. I’m sure if you think about the future, you’ll see what I’m about to do is best for the company. You’ll profit for many years to come. David,” she turned and locked gazes with him, “although you’ll profit from the shares you still hold at Merrick, you’ll be the most hurt by what I’m doing. You’ll be ruined, both personally and professionally. Just know you deserve it and so much more.”

“There’s nothing you can do to me. You couldn’t when we were married, and you can’t now.”

Jenna smiled at him and then at Cameron. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

She opened her briefcase and took out the copy of the newspaper she’d shown Cameron. She walked around the table, passing behind David, and handed the paper to his grandfather.

Charles read the headline and snapped his head toward David. He turned back to Jenna and took a good long look at her. Everyone waited in silence while he read the article. Jenna returned to the other end of the table, giving Jack a wink as she took her position. He and Sam sat at her back keeping an eye on David and the rest of the board.

Charles handed the paper to David’s mother and father. They took one look at it and gasped. Marion Merrick looked at Jenna with tears in her eyes. “No, Jenna. This isn’t possible. He didn’t do this.”

“It’s true. Every picture. Every word. I asked for your help the first time he came after me after the divorce. Back then, he wasn’t quite so physical, but still you wouldn’t believe me, or help me. This family has sheltered him, giving in to his every whim, and in doing so, you’ve condoned his behavior with your indifference. He killed your grandchild,” she finished, driving her point home.

Marion’s gaze fell to her lap in shame. Nathan simply sat like a stone starring at his son.

“What’s in that paper? Why are you all so upset?” David demanded.

Nathan Merrick threw the paper on the table in front of his son. “How could you? You aren’t the man I thought you were. I taught you better than this.” He indicated the paper with a disgusted look on his face. “You don’t hurt people, especially women. What kind of person does this to someone?”

David stared at the headline.



Several pictures of Jenna were printed beneath the headline, all in color, along with an accompanying article. His whole face turned red with rage. He stood, about to go after her when one of the bodyguards grabbed his shoulders from behind and sat him forcefully back into his seat. Jenna felt Jack’s body heat as he stood directly behind her, his arm banding around her protectively, his hand resting over her belly.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, David,” Jenna warned. “These men have orders to protect me. They’ll do just that.”

“You can’t be serious about this. I’ll sue you for libel and defamation of character. No one will believe you when I’m finished with you, you bitch.”

“Go ahead, but I have the pictures. If a picture speaks a thousand words, I won’t need to say anything. I only printed a few, but I have an entire book full of pictures of all the damage you’ve ever done to me. Push me and I’ll print the whole damn thing. Sue me and I’ll bring them to court.”

“You can’t do this.”

Jenna patted Jack’s hand, and he released her and took his seat again. “I already have. I’ve asked you . . . No, I begged you to leave me alone. You continued to hunt me down. I spent year after year hiding, fearing the day you’d show up to hurt and punish me. No more. You won’t ever lay a hand on me again.”

“I’ll kill you for this, you stupid bitch!”

“Be careful what you say, David. Sam here is an FBI agent. You wouldn’t want to go to jail for threatening my life.”

“Jenna, what do you want?” Charles asked, trying to defuse the situation and turn the conversation back to civil. “How can we make this right for you? Do you want David arrested?”

“Having David arrested wouldn’t make up for what he’s done, but it would be a start. If only I could have him arrested and prosecuted for what he’s done.”

“You’d never win,” David said, a sneer on his face.

“I should have stepped in during the divorce proceedings,” Charles interjected before David could wind up again. “I turned a blind eye, allowed David to handle the situation. It was a bad decision, and one you’ve paid for dearly. I’m sorry, I wish I could make this right.”

“Charles, I appreciate the sentiment. But you can’t make this right. David spent a great deal of time making sure records disappeared. He’d only pay people off to get his way in court. He’d tie us up in court for years. Frankly, at this point, I don’t have the time or inclination. David had a chance to do the right thing and leave me alone. He chose not to, and now I’m taking everything he holds dear away from him.”

“So what?” David thundered. “The paper will come out today. There’ll be press for a few days maybe a week and the next story will come along and everyone will forget. You won’t have accomplished very much,” he said arrogantly.

“You’re wrong. It will be hard for people to forget those pictures, and you know it. You’ll find your name isn’t on so many dinner invitations. You’ll still be rich, of course, but let’s face it, the way you live, even that won’t last. That pretty new wife of yours might decide being married to you is too great a risk to her health. Or has she already found out what it’s like to be David Merrick’s wife? Tell me, do you allow her to speak with her friends and family? Do you slap her after a dinner party because she’s spoken to another man? Maybe you throw her down the stairs because you think she’s having an affair with a man she doesn’t even know!” Jenna screamed at him.

Marion wept openly and Nathan sat stone silent glaring at his son. Charles simply shook his head in dismay. David was furious, but wise enough to remain seated this time.

“Is that how you treat her? If she leaves you, will you hunt her like you’ve hunted me all these years? Will you take a belt and beat her because she refuses to come back to you? Maybe you’ll take her from her home and into the woods where you’ll stab her and leave her alone to die. Is that how you’ll treat your new wife? Will you tell her you love her, and you can’t live without her, and then slap her with your next breath?”

“Shut up! Just shut up!”

“No. You’ll listen to what I have to say. After today everyone will know what you are, David. They’ll all know the kind of monster you are.” Her voice cracked, but she’d gotten her point across. Each word she spoke put another nail in David’s coffin.

“You can’t do this. I’ll sue you for everything you have. I’ll make you pay.”

She had no doubt, given half a chance, he’d kill her the first chance he got. This time he’d make it slow and painful to the bitter end.

“You and I both know you can, but you won’t win. It’ll just be a huge waste of money. If my research on you is correct, I’ve got more than you do. So don’t waste your time, or mine.”

“You checked into my finances. What the hell is wrong with you? You can’t do that.”

“Yes, I can. One of the first rules of war, and business, is know your enemy. I know everything there is to know about you, David. I know exactly what makes you tick. And now I’m going to use all of what I know against you.”

“What more can you do? So the article comes out. I’ll get past that.”

Jenna took out two stacks of papers from her briefcase and walked around the table again. This time David followed her progress turning to face her as she passed. She held her ground, counting on Cameron and the men guarding her to protect her, should David make a grab for her. She handed the papers to Charles and returned to her position at the other end of the table.

She waited for Charles to review the papers and look up at her. He did so with eyes resigned to the inevitable. He understood he’d just lost his company to her because of David.

“I’m sorry, Charles. This has nothing to do with you. I wanted to wait until after you’d retired to see it through. As you can see by the newspaper and my appearance today, David has made that impossible. It has to end—now.”

“Nothing I can do, David’s been battling you for years. You’ve found a way to win the war. As a business strategist, I tip my hat to you. You’ve outflanked us all, especially David. I’m ready to retire and live a life of leisure. At least, I know the company will be in good hands—yours. Go ahead. Make your announcement.”

She placed her hands on the table, leaned toward David, locked eyes with him, and fired her death shot. “I hold controlling interest in Merrick International. You’re fired.”

David stood and planted his hands on the table, mimicking her. “What? You can’t possibly own that much of the company. Between my shares, grandfather’s, and my parents’, we hold controlling interest collectively. You can’t fire me.”

“Yes, I do. And I can. You’ve spent the last few years hunting me. I’ve spent that time making money and buying shares of Merrick stock. Your goal was to stalk me and terrorize me. My goal was to destroy you. Now I have, both publicly and privately. I own controlling interest in Merrick, and as such, I can fire you.”

“A Merrick has run this company for more than eighty years. You can’t do this. I’m taking over when grandfather retires at the end of the year and that’s final. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

“David, sit down. She’s already done it. The papers are in order. She owns majority share, and therefore she’s CEO of the company now.”

“Charles, you understand why I’ve done this. The only way to get to David was to take away the only thing he has and held over me—the company.”

Charles nodded, a frown deepening the lines on his face.

“She can’t do this, Grandfather. You’re CEO. No one can vote you out.”

“You forget the charter for the board of directors, David.” Jenna gained his full attention. “Majority owner is CEO by default. Also, there’s something else you’ve neglected to remember, or maybe it’s that you’re so arrogant you simply believe you can make the rules up as you go. The charter also states that as majority owner, the CEO appoints the board members. While the Merricks collectively have always held majority share, that rule worked out great for you. Now that I have majority ownership, it works against you. As of this moment, everyone at this table with the last name Merrick is relieved of their duties on the board.”

“What the hell are you talking about? This is Merrick International and the Merricks run this company.”

“Keep up, David. I run this company now. The Merricks no longer sit on the board. Charles, as of this moment you are retired and will receive your full benefits package. Mr. and Mrs. Merrick, you only serve on the board as figureheads and don’t actually contribute to the running of the business. I’m sorry to do this, but I feel it’s in the best interest of the company to replace you with board members who will work toward expanding this company. David, like I said, you’re fired. You won’t run Merrick International, either on this board or in any other capacity.”

Finally sinking in for David, he simply stared at the table, his face red with fury, his hands fisted. An animal tensing, ready to pounce.

“Mr. Jamison. Mr. Richards. It would please me very much if you’d remain on the board. I believe that together we can work toward our common goals. Mr. Shaw has told me a lot about the both of you, and I feel we could make a good team.”

Both a little shell-shocked, they agreed to stay on.

“You can’t really mean to run this company. You have absolutely no business skills.”

“David, are you really this stupid? I have a degree in computer graphics and programming. I’ve taken over your company without you, or this company, being any the wiser. You’re right, though. I’m not going to run this company. I’m appointing Cameron Shaw as president. He’ll take over running the company immediately. I’m also changing the charter for the board, so this kind of thing won’t happen again. In the future, majority holder will need a majority vote from the board of directors to earn the CEO position. They’ll have a seat on the board, but they need to be voted in as CEO. So if you think you and your family can pull your resources and gain back the majority and the company, you’re wrong. By the looks of your parents and grandfather, I’d say you’d have a hard time convincing them to back you.”

“I’ll make you regret this.”

She recognized the menacing tone. One he knew she’d understand from their many past encounters.

“Watch what you say. We’re surrounded by witnesses. You’ve dug this hole for yourself and taken all of your family down with you. Don’t make this any worse. For yourself or them.”

Nathan Merrick, with no choice but to accept the inevitable, stood with his wife, came around the table and stopped in front of her. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but having them embraced her was not what she’d anticipated.

“I’m sorry we didn’t help you. I’m sorry we didn’t know what’s happened ever since. We . . . I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say.” Nathan’s stoic face transformed into a mask of disappointment and regret.

“There’s nothing to say. I don’t blame you. David’s the only one responsible.”

They walked from the room without looking back at their son.

Charles stood and came to her next, holding the documents she’d given to him. “I’ll clear my office in a few days. I think I’ll take a long overdue vacation, someplace warm. I’ve been meaning to do some fishing.”

“That sounds wonderful. Enjoy your retirement, Charles. You’ve served this business gallantly. I only hope Cameron and I can carry on in the same professional and respectful manner with which you’ve always conducted yourself.”

“I have no doubt you’ll handle things. You made a wise choice in Cameron. To tell you the truth, in other circumstances, he’d be my first choice as well.” Charles nodded his approval to Cameron with a satisfied grin.

“I thought you’d see it that way.” She smiled softly for him. She’d always liked Charles.

“You’re a very brilliant woman. I’m sorry I didn’t see that before and use it to my advantage.” He gave her a smile and a hug. “I am sorry. I should have realized . . . Well, what is there to say now, but it shouldn’t have happened. Take care of yourself and the babies you’re carrying. Perhaps you’ll keep in touch and let me know how you’re doing. Maybe you’ll need my professional opinion and expertise in the future.”

“I’ll be in touch. You can count on it.”

Charles left with Mr. Jamison and Mr. Richards. They were setting up a golf date, if Jenna heard them right. Jenna nodded to Sam and he left the room.

“You’re still here, David? Security will show you out. I’ll have your desk packed up and your things forwarded to you.”

“Do you really think I’ll just walk away from this?”

“You don’t have a choice. It’s done. I’m going home with Jack. Cameron and I run the company now. There’s nothing you can do about it. Follow your grandfather’s example and accept defeat like a gentleman.”

“I’ll never accept this. You’ll pay for this, and you know it. You know what I can do to you. What I will do to you.”

“David, go before you make things worse. Jack has sat quietly and patiently, even though he wants to rip you apart. He did that for me. If you don’t go, I’m afraid he won’t be patient much longer. It also appears Cameron would like to have his conference room to himself. I think the site of you offends him. It absolutely offends me. You make me sick. I hope you rot in hell for what you’ve done. Once that paper hits the stands, you won’t be able to go anywhere without the press hounding you. Maybe then you’ll know what it feels like to be hunted everywhere you go.”

“I hate you, you bitch. Wait until I get my hands on you. I’ll make you pay.”

She didn’t know what possessed her to keep pushing him, but she couldn’t stop herself. “Come after me and I’ll take away everything you have left. You won’t have a dime to your name when I’m done. Don’t believe me? Well, I took the company. That should tell you what I’m capable of.

“By the way, I spoke with your wife this morning. She wasn’t very pleased by the newspaper left on her doorstep. I believe she mentioned something about moving back to her parents’ estate. She also mentioned something about marrying a monster. I told her she had my sympathies.”

He tried to go after her, but Cameron and Jack blocked him from her just as Sam and two security guards walked into the room. Her bodyguards took up positions around her. Jack shoved David back. “Don’t even think about it.” The tightly controlled words conveyed his pent-up rage.

Sam grabbed David by the arm. “Let’s go.” With the security guards, he led David to the door, screaming and threatening retribution all the way down the hall to his office.

Jennifer Ryan's books