Release Me

“Actually, that would be all the vodka,” he counters. “Why the devil I told you to be here at eight, I really do not know. Oh, wait. Yes, I do. Because the morning light on your skin makes you glow.”

I can’t help it—I have to turn to Damien. I see my own amusement reflected in his face, and I know we’re both thinking about how he says that I glow when I’m aroused.

Damien’s eyes graze the entire length of my body, the inspection so intense that I think I really will start to glow right then. When his eyes meet mine again, there is undeniable heat there.

And here I am stuck like a statue while a second man stands on the far side of the room.

Damien clears his throat. From his expression, I think he’s regretting the current arrangement, too.

Blaine looks between the two of us, his expression overly innocent. “Problem?”

“I’m going to go for a bike ride before I go to the office,” Damien says. I display a great deal of restraint and manage not to laugh. Of course, I’m the one standing naked in front of a terrace. He gets to go work off his sexual energy. I get to stew in mine.

“Depending on how long you ride, I may have left by the time you get back,” I say. “Today’s my interview, remember?”

“Of course,” Damien says. He moves toward me.

“Go ahead,” Blaine says with a wave. “Say goodbye properly. I’ll go make coffee or something.” He disappears into the kitchen area, and I grin.

“I really like him,” I say.

“Mmm,” Damien agrees, pulling me into his arms. His clothes are cool against my bare skin, and he keeps one arm around me as we both move to the canvas. It was covered when I came in, and I’m curious about the way the painting’s progressed. Blaine’s accomplished a lot in a short time, and there’s no doubt that’s me sketched on the canvas, my back straight, my head high. I wasn’t certain how I’d feel about the portrait, but I’m starting to think it’s going to look pretty damn good.

“I’m jealous of the way he touches you,” Damien says, so softly I can barely hear him.

I look questioningly at him. “Blaine’s never touched me.”

“No,” Damien says. “But he’s bringing you to life.” He pulls me into his arms and buries his face in my hair. “That’s my job,” he murmurs.

“And you do it very, very well.”

He nuzzles my hair. “We can send Blaine out for doughnuts and I’ll forget the bike ride.”

“No way, dude.” I laugh and push him playfully away. “I’m on a schedule today, remember. I need time to get dressed, read some of the research on the company. All those girl-looking-for-gainful-employment kinds of things.”

“I’ll hire you right now. Gainful-employment conundrum solved.”

“No. A million times no.”

“Can’t blame a guy for trying. Go.” He pulls me in for a long, slow kiss. “I’ll see you on the flip side.”

“Yes,” I say. “You will.”

I spend three solid hours at Innovative Resources, and I’m pretty sure I meet every person who works there from the janitor on up to the owner of the company, Bruce Tolley.

I’m a wreck at first, nervous and fumbling. But I slide into a groove pretty quickly, and Mr. Tolley and I get into a conversational rhythm. He seems sharp—and everything I’ve read about the company suggests that my impression is correct. More important, he doesn’t display any of Carl’s egotistical and bizarre management traits.

In other words, Bruce is interested in the work, not my tits or my ass.

I really can’t help but like the guy.

As we talk, he takes me through the offices, pointing out the cafeteria, the employee gym, the break rooms, and even a supply closet. Honestly, it seems like overkill for a first interview. Or it does until we wrap it up at the front conference room and he extends an offer.

I, of course, tell him that I’ll have to think about it, which I do for a grand total of three seconds before enthusiastically accepting.

I manage not to break into a song and dance routine while I’m still in the building, but once I’m outside, I swing my way around a signpost, then pull out my iPhone and call Damien.

J. Kenner's books