Phoenix: The Beauty in Between (A Beautiful Series Companion Novel)

He readjusts his stance slightly, and before I know what’s happening, light explodes behind my eyes as he strikes me across the face with the back of his hand.

The force is enough to tip me off the chair. Sprawled on the floor, I clutch at my face protectively as pain radiates heat through my skin.

“Get up,” he growls. In a panic, I do as he says and climb back onto the chair in front of him, my whole body shaking in fear as I do. “Now tell me exactly what happened.”

I take a deep breath and relay everything that went on in the bathroom and how I escaped the cop. I couldn’t meet his eyes while I was talking. I was too afraid of what I’d see there.

When I finish, he’s still standing in front of me, his hands on his hips as he shakes his head from side to side.

“What are the rules at those things Paige?”

“Sell until they know I’m there and leave before I’m found out,” I rattle off immediately.

“You stayed too long,” he accuses me.

“I got held up,” I protest in a whisper.

He grabs my face roughly in his hand and squeezes my cheeks together. “You don’t get held up!” he yells into my face, pushing my head back forcefully as he takes a step away from me.

“I’m sorry!” I cry out pleadingly. Tears start to burn hot in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall.

“So am I Paige! I’m fucking sorry too! The cops know what you look like. I can’t take you out anymore. You’re no good to me. Do you understand that? You’re fucking no good.”

“Jeff no! It was only one cop. Just one! The other one didn’t even get the chance to see me.”

“And you knocked her out, then kneed him in the fucking balls! He’s not likely to forget you anytime soon!”

“We can change my hair! I can still sell, I promise you! It won’t ever happen again.”

“Just. Just get out.”


“Get the fuck out Paige.”

My mouth falls open as I realise he’s serious.

“No. Please don’t do this to me. I can still sell! Just give me another chance!” I beg.

“Get. Out.” he growls through clenched teeth.

“Please Jeff! I…I love you!”

Suddenly he starts laughing. “You love me? Oh my god. You love me?! Really? Wow. You are far more stupid than I gave you credit for.”

“Why are you laughing!?” I screech.

“Because Paige. You’re just a little girl, and not a very bright one at that. Actually, I’m stunned that you didn’t get found out sooner than this. And it’s been good Paige, it’s been fun. You’ve got a sweet cunt and a tight little arse. I’ve enjoyed you. But if you can’t sell. You’re a liability, and I don’t do charity.”

I just sit there staring at him, shaking my head from side to side in disbelief.

Suddenly he holds his finger up, and starts walking backwards, away from me. “You know what. You made me smile just now, so let me help you out.” He disappears into the bedroom and returns with a back pack, stuffing handfuls of my clothing inside it and shoves it at my chest. “Now get out.”

“No please, we’re good together. Don’t do this Jeff. Where will I go?”

“I don’t care. I really couldn’t care less.”

He pushes me roughly toward the door, and I fight against it the whole way. I’m petrified of being on my own again. I drop my bag as we reach the door and put my arms and legs out against the frame so he can’t push me through as I beg him not to throw me out.

But he’s stronger than me and pins my arms and legs to my body, then physically throws me on the front lawn outside. I land with a thud that knocks the air painfully from my chest. In the time it takes to get back on my feet, my bag has come sailing out and he’s locked the door.

“Shit!” I say to myself, slapping and kicking my heel on the damp grass beneath me. “Fuck!” I get up to my knees and pick up my bag, pushing everything inside it so I can at least close the zip.

Lilliana Anderson's books