Phoenix: The Beauty in Between (A Beautiful Series Companion Novel)

“You know, we could just forget about tonight and take an E or two ourselves – re-live that first night when we kissed for hours?” I press myself against him and run my fingers up and down his chest, hoping that he’ll forget work for a while and just give in to having fun.

His eyes flash as he turns his attention toward me and grabs me roughly by the top of my arm. “What are the rules? You never take while you’re working. You’ll get hooked on your own stash! Never do what you deal – understand?” I nod. His fingers digging painfully into my flesh as he holds me to him. “You must have a clear head at all times, or you’ll get caught. I’ll get caught.” He jams his fingers into my pocket and removes the pills I have left along with the money, and using my body as a shield, he checks that everything adds up. “Don’t ever ask me to do that again. Don’t make me have to find someone to replace you, Paige. I don’t want to do that,” he warns, his eyes moving from side to side as he looks into mine.

I nod vigorously, and he hooks his finger in the waistband of my jeans. Pulling me up against him, he leans close to my ear and speaks in a low intimate voice. “You know, I kind of like having you around, and I’m not anywhere near finished with you yet.”

My knees quiver slightly as my insides dance around at the thought of what else he wants to do to me. “You can trust me,” I whisper. “I won’t ask again.”

He nods his head slightly and grabs the back of my head with his hand, kissing me roughly in a display of pure manhood. “Take me home,” I beg, wanting to be alone with him.

His hand clenches in my hair, and he pulls, jerking my head back, and licking up my neck, biting firmly, almost painfully on my ear. “I think I’ll take you here,” he growls.

Fear grows inside me as he leads me out the back door to where we parked the car, not loosening the grip he has on my arm for a moment. Butterflies swirl unhappily in my stomach as he guides me ahead of him.

I’ve never had him be so rough with me before. I feel stupid for being so bold and angering him. I wish now, that I could take it all back.

“Fucking bastard,” I hear him grumble as he stops dead in his tracks and releases my arm. “Stay here,” he commands.

Confused, I look to see where he is going and notice a scrawny looking guy, a little older than me, leaning up against the wall of the club. A cigarette hangs between his lips as he blatantly exchanges drugs for money.

I shake my head at his lack of discretion and fold my arms over my chest. “Idiot,” I say to myself.

Jeff moves over to stand beside him, and the guy turns to him with a self-confident grin, obviously expecting that Jeff is a new customer.

He turns to Jeff and shows him his stash, asking how many he wants.

Jeff gives him one of his most charming smiles before his arm shoots out, and he clasps his hand around the guy’s throat, slamming him against the wall. All I can hear is a low threatening growl as Jeff speaks into his ear. The pills fall to the ground and scatter around the pavement, causing the group of buyers to drop to the concrete, grab what they want and take off for the club.

I start to edge my way closer, my eyes wide as I watch the panicked look on the guy’s face while his eyes bug out, and he struggles to breathe.

“Don’t ever let me catch you dealing around here again,” Jeff spits at him, digging around in the guy’s pockets and taking out the wad of cash. “This is mine. You stole from me tonight.”

He tries to shake his head and voice his protest, but Jeff’s grip is too strong. Only strangled sounds come out.

A moment later, Jeff releases him, and he starts sucking in the air, trying to get his breath back while he rubs at his throat.

“If you ever see my face again. You’d better run,” Jeff growls, pulling his fist back, then landing a punch in the guy’s guts. I hear a loud ‘oomph’ sound as he doubles over and slides down the wall.

Lilliana Anderson's books