
Wasn’t that the damn truth?

“I don’t know, he just hurt me so bad. Broke me in two. Yes, I know that’s dramatic and very high school, but really. I’m haunted by it all. I mean, it took everything within me to pick myself up. Especially after the baby. That really gutted me.”

“I know, Kacey, but everyone deserves a second chance, don’t you think?”

“Yes, I do. But how can I trust him? I’ve forgiven him, but how do I forget?”

Jordie looked down, guilt drowning him as Lacey asked, “I don’t know, but can you live with yourself if you don’t give him the chance to at least explain himself? No one said anything about taking him back—though I vote yes. I know how you feel about him, but maybe just hear him out.”

“I don’t know,” Kacey admitted. “Maybe I should say fuck it all and go with Liam?”

Lacey laughed. “I like the idea of giving Jordie the chance to explain why he did what he did better.”

Some dishes crashed together and Jordie thought they were done, but then Kacey asked, “Would you give him a chance to explain if it was you and Karson and he did what Jordie did?”

Lacey didn’t even hesitate. “Yes, because I’ve always loved him, and I know you love Jordie.”

Jordie held his breath as he squeezed his eyes tightly, waiting for her to either confirm or deny.

He didn’t have to wait long for her to whisper, “Yeah, you’re right.”

Thank God!

He knew she still loved him. There was no getting over what they had, but his mistake had broken her, and it was his job to fix what he had done. He knew that going in, but hearing how badly he’d hurt her when she wasn’t aware he was listening was really heartbreaking. He’d never meant to cause so much pain. He was stupid and drunk.

God, he was so fucked up.

“I know, and I also know what it’s like to have your heart broken. But remember this, if I hadn’t given Karson a second chance, would I be sitting here looking at you right now?”

Kacey scoffed. “Lacey, he broke your heart because your dad made him. Jordie broke mine because I wasn’t enough.”

Whoa, what?

Lifting his head, he opened his eyes, fully intending to go in there and set her straight. She was way more than enough for him, she was more than he deserved—he just had been too stupid to realize what he’d had in his arms. But before he could, his gaze met that of a very angry Karson and he froze. Karson didn’t freeze though. He pulled his arm back, his face full of anger, and Jordie swore everything was moving in slo-mo.

Because right before Karson’s fist connected with his mouth, he was able to say, “Well, shit.”

“You broke her heart!” Karson yelled, his fist connecting with Jordie’s mouth again. Jordie’s head whipped back, hitting the wall before he held his hand up, stopping Karson as he wiped his mouth with his other hand. “I should kill you! I trusted you! You told me it was one time and done, but obviously, it was more if you broke her heart. That means she loves your fucking ass!” Pushing Jordie’s hand out of the way, Karson’s fist connected, this time to his jaw, and Jordie swore he saw stars.

“Oh my God, Karson, stop,” Lacey shrieked before stepping between them and holding her hands up. “Stop, they are adults. These things happen between adults!”

“Not between my best friend and my baby sister!”

“I am a grown-up and I do what I want, Karson! Shut up!” Kacey yelled. “I can’t believe you actually hit him. I can care for myself, you big jerk!”

“I am defending your honor!” he spat back as Jordie tried to get his bearings. That last hook really did a number.

“What the hell is going on?” Karl yelled.

“Oh my goodness, Karson! Jordie, your mouth. Kacey, get a rag!” Regina yelled, coming to his aid. “What is going on?!”

Toni Aleo's books