
She smiled. “Okay.”

He kissed her again, this one just as long as the last, before kissing her nose and going around to get in his car. He waved sweetly at her and she smiled as he backed out of the driveway before disappearing down the road. Letting out a long breath, she looked up at the heavens and shook her head.

“Why? Why did I do this?”

She wasn’t sure whom she was asking, but when the answer didn’t come, she turned to head inside, seeing that her whole family was standing in the windows watching.

“Son of a bitch,” she moaned, stomping toward the house, which caused all the curtains to fall. She fully expected everyone to be sitting, acting as if they hadn’t seen anything, but Kacey didn’t have a typical, subtle family.

She had the Kings.

So when she entered the house, they were all standing there expectantly.

Except Jordie. She didn’t see Jordie anywhere. Not that she was looking.

“So?” Karl barked, his hands striking his hips. “It didn’t look like you told him to fuck off!”

“Did you say yes?” Lacey asked, her eyes wide and full of shock, poor Mena in her arms, the only normal one of the bunch.

“I swear, you better not have,” Karson grumbled. “When I told you to date him, it was to date. Not marry!”

“Oh, Kacey, please,” Regina sniffed. “He really was dull, and you have too much…er, passion for him to handle.”

Really? Passion? What did that even mean?

Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes; she did not have the patience for this. “I am not speaking to any of you for the rest of the night, maybe not even tomorrow,” she spat before turning and heading down the hall to her room, slamming the door for good measure and to show she meant business. Leaning against the door, she let out a deep sigh, her heart still pounding from the last twenty minutes. It seemed like so much longer, like eons, especially when her eyes had met Jordie’s. He’d looked so confident, like he knew she wouldn’t marry Liam. It irritated her to no end, but it also intrigued her.

Why was he confident regarding something he knew nothing about?

Someone he left.

What was his game?

Looking at her bathroom door, she sucked in a breath and let it out through her nose. All she had to do was go through that door, then through his, and ask him. Demand to know what he was thinking. What he was doing? And where he had been.


Maybe she should go with Liam—

No, she wasn’t going with him, but she really did need to talk to Jordie. The sooner, the better, but not now. She couldn’t do it now. Her family had stressed her out, embarrassed the hell out of her, and exhausted her. What she needed to do was take a shower, get some ice cream, and cuddle up to watch a movie.

Yes, that was a fabulous idea.

Standing up, she threw off her shirt and pants, reaching for a towel before heading inside to make sure Jordie wasn’t there. His door was shut, thankfully. Walking to it, she locked it and turned to his sink to lay her towel on it. Reaching behind her to take her bra off, she looked up and cried out.

“Fucking hell!” she yelled, falling into the counter, her hands coming up to catch the cups of her bra as Jordie slowly rose off the closed toilet.

Holding his hands up quickly, he said, “Just me.”

“I know! That’s why I cried out in desperation, praying that someone would save me from your stalker-like actions,” she gasped, her heart pounding against her chest. “Jesus, get out of here. I’m trying to take a shower.”

But he wasn’t moving. His eyes ran down her body, and if she were dressed, he’d be stripping her with those corrupt brown eyes.

Biting his lip, he met her gaze again and asked, “Did you tell him no?”

Toni Aleo's books