

“With a K?” Jordie asked as they walked, their hands threaded together, into their favorite Mexican restaurant. He had noticed that she was craving guacamole like mad. Thankfully, he loved the stuff and didn’t mind. He did mind though when she wanted to mix the cheese sauce, salsa, and guacamole together and stuff it down her throat. That was crossing the line, but she didn’t care and it made her happy. So he went with it—after making sure he had his own bowl of his favorite dips for his chips.

“Of course,” she said happily as they went to the table. “Or maybe Kassandra, Kassidy, Kristen? Kate? Krissy?”

He rolled his eyes as he lowered himself into the booth and glanced over at her. “You’re killing me. Why don’t we do a different name?”

“Like what?” she asked, getting a huge pile of salsa on her chip before devouring it.

Leaning back in the booth, he thought for a moment. “I don’t know? I’ve always liked the name Delilah,” he suggested and her nose wrinkled.


He shrugged. “Yeah.”


“I don’t know. I really like that song, ‘Hey There Delilah,’” he started to sing, but she rolled her eyes.

“And we are moving on,” she said impatiently. “How about Kara?”

“Kacey, no, I don’t want a K name!” he laughed and she glared.

“But it’s tradition in my family.”

“Um, no, Mena Jane is not a K name.”

She glared. “Fine, give me something then?”

He thought for a moment, “Billie Jean?”



“I’m going to hit you.”


“We are not Michael Jackson, for one. And for two, if you can’t come up with something other than song names, then I’m picking the name!” she scolded him and he smiled.

“Fine, give me a second,” he said before the waitress came to get their order. Once he gave her his order, he went to a baby name site and looked through it. “Okay, how about Charlotte?”

“No way, that’s old ladyish,” she said, still stuffing her face, this time with guacamole.

“Okay, how about Alana?”



“How about Belle?” she countered and he glared.



He smiled as he scrolled through the names. “Oh, I like Ella,” he said hopefully, and when she didn’t shoot him down, he smiled. “Ella Mae Thomas.”


“After your mom,” he suggested and she smiled.

“Maybe,” she answered, typing something in her phone. “I’ve got it on the possible list. Give me some more.”

Dropping his phone to the table, he smiled. “This is fun.”

She beamed. “It is, but just wait. After dinner, we are going shopping.”

Letting his head fall back in a dramatic fashion, he groaned loudly. “I don’t want to!”

She kicked him under the table, grinning as he laughed, picking his phone back up. Scrolling again, he said, “Hazel?”

“Hell no,” she shot down with a full mouth, and he scoffed as he scrolled some more. “So, I think I found a place for the gym.”

He looked up, his phone falling to the table. Before he could say anything though, he noticed that she had guacamole all over her chin. Chuckling, he reached over, wiping her chin before she smiled sheepishly and he asked, “Where at?”

“Actually down the road from Audrey Jane’s,” she said and Jordie smiled.

“What, stalk the place for overweight people?”

She gave him an annoyed look. “I was actually thinking that maybe I could do a thing—buy five classes, get a cupcake.”

“Doesn’t that counteract your mission?”

“No, everyone has to cheat sometimes or they’ll binge. Plus, Audrey has a couple healthy…okay, one healthy cupcake.”

“No one wants a cupcake that’s healthy.”

“Well, duh, but they could go and try.”

Jordie laughed. “Yeah, okay. When can we go look at it?”

Toni Aleo's books