
He shrugged. “I think it’s great. I’m happy that it’s working out for you two.”

“Thanks,” she said, shocked. The way things had ended, she would have been sure he was five seconds from getting a voodoo doll and practicing on her.

“So you two aren’t married yet?”

Her hands came up to her belly as she smiled. “Not yet, but we are expecting.”

He grinned as he looked down, her little belly between her two hands. “You look beautiful, Kacey. I’m really happy for you.”

“Thank you. And you?”

“I got engaged three weeks ago,” he said with a grin and she scoffed.

“Well, I guess both of us weren’t really in it, huh?”

He shrugged. “I guess not, but I am sorry for how it all ended. That was rude of me, what I said. I was just mad.”

“It’s cool. I forgave you a long time ago,” she said, reaching out to cup his elbow. “I’m just glad you are happy.”

“Me too, for you too,” he said and she grinned up at him.

“Okay, well, it was great seeing you. I won’t wish you luck tomorrow at the game ’cause I want you to lose,” she said with a wink, sidestepping out of his way. “But I gotta go do these pictures.”

He laughed as he waved to her. “It was great seeing you. Good luck.”

She smiled as thanks before heading toward where she was supposed to meet them. That was actually okay. She had thought it would be awkward, but she was glad that she could see Liam and have it be cool. Rushing toward the spot, she saw Harper first, her hair purple this time and shaved up the side as she took various pictures. What surprised her was that Elli was there, a camera around her neck, both of them taking pictures of Jordie as he stood like a model. While he was wearing the brown tweed jacket, he was not wearing anything else she had bought for him. Instead of the nice shirt with a tie and brown slacks, he was wearing a blue button-up shirt with no tie and the first few buttons open. His black slacks complemented his brown dress shoes, but still. It wasn’t what she had picked out. Even if he did look downright sinful, he still drove her insane.

When he tucked a hand into his pocket, looking at the camera, the fingers of his other hand resting lightly on the rim of his sunglasses, she couldn’t help it, she snorted with laughter.

She caught his attention and he grinned as he came toward her. Elli and Harper turned and smiled too as he took her in his arms, dipping her back and kissing her hard against the lips. Cupping her ass, his lips moved along hers as he righted them. The smell of coconuts intoxicated her and made her dizzy as he pulled away, grinning down at her.

“Man, I love your hair like this,” he said, drinking her in as he cupped her face. “You look gorgeous.”

She grinned back as she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. “Well, thank you, and so do you. Yet, this isn’t the outfit I picked out,” she reminded him and he smiled sheepishly.

“This is true, but my ass looks better in these pants,” he countered and she glared. He was right, but still.

“Jordie, we are supermatchy now except you have a blue shirt and I have beige.”

“Doesn’t that mean we are super in love?” he asked and she rolled her eyes.

“No, it means we are trying too hard.”

His brows rose before he shook his head. “No, it means we are in love,” he said, nuzzling his nose against hers. “Why are you late?”

She smiled sheepishly. “Well, first, traffic. Second, guess who I ran into?”


She rolled her eyes. “If you mean Liam, yes.”

“Yes, doucheface. Mountain of dicks…I could go on,” he supplied as she glared.

“No need, he got engaged.”

Jordie laughed. “What a loser,” he said, shaking his head. “Couldn’t get you to marry him, so he settles for the first thing he sees?”

“They could be in love.”

“And I could love wearing tutus and dancing around like an idiot.”

Toni Aleo's books