
“You know I’m gonna marry her, right? And we’ll have sex then, to make children?”

Karson’s face went blank as he shook his head. “See, you had me at marrying her. But after that, you lost me. In my mind, my sister is the Virgin Mary, because I know what you do to girls. I’ve seen it,” he said before shuddering. “I mean, I like to fuck as much as the next dude, but you don’t hold back. And thinking you’re doing that to my sister is just wrong.”

Jordie laughed as he shrugged. “If it makes you feel better, I only give her what she wants.”

Karson gagged as Jordie continued to laugh. “That didn’t make me feel better. Worse actually,” he said as he pulled into Jordie’s driveway. “But whatever, get out of my car.”

Grinning, Jordie grabbed his bags and was about to get out when Karson asked, “When is that dinner with your mom?”

His stomach dropped at the reminder, and he let out a long breath as the puppy licked his throat. He was a friendly little thing. “Next week.”

“Do you want me to go?”

He shook his head. “I do, but it wouldn’t go over well. You know she’s never liked you; she doesn’t even want Kacey to go.”

“Are you taking her?”

“I am,” he said with a nod. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

Karson nodded. “Yeah, she’ll keep you calm, and someone needs to be there with you,” he said, but then he set him with a look. “But remember, Kacey has a temper and she’s crazy protective of you, so if you need bail money, let me know.”

Jordie laughed because little did Karson know, he was completely right. While he would be down for Kacey to take care of his mother, he wouldn’t let her. He had to do this himself. This was his problem and he had to fix it. As he got out, the puppy and pet store bags in one arm and his hockey bag in the other, he glanced over at Karson and nodded. “Will do, boss.”

Karson looked him over and then laughed. “I’d help you, but the thought of seeing my sister naked makes me cringe, so you’re on your own.”

“Appreciate it,” Jordie said, sending him a smirk before kicking the car door shut and heading to the front door. While he wanted Kacey to be good and naked, he kinda hoped she wasn’t so she could enjoy the dog. It would be hard to take her on the couch when the puppy was dead set on licking everything in sight. He shuddered at the thought of the dog getting ahold of his balls or something. He’d already almost broken his dick during sex, no reason to flop his balls in front of a new puppy’s eyes.

On that note, yeah, he hoped she wasn’t naked.

When the door opened before he could even reach it, he saw that Kacey was dressed, thank God, before she took off out the door, running to him. He dropped the bags, keeping the puppy though, as she jumped up into his arms, kissing him hard against the lips.

God, he had missed her.

As her mouth moved against his, he squeezed her tightly as the puppy got more excited and started kissing him too. Laughing, he pulled away as Kacey shrieked, taking the dog from him.

“Surprise!” he cheered while doing jazz hands.

She beamed up at him as he put her on her feet. “Oh my goodness, he is perfect,” she cooed, kissing his head. “Is he ours?”

“Yup,” he said happily, petting its head. “I thought since you seemed so lonely that a little buddy would be good for you. Do you like him?”

“I do! He’s adorable, what is he?”

“Pug-beagle mix. Puggle is the word on the street. I got him at the shelter.”

Her grin was unstoppable. “Perfect. I love him. Thank you.”

She kissed him on the lips, lingering a little longer than she should, not that he was complaining, before pulling away and starting for the house, “I have a surprise for you too.”

Jordie smiled as he picked up his bags to follow her. “I thought the surprise was gonna be you naked when I got home.”

Toni Aleo's books