
Glaring, she took a step toward him, taking ahold of his shirt and yanking him down to her level. “Fine. Then let me tell you how it is, Jordie Scott Thomas. I love you. You only. Yes, I haven’t forgotten everything that happened, and I probably never will. But I promise I won’t ever bring it back up as long as you promise never to throw Liam in my face. He meant nothing. He was more a friend than anything. So let it go, and I’ll work on letting go of what happened.”

Cupping the back of her neck, he snaked his arm around her waist, his mouth only inches away from hers. His chest was rising and falling quickly against hers, his eyes searching hers before he slowly nodded. “Deal.”

“Deal,” she said just as his mouth dropped to hers. Wrapping her arms around his chest, she deepened the kiss as his heart pounded against her. She loved how strong and loud it felt against her body. It was her home and she knew that the whole thing with Liam upset him, but it would never measure up to the pain she felt being without him. He was a man though, and he was proud too. She knew it dented his ego to see her with Liam, but it didn’t matter anymore.

They had each other.

As she pulled away, his eyes bored into hers. They were full of so much remorse, so much pain, and she hated that. Cupping his face, she shook her head and asked, “This won’t be easy, will it? You and me, it’s gonna be work.”

He scoffed. “It wasn’t before; I doubt it will be now. So are you sure? Because you can try to get out, but I don’t think I’ll let you,” he said, his arms tightening around her to reiterate what he was saying.

She didn’t even have to think about it as her face broke into a grin. With all the love in the world for this broken, beautiful man, she whispered, “I don’t even want to try to live life without you again.”

“Good, I wasn’t gonna let you anyway,” he said, kissing her top lip. “Now, let’s eat.”

“Please,” she almost begged before he led her to the counter where they sat down and started to eat the food that had already begun to get cold again. Neither of them cared though; they were both famished. They ate in comfortable silence, but he finished first, like always. He ate as if someone was going to steal his plate. She found it quite comical and annoying because usually he tried to steal her food.

As if on cue, he reached for one of her green beans and she stabbed him with her fork, shaking her head at him as she brought her plate closer to her. “You know I don’t share food.”

“Stingy,” he threw back and she stuck her tongue out at him. As she devoured the moistest chicken on earth, her phone dinged with a notification. Looking down at it, she saw it was a Facebook friend request from one Jordie Thomas. She felt him staring at her, and she grinned as she clicked a few times, accepting his friendship.

And more.

“Aw, cool, we’re friends now,” he teased, but she rolled her eyes before continuing to eat and fighting her grin.

“Yeah, you won’t have to stalk me through Karson’s account.”

“Thank God,” he muttered as she went back to eating.

When her phone dinged again, she glanced down to see that Jordie Thomas had said he was in a relationship with her. It asked if she accepted his relationship and she smiled before pressing Confirm.

Glancing over at him, her fork pressed against her bottom lip, she said, “We are for real now, Mr. Thomas. It’s Facebook official. The world knows.”

He grinned back at her, sliding his hand up her thigh. “Yup, no going back now,” he teased and she grinned.

Leaning in, his lips pressed to hers and she couldn’t agree more. But really, there was never really any going back when you loved a person like Jordie Thomas.

He consumed you.

And she was completely okay with that.

“You’re supposed to watch the movie,” Kacey complained as Jordie scrolled through the realty site, looking at apartments.

Looking over at her, he shrugged. “Baby, I’ve seen this movie a billion times. You know I don’t like it.”

She grinned. “It’s a great movie,” she countered, but he didn’t agree. Not even a little bit. He didn’t even understand why she loved Notting Hill. Yeah, Julia Roberts was a classic beauty, but come on, the movie sucked.

“It really isn’t,” he said and she gave him a flat look.

“And why not?”

Toni Aleo's books