
To her surprise, Liam barreled in, glaring at Jordie. “Why does it matter to you?”

Letting out a sigh, she knew this was going to get ugly if she didn’t control the situation, but unfortunately—and, of course—Karson and her dad had come into the kitchen.

“What’s going on?” Karl asked. “What the hell is he doing here?”

Karson looked at Kacey. “No, really, what’s going on?”

“Nothing, it’s fine. Everyone just chill out,” Kacey said, holding her hands up before placing a hand on Liam, but he shook it off. “He’s leaving.”

“I’m talking to you, Thomas!” Liam yelled.

“Or not,” she groaned as Jordie came out from behind the counter, but thankfully Karson stopped him.

“Oh, you’re talking to me?” Jordie scoffed, looking down at where Karson’s hand lay. “What?”

“Just precautions. This looks like it could get violent,” Karson said before looking over at Liam. “I suggest you leave.”

“No, I want to know why it’s any of his business why Kacey and I talk. We had something special. She should be going with me to New York—”

“See, that would make sense. But she doesn’t love you, she loves me,” Jordie said, cutting him off, and Kacey covered her face.

Why was this happening?

“Oh, so you did break up with me for him,” Liam accused and she shook her head.

“No,” she said, but Jordie thought differently.

“Of course, she did. You can’t make her feel an ounce of what I make her feel.”

“Jordie, stop,” Kacey warned. “That’s enough. And Liam, I didn’t break up with you for him. It just kinda happened that I got back with him the same day I broke up with you. I never planned it, and I know that sounds bad, but really, that’s how it happened.”

“Sure, it did,” he seethed and she shook her head.

“I’m telling you the truth,” she stressed, but she could tell he didn’t believe her.

“I put time into you, I love you, and I thought I was doing right by you. But you’re gonna pick some drunk asshole who’s more than likely gonna cheat on you left and right? Why? Explain that to me?”


“It’s pretty simple. I can make her come, you can’t,” Jordie said and Liam glared.

“Really, Jordie?” she yelled and he shrugged.

“Yeah, because you practice on every woman in the world. Shut up, I’m not speaking to you anymore,” he snapped back.

“Yeah, maybe you should try it because you obviously can’t keep a girl.”

“You’re a disgusting drunk, and you won’t keep her either.”

Jordie pushed past Karson, and Kacey decided he wasn’t trying very hard to keep Jordie contained as he went toe-to-toe with Liam. But Liam was looking at Kacey, his eyes intent on her as Jordie stared him down.

“You’re halfway right. I am a drunk, recovering though, but I am not disgusting, nor will I lose her. She is mine. Not yours.”

“Oh my God, stop it. I’m not something to own, for one, and for two, this is insane,” she said to Liam and he gave her a look.

“Tell this dude to leave—before I remove him,” he demanded, and Kacey rolled her eyes.

“Why are you acting like this? You got me, we’re good. Let me explain this to him because I do care about his feelings. He is a nice guy.”

“He’s a *,” Jordie sneered.

“Screw you,” Liam said, glaring at him, and Jordie laughed.


“Karson!” she yelled and he shrugged.

“I’m trying,” he said, pulling Jordie by his shirt, but of course, he wasn’t moving.

“What did I do wrong?” Liam asked. “Why don’t you want me?”

“Dude, do you know how pathetic you sound right now?” Jordie asked, but they both ignored him while Liam’s eyes searched hers.

“We have history, Liam. I love him,” she said, but Liam shook his head. “When he’s not being a jealous, pigheaded jerk, he’s a good guy.”

“He won’t treat you like I do.”

Toni Aleo's books