
“I mean, that once you had your mind set on getting me back, I had no chance.”

He nodded. “Basically,” he joked, biting her jaw. “I knew from the beginning you’d be mine again.”

He flashed her a huge grin, waggling his eyebrows, and she laughed. Dropping his face to hers, he grinned against her jaw, both of them knowing that wasn’t the truth.

“You’re full of shit,” she accused and he scoffed, pulling back to look at her.

“What are you saying? That I didn’t think I’d be lying on top of you naked, declaring I loved you, when we were at dinner earlier?”


“Well, you’d be right, but those are just details. Shut up and kiss me,” he demanded and she laughed before his mouth took hers in a heated assault. Closing her eyes tightly, she prayed that it wasn’t too good to be true. That, from then on, it was going to be easy for them. It was so easy to love him, to be completely engrossed in him, and she really didn’t want any hiccups. But as quickly as she thought that, she knew that they’d have hiccups.

One big one being Karson.

Pulling back, she looked up at him and said, “Karson is gonna kill you.”

Jordie laughed, shaking his head. “No, we’re good.”

“Um, not when we tell him we are together.”

“I promise, sugar thighs, we’re good. I talked to him earlier and told him that we talked, and he’s good with it.”

Her brows came together. “Really?”

Jordie grinned. “Don’t sound so surprised.”

She laughed. “I’m just saying, Karson isn’t good with anyone being with me, especially you. Did you forget where you got that busted lip?”

He smiled, rolling his eyes. “No, I didn’t forget, but I promise, he’s good with it.”

“Okay,” she said skeptically. “I’ll take your word for it, but if he swings at you, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”

“So what, you want to hide us?” he asked, and she could tell he was testing her.

“No, dork, I’m just worried he’s gonna flip. And ugh, my dad would join in. You know how he is. He loves drama just as much as an old lady does.”

He gave her a look before hopping up and pointing to her. “Get dressed. We’ll go tell him now.”

She looked at him like he was crazy, scoffing. “Shut up and come here. Don’t be silly.”

“No, really,” he said, glancing at the clock. “They’re all up, we can tell everyone.”

“Are you serious?” she laughed, looking at the clock herself and seeing that it was only seven. Her family was up, but still, he was crazy! “You don’t want to get used to the idea of us before we tell my family about it?”

His face scrunched up. “Kacey, I’ve been used to the idea of us. What, you’re not?”

She sat up, holding her hands out. “Whoa, now, that’s not what I’m saying.”

“Then what are you saying?”

She grinned. “I’m saying I’d rather stay in here and have sex all night than go talk to them and be questioned. At least, if we wait till tomorrow, I can be good and relaxed.”

He shook his head. “You are like a cat in heat.”

She kicked his thigh and he cried out before jumping on top of her as she laughed. She tried to get away from him, but she didn’t get far before he started kissing her, his arms holding her hostage.

Pulling away, he kissed the side of her mouth before saying, “I want to tell everyone and anyone that will listen. I’m ten seconds from changing my relationship status on Facebook.”

She feigned shock, but her heart did skip a beat. “No way. The horror all your little hussies will suffer.”

“No one matters but you, baby. But will you approve my friend request? I mean, you did delete me.”

She laughed. “Because you broke my heart and wouldn’t talk to me. I was mad.”

“Touché, but do you know how hard it is to Facebook-stalk someone that blocks you?”

Her face hurt from smiling. “I imagine pretty hard. That’s the point of the block.”

Toni Aleo's books