
“IUD,” she said. “Like before.”

He thought that over as she broke out of his arms, starting the shower, and his moment to take her on the counter was gone.

“But you got pregnant on it?” he asked and she paused.

She looked over at him and nodded. “Yeah, I did,” she said, but she didn’t seem very concerned. If he was honest, neither was he. “So maybe I should be worried, huh?”

“Or not?” he suggested and she eyed him.

“Or not.”

She studied him and he grinned. “Maybe we should put this conversation on hold, ’cause the way you are looking at me is like you want to have a baby right now.”

He shrugged, feeling sheepish as he ran his hand through his hair. Did he want a baby? Yeah, he did, but the look in her eyes said if he confessed that, he would be rushing this. He didn’t want to rush it. He wanted to build a life with her, a foundation, a love that could withstand any storm. Since his life was one hell of a hurricane, they would need it.

But still, he admitted, “I wish you hadn’t miscarried the first one. I wish I had been there.”

Her head fell back as she nodded, wrapping her arms around her middle in such a defeated way. “Me too.”

Closing the distance between them, he enveloped her in his arms, kissing her pursed mouth. “But everything happens for a reason. We are starting over.”

“Yeah,” she agreed. “If it happens again, then we will address it at that point.”

“Together,” he promised, but he’d never tell her he was hoping and praying that she would get knocked up again. He knew he needed to take this slow, to show her that he meant business. But he wanted it all. He wanted her, marriage, a kid, and a dog. Everything. It could be very na?ve of him, but he felt good about them. Knew they would succeed, because he wasn’t giving up.

On him.

Or her.

Or their future.

Kissing her again, he slowly backed her under the hot water, and as her arms wrapped around him, his eyes drifted shut. Both the feel of her and the hot stream of water were almost too much to handle. He finally had everything he wanted.

He had Kacey.

“It’s very overwhelming,” she whispered against his throat. “I’ve dreamed and prayed that this would happen. That you’d come back for me.”

“Did I live up to the dreams?”

“You surpassed them,” she said as she looked up at him. “I never thought you’d be this guy.”

He smiled, cupping her face. “I never thought I would be either, but there is no going back.”

She grinned back at him. “You got that right. Because this is it, Jordie, your one and only last chance.”

He already knew that, and while it did scare him since he was prone to fuck up, he knew he was ready. He had been thinking about this moment since he watched her walk away. It was time to stand up and be the man he wanted to be. It was time to take what he wanted in his grip and never let go. It was time to love Kacey King the way she deserved.

And he wasn’t going to fail.

Meeting Jordie’s eyes in the mirror, Kacey gave him a satisfied smile. He was naked, as was she, but it wasn’t his muscular body or his thick cock that had her attention. All she could see was the grin he was wearing. His eyes were bright and full of love as he held her gaze. They’d spent more time groping each other than actually cleaning off the sweat they had worked up, but Kacey wasn’t complaining. She loved showering with him. It felt right. It felt like them. They had a long history of sex in the shower, and out of it, but this time was different. They’d talked while he washed her hair. They’d laughed when he almost fell on his face trying to get the shampoo and it was just perfect.

So perfect that it almost felt unreal.

Toni Aleo's books