
God, he hated that that had been the last thing she said to him, and for some reason, as he read it over and over again, his thumbs started moving across the keys.

Jordie: I was because I wanted to forget you. I wanted to stop thinking about how stupid I was, about how I wasn’t the guy for you, about how I would never be the guy you deserve. I wanted to be that guy, but I wasn’t. You were smart to walk away, but I was dumb to let you go and I’m so sorry. I can promise you, Kacey, I’ll never let you go again. Never.

He hit send and waited, but he didn’t have to wait long for the little chat bubble to pop up. Holding his breath, he waited and then finally her message came through.

Kacey: I wish you would have let me in. Trusted me.

Sitting up, he typed back quickly.

Jordie: I did, I do, I just didn’t trust myself. I knew I was gonna hurt you, so I kept you at arm’s length, but that didn’t work. You consumed me, Kacey. Completely, you took my heart and I don’t want it back. Please keep it, just allow me to reap the benefits, give me another chance. You won’t regret it, I promise.

Kacey: I just don’t know.

Shaking his head, he knew he couldn’t do this on the phone. He needed to do this face-to-face.

Jordie: Just let me in.

Kacey: I’ve always let you in. I’ve never lied or held anything back from you. You did.

He shook his head, standing up and going toward her bathroom door.

Jordie: No, I know that. What I mean is open your door. Let me in.

He waited for her to do it, but it didn’t open.

Kacey: Why?

Jordie: ’Cause I don’t want to do this over the phone. I want to talk to you.

Kacey: We’ve talked Jordie. There can’t be anything else left to say.

Jordie: I’m sure I can think of something. I can’t do this. The unknowing. I know I hurt you. I’m fucking sorry and I’ll never do it again. Just take one last chance on me. Just one.

Her text bubble didn’t pop up and the door didn’t open either. Seconds turned into minutes as he stood like an idiot in the middle of the bathroom, staring at his phone and then the door. A sullen feeling came over him as he began to think she wasn’t going to open the door.

Looking down at his phone, he was about to text her when he heard the door unlock and then slowly open. Meeting her tearstained face, he sucked in a breath.

Clearing her throat, she said, “Don’t make me regret this.”

Her breathing was labored, her breasts rising and falling as if she had run to the door while contemplating if she was going to open it. Her eyes wandered down his chest, stopping at his crotch before running back up his body and meeting his eyes. Something in her eyes, lust maybe, caught him off guard, hitting him straight in the chest. He fully expected to come in there and talk, work it out because he wanted to be with her, but…but…he fucking needed her.

Pushing the door open, he pulled her into his arms and, thank the Lord, she came willingly. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, lifting her off the ground, his mouth so close to hers as his eyes searched hers.

Against those naughty lips, he whispered, “Never.”

Please, Lord, don’t let this backfire, Kacey thought as Jordie pushed her into the door, pressing his body against hers, his mouth ever so close to hers. Ugh, she wanted him. She wanted him so badly she couldn’t stand it, but maybe she shouldn’t… Then his hand tangled in her hair and she was a goner.

Toni Aleo's books