No Limit

Why was it so difficult to read men like Jason? In the line of work he was pleasant and serious, but when it came to women he was arrogant, self-assured, and overly confident. I wanted to smack the smug from his face, or at least take him down a peg or two.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped out. Jason looked over his shoulder and turned around, a glass of wine in his hands. He was dressed in a white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up, showing his tattoos. “Looking sexy like always,” he murmured, handing me the wine.

“Thank you. I didn’t know we had wine.”

He smiled. “I had it brought up.” I took a sip of the cool, crisp Riesling. “You really do look beautiful. I think green’s your color.”

“You think so?” I spun and stuck out my hip.

He smirked. “Hell yes. We make a hot pair.”

I drank the rest of my wine and set it down on the counter. Biting my lip, I walked over to him, bringing my fingers up to his jawline. “We do, don’t we?” I let my hand trail down his chest. “Say, what time is our ride going to be here?”

Jason’s eyes got dark and he pulled me close. “I’ve got a ride for you right here,” he rolled his hips into mine, “if you want to hop on.”

“Seriously? Ew!” I smacked his arm and stepped back. “I was just teasing, and you—”

His laughter cut my words short. I watched as he shook his head and chuckled. “Like I didn’t know what you were doing, sauntering across the room.” He reached for his jacket and slipped it on. “You should have seen your face!”

“Ha-ha. Really funny, asshole.” I rolled my eyes and huffed.

“Don’t try to play a player, firecracker. Besides, if I was really trying . . . you’d be so caught up, you wouldn’t even know it was happening.”

I pouted. I hated being out-maneuvered.

“By the way, while you were getting dressed, I called and talked to Kacey. She’s the owner of that restaurant I told you about.”

“Yeah? We get a table reserved?”

He winked, holding out his arm. “We have a lot more than that. Come on.”

Taking his arm, he held it tight as we walked out the door to the elevator. My heels were a little taller tonight which made us almost the same height. Hopefully, I didn’t fall flat on my face. The second I got home I was going to throw every single high heel into the garbage. Wearing them was torture, and unfortunately, I was thankful to have Jason to lean on.

“First day on heels?” he joked as I tried to get in the car.

“Hey, I can’t help that your car’s so low to the ground. Not to mention, I’m in a short ass dress. I don’t want to show my lady bits to the whole world.”

He froze as I got in the car. “You’re not wearing any underwear?”

I winked up at him. “You’ll never know.”

He groaned. “You’re going to fucking kill me.” Then he shut the door and I laughed.

Yes, I was wearing underwear; I just liked torturing him. But after his moves back in the hotel room, I should probably have on a metal chastity belt like Marion in Robin Hood: Men in Tights.

Once on the road, the traffic was bumper to bumper. “It’s just down the street,” he informed me.

“How do you know the owner?”

“We’re more like acquaintances really. The owner’s husband is Tyler Rushing, the UFC Heavyweight Champion.” He looked at me and I shook my head. I never kept up with MMA fighting to know who was who. “Anyway, I did some undercover work for a girl who works at his gym not too long ago. It’s like a huge circle of friends.”

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