No Limit

“I think the night was very productive,” Aylee claimed. “After talking to Diane, I seriously think we need to find Madame Chatfield and have a chat with her. Do you know where she lives?”

As a matter of fact, I did. “We can check out her place tomorrow and see if she leaves. The last time I followed her, she ended up going to a fucking toy store. And I’m not talking Toys R Us.”

Aylee laughed. “I had you pegged wrong, Avery. I thought you’d be into the butt plugs.”

“Butt plugs, no. But I’m open to almost anything.” I skimmed my finger across her neck. “I bet you have a secret collection of giant cocks stashed away somewhere.”

“If I don’t have time for the real thing, what makes you think I’d have it for the fake ones?” she grumbled.

I shrugged. “I’m a guy. It’s fun to imagine.”

“Okay, moving on. What do you think about Will? His wife was really nice. I didn’t get any bad vibes from her.” Back to business as usual with her stubborn brow.

“And I didn’t get any from Randall,” I said, agreeing with her. We had hoped Will would elaborate on who his friends were, but he didn’t. “Are you looking up information on him?” I asked, glancing over at her across the room.

She was sitting in the large, brown leather chair in the corner with her laptop on her thighs. “How did you guess?”

“Because I’m doing it too. Let me know what you find.” I stared at her profile, enjoying the way she concentrated on the screen, her bottom lip being pulled between her teeth. Once we’d gotten back, she’d changed out of her dress and put on a pair of shorts and tank top with her hair pulled high in a ponytail. She was sexy in her dress, but nothing could beat how fucking hot she was now; it was distracting.

Her gaze lifted and strayed over my way and I couldn’t help but smile at how I made her shiver. “You’re welcome for tonight,” she stated, jutting her chin in the air.

“For what?”

“For being vigilant. If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have seen Will or his people.”

I snorted. “I would’ve seen them eventually. I can’t help it you were drooling over Butch and Tom.”

“Fuck that,” she exclaimed, throwing a couch pillow at my head. I ducked behind my screen and laughed. “Why can’t you tell me thank you?”

I reached for the pillow and threw it back at her. “Stop gloating and I will,” I backfired. She made a face, thinking I couldn’t see it. “You sure do have a temper to go with that red hair, don’t you?”

“Only when I’m around you.”

Shaking my head, I smiled; I liked her fiery temper. If only I could get her to loosen up a bit. The chances of that were slim to none. From the information on the computer, Will Randall was basically a celebrity in Vegas. “I got a lot coming up on Randall,” I said.

She got up and sat beside me on the couch. “So have I. I did a search on Google and about a gazillion links popped up. It said his company is one of the biggest in the world.”

“I see that.” He was probably one of the richest men I’d ever met. “Do me a favor and look up stuff on his wife and family? I’m going to look at his company. He said he dabbled in a lot of things. I wonder if fucking hookers is a part of his daily regimen.”

Aylee shook her head. “I don’t think so. Diane said his friends frequently partake, but that he doesn’t. She was pretty certain.”

I snorted. “It’s possible, but it wouldn’t surprise me if a guy like Randall didn’t have him some side-*. Men like that cheat, sweetheart.”

She turned her computer my way. “You don’t know that. He looks happy with his family in these pictures.” I looked over to see him smiling with his wife and two daughters. Anyone could smile for the camera. “His wife also has a charity that helps autistic kids. It’s dedicated to one of their daughters. On the outside, they look like good people.”

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