Night Owl

We drove through the prairie for two hours, talking and listening to music and sometimes sitting in silence. We spoke about nothing important. It was nice not to have to dodge questions.

Every half hour, I asked if Hannah was tired. No, she insisted, no way, and she smiled at me in a way that made me ache.

We stopped by a walking trail that ran out through the scruffy grass.

"Let's go," Hannah said. "The stars will be crazy."

I got a blanket from the trunk of my car and we walked down the trail, Hannah's eyes on the sky, my eyes on Hannah. She was beautiful.

After a while, she reached for my hand.

I found a soft spot off the trail—no easy task in the Colorado prairie—and spread out the blanket. Hannah sprawled across it. She grinned up at me.

"Hog," I chuckled.

"There's space," she said, "on top of me."

While I gazed down at her, Hannah wriggled out of her shorts and thong and tugged her cami up enough to bare her breasts to the night air. I was drunk looking at her. She parted her legs and held my gaze.

"Beautiful man. I wish you could see yourself. You look lost."

"I feel lost," I whispered.

Our pace was more sedate the second time. Hannah grasped my hair and guided my face to her breasts. I kissed them, sucked them, licked and bit them. She moaned as I fingered her. When I nuzzled my mouth into her *, she began to whimper.

"Touch your breasts," I ordered softly. I glanced up her body to see her hands move obediently to her breasts. I licked my lips. She smelled musky. She tasted fiery and sweet. I went back to work as Hannah kneaded her breasts and issued wild, indecent noises into the night.

Soon I was too hard to think. I fumbled with my jeans and freed my cock. As I crouched over Hannah's sex, three fingers inside of her and my lips, tongue, and teeth toying with her clit, I pumped my shaft.

She came moments before I did. She was still rigid with ecstasy when I climbed over her and milked my cum onto her sex.

"Perfect," I whispered.

Hannah reached for me.

I rolled her panting body onto mine and we laughed and held one another in the dark.


The sun was out when I pulled up to Hannah's house. It was near six.

Hannah and I sat in the car trying to say goodbye. A black cloud settled over me at the thought of my empty apartment and a day apart from her.

When could I see her again? Would it be weird to ask?

"Well, it was nice to finally meet you," Hannah said, laughing halfheartedly.

I frowned at my phone. When all else fails, stare mopily at technology.


"Oh, okay." She nudged my shoulder. "What's up?"


"Matt. I have no job and no obligations besides maybe driving my sister to work and walking the dog. We can hang out again, like, as soon as I wake up."

I glanced at her sharply. Was my neediness that transparent?

"Fine," I said. "Good. I'll call."

"After you get out of work?" she hedged.

Damn, work. Obviously Hannah was laboring under the impression that I had a day job. I had no desire to lie to Hannah more than I already was, but I definitely didn't need her to know about my career as a writer and my huge inheritance to boot.

I didn't want Hannah to see dollar signs when she looked at me.

I didn't want Hannah to see M. Pierce when she looked at me.

I wanted Hannah to see me, whoever I really was.

"Yeah," I said carefully. "I'll call you after work."

She beamed and leaned in to kiss my cheek. I turned and caught her face between my hands, bringing our lips together.

Despite last night and the best sex of my life, Hannah and I hadn't truly kissed yet.

She inhaled sharply and then melted against me. I moaned into her mouth. Her warm arms wound around my neck.

Finally, we drew apart and Hannah searched my eyes.

"No way," she mumbled. "Your eyes are green."

"Mm. My name is Matthew Sky. Matthew Robert Sky Jr."

Introductions, first kisses, even a good look at one another—Hannah and I had steamrolled over all of it in our frenzy.

M. Pierce's books