Night Owl

I reached over and pushed the tiny shorts up her thighs. My hand drifted between her legs. I could feel how swollen her * was in the wake of our exercise.

Hannah parted her legs as I touched her. Fuck. I could go again, right now. And again, and again, and again. Anything to get this fever out of my body.

"I thought that fucking you would clear my head a little," I admitted. I stared through the windshield as I rubbed at Hannah through her shorts. "No such luck. Also, will you be communicating with me any time soon? I'm aware of my capacity to leave women speechless, but this is somewhat extreme."

I grinned over at Hannah. She was staring down at my hand. Tentatively, she began to run her fingertips up and down my forearm. I clenched my teeth.

She had no idea what her touch did to me.

"It... it's hard," she sighed. No kidding love. "Hard to speak with you... doing this."

"Sorry." I withdrew my hand, planting it firmly on the wheel. "There."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Hannah watching me.

"Okay." She laughed breathlessly. "Okay, maybe it's hard to speak near you, period."

"Try. I can't read your mind."

"Okay. Um." She poked the Enform display in the dash. "Fancy. I guess you can fly to the moon in this car, huh?"

"Not quite." I chuckled. "But you can get a massage, adjust the temperature of every seat, order movie tickets or make dinner reservations, get directions, and—" I opened Pandora. "10 Mile Stereo" by Beach House filled the car. "—listen to music, of course."

"I like it." Hannah hunkered down in her seat and smiled, which made me smile. "A boy and his toys."

"Yup. I almost brought the LFA tonight, it's my baby. Not enough room though."

Hannah giggled.

"Why Matt, what ever do you mean, not enough room?"

I smirked and shook my head. Sure, I was getting a little overexcited about my cars, but the small talk was bringing Hannah back to earth.

"Oh, by the way. Matt, seriously, a rabbit? Please tell me that sweet creature is more than your late-night chick magnet."

"He serves many functions."

I revved the engine and ran a hand through my hair. I wanted to fuck Hannah or drive. Or both. I couldn't sit here burning up in her atmosphere.

"You want to go for a drive?" I said. "I know you must be tired, but..."

"Could we? Yeah, let—" Hannah glanced out the window. I saw what she saw: the world still sleeping, pretty lawns and dark houses, and her borrowed coat crumpled in the grass. Our night. "Let's go," she said.

I pulled away from the curb and drove east, leaving the lights of the city farther behind. The smooth speed of the car relaxed me. Fuck, I had been so tense until then—even after I came. I was holding back. I wanted everything more: to pinch Hannah harder, squeeze her harder, spank her harder, fuck her harder—but I didn't want to scare her off.

"His name is Laurence," I said. "I named him after Laurence Sterne. Geniuses, both of them. Anyway, he's a dapper guy, very intellectual. And no, he's not my female bait. Clearly I need no assistance luring females into the night."

I flashed a grin at Hannah, who laughed and rolled her eyes.

I needed to see her in the daylight. I needed to be naked with her.

"I got him when I first moved out here. I was lonely, I don't know. Someone said they're quiet, clean pets. And that's the story of Laurence." I turned up the music. "Billie Holiday" by Warpaint was playing. Perfect: mellow music, the night stretching ahead of me, and Hannah in my car. I let myself really smile. "Surprised you don't own a rabbit, Hannah."

She caught my double entendre; I could tell by the way she laughed.

"I wish. I only had two toys, and... I don't know. Too many memories attached to them. Besides, one was half broken. I tossed them before the move."

"That's a pity. But now you have me."

"Yeah..." Hannah's voice was soft.

Now you have me. Fuck, I hadn't meant to say that.

M. Pierce's books