Misguided Heart



One month and one week later, I was knee deep in manuscripts and dresses. I had decided, pretty much last minute, to attend Nole’s wedding in June. I still hadn’t sent in my RSVP card, but I would first thing in the morning, if I could remember to do so. Work had gotten extremely crazy. I had at least 300 manuscripts to get through and either approve or deny by the end of the month and I was only half way through them. I was beginning to think that my boss had just a little bit more faith in me than I had in myself.

Along with work, work and work, I had to find a dress for this stupid wedding, like yesterday. I didn’t necessarily have the time to head out to shop, so my lovely assistant Annie had called some designers and had them send some samples to the office for me. She truly was the best assistant anyone could ever ask for. I had an array of blacks, blues, plums, reds, and yellows all lined up on the clothes rack in the corner of my office. I was just hoping I made the correct color choice. Clashing with any part of the family would be embarrassing, or would it? Ha, I laughed to myself. I sure did have a bitchy streak and she was beginning to poke her little bitchy head out, just a tiny bit.

With manuscript, bagel and coffee in hand, Annie slipped a plum colored Calvin Klein, wrap dress around me. I set my coffee cup down on the desk and glanced over in the full-length mirror she had set up by my door.

“I don’t think this color goes too well with my skin tone. I think I’m a little too peachy.” I shook my head no.

“Okay then, next.” She sighed.

A beautiful navy gown stood out among the sea of color and I instantly wanted to try it on. “That one next.” I impatiently pointed at the gown so Annie would know exactly which one I was speaking of. I knew deep down, that I definitely needed a showstopper. It helped that I had been hitting the gym everyday since I received that invite. Oh yeah, he was going to regret inviting me. I could see it now.

I put down my bagel and the manuscripts I held in my hand again, for this dress. It was a beautiful full-length chiffon gown with one shoulder, crisscrossed back, with a small rib area encrusted in crystals. The same crystals ran up onto the crisscrossed straps and to top it all off, it had a very long slit up the front left leg. Hell yeah. I smiled to myself.

I slid it over my head and down the length of my body. It nestled against my skin and curves with an exact fit. It was navy blue perfection. I looked like a knock out in it, and that was exactly what I was going for.

“You look amazing Aston, I mean A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.” She giggled.

“I think this one is it, exactly what I was hoping to find. Hopefully, I will out shine the bride. I mean, hopefully I don’t out shine the bride. Yeah that’s what I meant to say.” I laughed a little.

I spun around a few times and by my second turn I caught the figure of Sloan (my boss’s son) but still my boss, standing in the doorway of my office. I quickly stopped spinning and caught myself on the edge of my desk.

“Is it dress up day?” He grimaced.

“No Sir, sorry. I was trying to multi task and not lose focus.” I smiled.

“Well, let’s get back to work.” He started out of my office while I was giving Annie the “Oh my god” face when he turned around. “Oh and Aston, whoever you’re wearing that for, he is one lucky guy.” He winked at me as he strolled out of my office all cavalier.

I let out a big sigh, turning to change back into my white linen suit. I hung up the dress in its plastic zip up wardrobe bag and asked Annie to please send the rest of the dresses back to their rightful owners. I scooped up my coffee and bagel and plastered my butt back down in my chair to finish the current manuscript I had my hands on. I found myself coming back to what Sloan had said to me, at least a dozen times. He had never spoken to me like that before.

It wasn’t that Sloan wasn’t a good-looking guy. Now that I thought about it, he was actually extremely handsome. No wait, sexy. Yeah he was damn sexy. I shook my head to make the thoughts of my boss’s son disappear. I could never go after him, or even think of him in that way. He was technically just as much my boss as his dad was. Not only that, after my run in with him in the lounge a month back, I knew he was a player and used to getting exactly what he wanted. I laughed to myself and continued to finish the manuscript at hand.

A couple hours later, I decided to take a long needed break from reading and head out to get some lunch. I ended up at my favorite café on the corner, across the street from our office building. It was called Sak Lunch and they had the most amazing sandwiches I had ever tasted. I knew it was lunchtime the minute I walked through the double doors.

There were nothing but suits and dresses sprawled out all across the small café, all on their lunch break as well. I spotted a corner table and I practically ran to make sure no one else scooped it up. As I nestled into the small wooden chair, I heard a familiar voice call my name. I shrugged it off thinking that I couldn’t be the only Aston in this place, but a couple seconds later I heard my name again. I turned to see Sloan sitting at the table behind me. Everything inside of me told me not to turn around, but how could I ignore my boss? With that I slowly turned in my chair.

“Oh hey Mr. Holden, what are you doing here?” Stupid question, obviously he was here for lunch as well.

“I needed a break from the office, so I headed over here. They have the best sandwiches.” He smiled. Oh how he smiled. I could feel the butterflies in my tummy beginning to get flighty.

“Oh I know! I try to come eat here at least four times a week.” I laughed.

“Well, I haven’t ordered yet. There is no sense in taking up another table, why don’t you just come have lunch with me?”

I was suddenly nervous. My palms started sweating and my mouth suddenly became extremely dry. “Okay, yeah, that makes sense.” I grabbed my purse and maneuvered my way over to him.

He looked quite dapper today in his three-piece navy, pinstriped suit. His hair was a chocolate brown, cut in a longer version of a faux hawk, but it still looked professional. I have to admit, I had never noticed his eyes before today, but he had the same smoldering amber eyes that his father had. And for a brief second, I was completely lost in them and couldn’t think of a single word to say.

“Aston, are you okay?”

I faked a small cough. “Yeah I’m fine. Sorry, I think my allergies are starting to act up.” I smiled.

“That’s okay. Well, let’s order shall we?” He smiled back.

Our waitress came strutting over a moment later and I knew she was in awe of my boss. Her nametag said her name was Melanie, and her bra size said she was easy. Sloan pointed in my direction for me to order first, but Melanie didn’t look in my direction, she just simply scrolled down what I was saying while continuing to stare at Sloan.

“Can I get an extra pickle on the side, please?”

“I’m sorry, what was that ma’am?” Still, no look.

“A pickle, on the side, please!” I growled.

And while you’re at it, don’t call me ma’am. What am I eighty?

“Oh yeah, sure.” Once again she was oblivious to my presence.

Melanie left a minute later and I was secretly cursing at myself in my head. I didn’t want Sloan to think that I was controlling or possessive, given the fact that we were nothing close to an item; I didn't want him to think I was thinking we were either. I was lost in my blunder of over-thinking when his voice broke through my train of thought.

“Read anything good today?”

“Oh, no I think I may have found one or two that might make it through.” This wasn’t true, but I figured I would fib a bit to make it sound as if I was actually putting in some actual work today.

“I see. So, what is the dress for?” He asked.

“Excuse me?”

“The dress I saw you in earlier today, any special occasion?” He began fidgeting with his watch while waiting for my answer.

“Oh that dress, I have a wedding I have to go to at the end of the month.” I was lying. I didn’t have to go. “There’s going to be a bunch of people I haven’t seen in a long time there, so I figured I would grace them with my presence.” I grinned in his direction letting him know I was joking.

He glanced up from his watch. “Well, that sounds nice. Is it here in Arizona?”

“Yeah, it’s out at the Botanical Gardens.” I slowly began unfolding my napkin in my lap.

“That should be nice. Anyone you are excited to see get married?” He smiled.

I wanted to lie and say yes, but a part of me really wasn’t sure. “Well, it’s actually my ex-boyfriend that’s getting married.” That’s awkward. “He and I have remained friends and somehow, I guess I got an invitation.”

Surprise ran through his face for about half a second before he finally answered. “Oh, well that is awfully nice of him, I guess. I’m sorry, but isn’t that going to be a little weird for you?”

I paused, more-or-less to answer this question for myself, but mainly more for him. “No, I don’t have feelings for him like that anymore. It has been forever since we were even an item. It should be a fun time for everyone.” At least I was hoping so.

Not a moment too soon our food arrived. Our waitress yet again, completely ignored my presence and left before I could even ask for extra napkins. The conversation was dropped from there on out and I was relieved. Sloan had made a valiant effort to compensate for the awkward conversation by bringing up random things about work, and how well I had been doing lately. I hummed and hawed in all the right places and nodded accordingly. Lunch felt has though it had turned into the dinners I used to go to at my grandparent’s house, uncomfortable and miserable.

I was beyond relieved to be leaving the restaurant when we were. I think we had stayed about an hour longer than we should have, but once the daylight hit our solemn faces, we immediately drew a smile and it was back to happiness and roses. I could tell it was early afternoon, the sun had parted the clouds and it was now a blistering one hundred and ten degrees, at least. I was instantly wishing for my car and its glorious air conditioning. I slipped my sunglasses down over my eyes and turned in Sloan’s direction, just as he was turning in mine. I couldn’t help but notice that even in my six-inch heels, he still managed to stand at least two almost three inches taller than me. This is a great feat for most men, given the fact that I stand at a concise five feet ten inches with bare feet. Amazing.

“Shall we?” His smile lit up his entire face and it was immediately contagious as I could feel my face instantly light up as well.

“We shall.” I scanned the busy intersection and slipped my foot off of the curb to head across the street when I felt his hand cradle mine.

I wasn’t quite sure what to say, or even how to react to what had just happened. I was utterly confused for one thing. He was my boss, not only that, he was my boss’s son. How could this have even happened? One minute we were having an extremely uncomfortable lunch, and the next he was holding my hand. And who even holds hands anymore, I mean really?

We reached the glass doors to the building a minute later and I dropped my hand from his almost instantly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a glimpse of confusion strike his face. I wasn’t sure what this whole thing meant, but I was damn sure not about to let the whole office think that I had just slept my way to the top either. I tapped the elevator button and watched as the arrow illuminated against my finger. Did I like this man? Could he even stand a chance in my mixed up world? Was I reading too far into the handholding? I shook the thoughts instantly out of my head, as it was all nonsense.

We rode up the 20 stories in silence, well minus the crummy background Muzak version of Muskrat Love. I swear one day, I was going to come up with something better to play in elevators. The elevator binged and the doors opened a minute later and I felt like I could finally breathe again.

“Thank you for lunch Mr. Holden.” I winked.

“Please, call me Sloan, and you’re very welcome.” He winked back and we parted ways.

I ran as fast as my six inch Louboutin’s would allow, all the way to my office. I threw my hand up to let Annie know that I didn’t want to be bothered and I closed my door behind me. I ran straight to my desk, flung off my heels and speed dialed my one and only friend whom I told absolutely everything to, Shelby Graves.

And yes, we are both named after our father’s favorite cars. I think I got the better one if I do say so myself.

Amanda Bennett's books