Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

What the hell?!

I went back up to my suite to call Michelle’s room to see if they’d gotten back from the club. I got no answer. I decided to hit the sack. Between the day’s travel, stressing over Azmir, exploring the resort and then finding out the astronomical cost of this vacation, I was hella exhausted.

The next morning I was awakened by the sound of the telephone ringing. As I sat up to gather my bearings and remember where I was, I reached for the telephone. It was the concierge. Evidently, Michelle requested that I be awakened and notified of our spa appointment.

“What time is the appointment?” I asked.

“It is at nine a.m., ma’am,” the concierge answered.

After hanging up I looked over at the clock on the nightstand that read a minute after seven. I lay in bed for a few minutes to gather my thoughts. Azmir was leading them. I told myself at that moment that I needed to let feelings about what had happened the night before I left go until I returned home. In the meantime, I was at a luxury hotel on a beautiful island that apparently cost the girls a wad of cash.

I jumped up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, threw on leggings, a T-shirt, and sneakers and ran over to the fitness club. I spent an hour in there between the elliptical and working on my abs. After I was done, I returned to my suite to shower and then met the girls at the spa there in the resort.

We had most of our services done on the beach while the soothing breeze flowed over our bodies. The soft music played low as to not interfere with the natural sounds of the ocean waves. This was such a serene experience, adding to my concerns about the cost of this vacation. While we were receiving manicures and pedicures I broached the subject.

“Wow! First the lavish suite now spa treatments on the beach. This feels like the lifestyle that hip-hop artists rap about. What did I do to deserve generous friends like you guys?” I teased.

“Well damn! Can we tell her the secret and get it over with already?” April asked while her petite pale fleshed frame relaxed in the spa chair. Her straight blonde extensions were blowing in the wind. Though I never shared it, April’s traditional European features were flawless.

“Why should we not after that outburst, April!” Michelle barked.

“You can’t keep a damn secret to save your life, girl. Lisa was right!” Britni hissed.

“What in the hell do you mean, Lisa was right?” April responded and an argument ensued from there.

As they went back and forth, I asked Michelle about the surprise. “Well, Na-Na, this trip was sponsored by a true admirer of yours,” Michelle said with a huge smile on her face.

“Admirer…Azmir?” spilled from my mouth as it hung open. Apparently, I yelled because the other girls began giving their two cents.

“Yeah girl, everything! The flight, the suites, the spa treatments, food—you name it!” April contributed.

“He was very generous, Na-Na,” Michelle attempted to inject a little grace.

“Why would he do this?” I asked looking at Michelle, yet speaking rhetorically.

“Why the hell would he do this? I hope it’s because of that sweet trap you’re throwing on his ass. Shit, that’s what I would chalk it up to! You know, girl!” Britni said as she high five’d April.

“I know that’s right, girl!” April followed up. “You are fucking him right, aren’t you, Rayna?” April asked as she and Britni looked to me for a response.

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