Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Damn, Brimm,” he mumbled trying to catch his breath and we snickered together.

This could never get old to me. Azmir's sex and body could never become mundane to me. I couldn't understand the spell he had over my body to cause me to respond to him like this. I could get used to this. I already had.

We remained splayed until our heart rates slowed and our relaxed breathing returned. It was such an intimate position and proximity. Odd. I wasn’t in pain or uncomfortable by his weight—inside or out, just a little curious about the linger. My eyes danced in their sockets as my face rested against his desk calendar. Azmir’s face was buried into the back of my neck and I felt every breath he took against my skin.

Before I could assemble the words to ask why he was still there he murmured, “Rayna?”

Wrinkling my forehead I screeched. “Yes…”

“I don’t share,” he whispered after a pregnant pause.

“I-I don’t understand.” What in the hell is he talking about?

Azmir abruptly plunged into me, causing my entire delicate body to spasm.

“I don’t share,” he repeated in more of a growl.

“Okay,” I trilled to a new octave, trying to control my hormonally heightened body.

I was borderline paranoid about the state I was in. My body betrayed me without fail for Azmir. I couldn’t believe how needy I was for him. I was panicking and would agree to anything to get out of that precarious position on his desk and collect myself.

Within seconds, Azmir rose and retracted from me, earning another body tremor. I hoped like hell that he didn’t catch it until I turned and saw his knowing grin.

After taking turns washing up in his bathroom, we ate lunch. My hunger pangs developed after my sexual appetite had been satisfied. He fixed me a plate like a gentleman. We eventually found ourselves eating out of every dish communal style. Time got away from us until one of his cell phones rang. The other had been ringing practically the entire time I was there and he completely ignored it so I didn’t understand why this one was any different. He answered it.

“Damn, Ock! I lost track of time. Give me about twenty minutes and I’ll be downstairs,” Azmir informed apologetically He then turned back to me and said, “Brimm, I forgot about a meeting that I had an hour ago.”

“Oh, that’s fine.”

I wasn’t ready to leave him but understood that Azmir was a busy man. I had actually considered myself lucky to have had such a satisfying afternoon with him. We cleaned up our feast and left out together.

That man is one intriguing creature.

Our relationship had taken a new course. Though nothing was simplified, things got a little less complicated. I’d become entrenched with desire for Azmir, against my indurate nature. There were many demons I battled where my heart was concerned but there was a shifting in me, something undeniable and horrifically uncontrollable. I seemed to somehow make room for him in my world—or perhaps he made room for himself there. We spent voluminous time together fine dining, going to concerts, on romantic boat rides, simple dinners, even extravagant mini getaways. We were hot and heavy, but we never took on any titles to help define roles in one another’s lives. B.A.J., Before Azmir Jacobs, this would have been perfectly fine for me—in fact, preferred. But unfamiliar emotions were conjuring that I felt little control over and that didn’t sit well with me.

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