Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

I knew he was bare beneath the sheets so I ducked between them until my mouth found his semi-erect appendage and pulled him in. I applied soft bites, pushed and pulled, stroked and sucked until he was fully awake against my tongue. I could hear him stir and moan, waking from his deep sleep and I worked diligently for his full conscious.

In seconds, I felt his hands on the back of my neck directing my movements. I was feeling so alive and ready myself, enjoying his need of me. I pushed greedily until I felt him in the back of my mouth and then let out a moan, I was so turned on. Azmir pushed the covers from over my head giving me fresh air to breathe, much to my relief. It inspired me to work harder. I worked him over until his hips were thrusting in my face and he yelled through clenched teeth, “Ray, baby, I'm about to blow.” That was music to my ears and tried jaws, challenging me to grip more and faster. Seconds later, his hips were pumping into my head so fast and I felt warm trickling down my throat. It was a lot to take on, but oh, so arousing to hear him sing my praises in his most vulnerable state. I watched his abs heave and applied a roguish grin that I’d learned from him. He was too caught up to respond to it.

Once he was done, I skipped to the bathroom to relieve myself and to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I returned to bed, I saw it was only six forty-five giving us plenty of time before Kid's birthday brunch. Azmir was wide awake and waiting for me.

“Good morning,” he greeted with an appreciative smile in that splendiferous morning graveled voice of his that got me every time. I think he knew by his chuckle when I responded.

“Oooh! Yes, it is.” I was smiling from ear to ear.

“You're up early.” He gently stroked my cheek as he gazed into my eyes with sated approval.

“I have to savor every moment that I'm next to you.”

He looked at me with a smile. “Nice, Brimm,” he stated wryly. Though I knew he was joking, it implied that I was being insincere and I wasn’t, I needed him far more than I’d ever realized. I hated myself for not being able to tell him. I just wasn’t ready.

I took to my pillow on my belly, trying to resume the comfortable position that I’d awakened from. My hands gathered underneath the pillow when I felt an odd object. It was long and leather. Jewelry box? Slightly startled, I pulled it from beneath and examined it. Surely, it was a long rectangular box fit for jewelry.

My eyes shot over to Azmir who watched with a blank face as he laid flat on his belly with his head on the pillow, exposing the striations in his strong triceps. He nodded his head inviting me to open it, so I did. Inside was the most breathtaking four tiered diamond bracelet that glistened so brightly.

My head shot over to Azmir who advised, “For your ankle.”

I didn’t know what to say. I’d just hoped that he didn’t take my recent resolve to his spending as the green light for going overboard. It was enough that he’d paid for my wardrobe to come down to Vegas. The bracelet was no doubt beautiful and I couldn’t be so churlish so I whispered in awe, “Thank you, Azmir. I don’t know what else to say. This is absolutely gorgeous.”

“Not as gorgeous as you are. You’re very welcome. And thanks for being gracious,” he said flashing that panty snatching smirk. I knew he was referring to my reception of the luxuriant gift. I told him I’d work on my attitude and I planned to do just that.

“May I put it on you for size?”

“Sure,” I breathed, still taken by his gesture.

As he rose from the bed and worked his way down to my feet, I couldn’t help but ogle his deliciously chiseled frame, his pronounced pectorals, his bubbled abs, and the well-defined V that marked his private zone. My eyes landed on his beautiful penis that was mildly erect, but he caught my attention when he asked, “What type of student were you?”

Huhn? “Student? What type of question is that?”

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