Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

With that, he started back over to me and placed his free hand on the small of my back, warming me as we walked out of the cafeteria. I couldn’t address Dawn’s childish attempts at his attention, I wasn’t prepared to play the role of the jealous girlfriend without actually being the girlfriend.

“Are you okay? Why did you rise so slowly from the table…and since when don’t you wear your suit jacket after rising from the table?” After dispersing my words I recognized them as the typical nagging girlfriend’s jargon. Ugh!

Without skipping a beat, he lowered his mouth to my ear and whispered, “Since you walked into my place of business wearing that and causing this.” He partially removed his suit jacket from his abdomen to reveal his massive erection through his pants. I gasped and tripped on the way out of the door. Azmir politely caught me with his free arm, helping me regain my balance, nearly seamlessly. I studied his impassive profile while trying to keep up with his stride. “Don’t worry. If you go to the car and give me a minute out of your presence, it’ll go away. I’ll meet you in the parking lot.”

En route to the apartment my stomach was still uneasy, but likely because it was time for me to eat. On our way back, Azmir picked up an order of rice from one of my favorite authentic Mexican restaurants. I loved the way they seasoned even plain white rice.

We were sitting at the dining room table and Azmir was feeding me from the container. He raised the spoon to serve me more rice when I shook my head.

“No?” he asked in disbelief.

I shook my head again.

“We agreed on ten spoonfuls.”

“We said I’d try to get to ten spoonfuls. I can’t fit anymore in after six.”

He glared at me with suspicious eyes. “I understand that you’re sick and all—”

“…was sick,” I interrupted him.

“…was sick, but this is all you’ve eaten since I left you this morning,” he protested. “C’mon, Brimm. I need you healthy again.”

“I am fine. I’ve been toilet-free since yesterday morning. The worst of it is over. I’ll start focusing on my hydration.” I took a sip of my bottled Evian water to placate him. “See?” I gave him a wink that awarded me a sexy smile.

“So what now?” Azmir tapped his fingers leisurely.

“What do you mean? You said you left work early to start preparing for tomorrow’s trip,” I quizzed.

He scrunched his eyes and shook his head as he scoffed. “You’re incredulous, you know that?”

“What do you mean? You did say that in the cafeteria.”

“Yes, I did, but even the simplest of men would know that I was referring to you. I wanted to make sure you were well or at least in stable condition before I travel. So, you—you were my preparations. I wanted time to observe you in case I need to cancel the trip.” He sounded slightly annoyed.

I felt as though the joke was on me. I didn’t know he was so thoughtful. I was still processing his good deeds over the past forty-eight hours.

“Azmir, you would cancel business for me?” I didn’t recognize my own voice. I couldn’t begin to accept his care, I didn’t know how.

Shaking his head again, he mumbled, “I can’t believe this.” But spoke louder when he asked, “If I were not here and you were one hundred percent well, what would you be doing?”

“Hmmmmm…I realized how dirty my hair was when I got dressed earlier. It definitely needs a wash and before my trip to Adrian on Saturday morning. Ewwwwww!” I cringed as I scratched my head.

He let out an exhale. “Come on.”

Come on? Where? I followed him to the bedroom where he removed his pants and started unbuttoning his shirt. I scratched my head in confusion, “What are we doing?” It disturbed me that I was getting turned on by the mere sight of his smooth skin.

“We’re going to wash your hair. You typically do it in the shower, right?”


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