Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Boyd’s presentations sure are always elegant! This smells amazing. Did you pick the menu?”

Azmir gave an affirmative nod. “In hopes of you delighting in it. Do I have your approval?”

My mouth formed a wide and annoying smile that I couldn’t get rid of. I tried so much that I ended up laughing at myself.

As Azmir was sorting through his plate, he caught the infectious amusement as well.

“Someone has had one glass of Rothschild too many,” he sang.

His smile appeared and I couldn’t ignore how gorgeous this man was. His teeth were perfectly aligned and his nose was nicely proportioned to his face. His eyes were seizing even when they weren’t on me. I’d often wondered if he knew how good looking he was. I took notice of other women checking him out, but I would never make a big fuss over it. He wasn’t something I’d possessed. But I questioned how he regarded himself.

“You know you’re an extremely good looking man?” The alcohol was definitely making me more brazen than usual.

He stopped with the fork in his mouth. Lucky fork. He pulled it out and looked up at me. “You don’t say!”

I nodded and grinned like a little schoolgirl.

“Do you get that often?” I asked just before sampling my fish. Mmmmmmm! Delicious.

He takes a sip of his drink. “Actually, I don’t. But it wouldn’t mean as much as it does coming from you.”

I didn’t believe him. Every woman that I know has commented on his features. Does he really expect for me to take him at his word?

“You’re being modest.” Suddenly, I was feeling so bashful that I could barely look him in the face.

He smiled embarrassingly. “Ms. Brimm, if a pretty face can’t get a woman that I’m seriously...madly pursuing to go away with me, what good is it?”

“That face has gotten you in the most private of places with this lady. What’s more intimate than that?” I’m flirting and it feels so refreshing.

He raised an eyebrow, “My tongue got my face into those private places, Ms. Brimm, I don’t know what else you think did.”

I giggled.

Boyd comes to check on us. “My compliments to the chef! Delicioso!” I cheered as I clapped my hands.

“Boyd, you’ve outdone yourself, my dude. This is off the chain,” Azmir praised the meal.

“Thank you, Mr. Jacobs, Ms. Brimm,” Chef Boyd humbly bowed his head towards me, using professional grace. “I’m glad you’ve enjoyed it so far. I just wanted to check up on you since Kim and Chaise are inside putting the kitchen back together. I hope you’ve left room for dessert, Ms. Brimm. I do believe we have one of your favorites this evening.”

I dubiously glanced at Azmir who gives the most intense gaze with a slight squint in his eye.

Turning back to Boyd, I softly say, “I can’t wait.”

Okay, Ms. Brimm, I’ll refill your wine. And is there something I can get for you, Mr. Jacobs?”

“If you can, get Ms. Brimm here to agree to come away with me, I’d go to bed with the widest smile because my goal of the day would have been met.”

I gasped, “Azmir.”

“Water would be nice,” Azmir retracts in jest.

“If I may, Ms. Brimm, I’ve come across lots of people in my line of work and rarely do I find what’s embodied in Mr. Jacobs. He’s a hardworking man that’s fair and generous. He’s very narrowly focused. If he wants you…give him the honor. I doubt you’d go wrong.”

Azmir’s beautiful mouth forms an infectious smile that I can’t ignore.

“Did he pay you to say that, CB?” I tease.

“Not at all,” Boyd says with a chuckle and then turns to Azmir, “Your water is coming up, Mr. Jacobs,” and then turned on his heels.

I take a sip of my wine, still eyeing Azmir with great suspicion. I murmur, “Only under one condition.”

“Anything,” he shoots back.

“You let me cuff you.”

He stilled in his seat, furrowed his eyebrows as he licked his lips and sucked in the bottom when he was done. He brought his eyes to mine, “I don’t know if you’re ready for that yet, do you?”

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