Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

“Okay...okay...okaaaaaay,” Chesney placated very dramatically. In fact, this whole production was melodramatic. I couldn’t help but to wonder about his sexuality. He had several feminine traits, but that doesn’t guarantee anything now-a-day.

“Where were we?” Another dramatic pause, “I see. You see, Ms. Brimm, there are very few things that I don’t know about my client. I know his tastes and his preferences. For example, I know that you’re wearing lace panties of his gifting. And narrowing down his preferences, they are either La Perla or Victoria's Secret. Narrowing down his color preferences they’re either some variation of white, pink. or black,” he says while looking me dead in the eye, which forces me to look at Azmir who now looks uncomfortable as he’s readjusting himself in his seat, but still says nothing.

“It is not my intention to belittle or embarrass you this afternoon, rather to orient you to the culture of my practice. Mr. Jacobs has generously retained me on your behalf and my firm has already begun our work in investigating said individuals. I would just like to stress to you full disclosure. This can get reeeeally ugly depending on if or how much the radio station backs this young lady who released this provocative video, claiming it starred you. With what we’ve uncovered, along with Mr. Jacobs—astounding discovery—we have a very strong case. I would just hope that you are just as forthcoming a client as your...boyfriend here,” he says, cutting his eyes at Azmir.

What the...!

“I plan to pursue this vigorously. You are now just as much of a client as Mr. Jacobs here. We have secured a meeting with your higher-ups over at Smith, Katz & Adams Sports Medicine Center for six this evening. I hope you don’t have dinner plans,” he pauses before asking, “Do you?”

Oh! He was waiting on an answer from me?

“Oh! Seeing that you know so much about me, I had assumed you were going to answer that question for me,” I hissed.

He gives an arrogant chuckle. “No, dear. But I do endeavor to know more about you...considering you don’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.” Yet another pause. He raises his index finger to his temple. “Yeah, and about that! How do you feel about prenuptial agreements? Just by chance…” he asks, drawing into me again.

I gasped. Is Azmir’s attorney asking me about marriage after my incident with Azmir earlier this morning? Is this confirmation?

“Ed!” Azmir fires off another warning shot again.

Chesney shakes his head, unsuccessfully attempting to retract his previous question. “Bad timing...bad timing. We can revisit that at another time.”

“Chesney, what do you need from Ms. Brimm now? I’m sure she’s still on the clock and has patients to get back to. And then I’d like a word with you,” Azmir takes over.


Chesney shakes his head again in exasperation, “My associate, Whalus, over here will take a full statement and ask a few standard questions. The sooner you answer, the quicker you can resume your work day,” Chesney sulks.

This must mean he’s in trouble. Good!

I stayed behind for about a half hour to consult with Chesney’s team. I even had to give full disclosure about how I came to run the Long Beach City practice. I hadn’t thought about the details of that story in so long, but providing everything to the best of my memory. When that was over I returned back to my office to finish up my day.

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