Love Slave to the Sicilian Billionaire (Guilty Pleasures #4)

Ella giggled as a picture of them both lying on top of a collapsed table came into her thoughts, its legs splayed out beneath them. “Max, you’re so wicked.”

He kissed her shoulder again. “I know.”

Chapter Nineteen

Six weeks later

“Max, Max,” Ella called as she ran from the bedroom to the inner courtyard. She felt so excited. She just had to tell him the good news.

“Whatever is wrong, Ella? Have you hurt yourself?” She found him by the pool reading a newspaper, a concerned look to his face.

“No, no, nothing like that. I’ve never felt better. The real estate guy called. My house is finally sold. The buyers want a quick sale. They’ve got cash. All the paperwork will be completed by the end of the week. Isn’t it wonderful?” Ella felt like all her Christmases had come at once. The house she’d shared with Kirk for a decade had become a noose around her neck. Since he’d died, she’d been unable to keep up the payments. Max had stepped in and paid them for her. It made her feel uneasy accepting money from him. Like she was a kept woman. Now she’d finally be free of that guilt.

He held out his arms. “Come here, baby. Now that is good news. It means you can move on with your life.”

Ella smiled and dutifully settled on his lap, nestling contentedly in his strong arms. Max always made her feel safe and protected. He held her close and drifted his fingers through her hair. “I’m glad to see you’re happy. Now you’ll have to clear the house out. I know you’ve been putting it off. Do you need my help?”

Ella shook her head. “No this is something I need to do for myself. You’re right, I’ve been putting it off for too long. Too many bad memories I suppose. To be perfectly honest, Max, I was a little afraid of returning, but since the weekly therapy sessions I’ve been having with Hans Lindquist, I feel a lot more confident. He’s taught me how to face stressful situations, rather than running away from them. I can overcome my fears with the right breathing technique.” In the end she was glad Max had insisted she saw a psychologist. Hans was extremely professional and had helped her immensely over the past month. He’d taught her how to relax, really relax. She’d even used the techniques during her play sessions with Max. It had helped them take their sexual intensity to another level.

Over the past few weeks, Max had slowly introduced her to bondage play. He loved tying her up, sometimes for hours on end. It heightened her anticipation of whatever he had planned. During that time she would enter a world of her own, ending up in a trancelike state, before finding release in the most mind-blowing sex imaginable. Max was certainly a Master where orgasms were concerned. It never failed to amaze her how easily they came now. Of course, her VCH piercing had exceeded her expectations. With it, her arousal never waned. She always wanted sex whenever Max did, however tired she felt.

“I’m pleased for you, Ella. I’m taking you out for dinner. My treat.”

“Oh, no.” Ella shook her head. “I already owe you so much. This time I’ll pay, no arguments.”

“There’s absolutely no need to pay me back. Besides, tonight’s a double celebration.”

“Oh? Double celebration?”

“Yes, you remember the photography you did for Crowley Heights? I received the finished brochure from the printers this morning. I was going to surprise you with it, over dinner tonight, but as we’re in a celebratory mood, I may as well show you now.”

“Oh, Max, let me see. Let me see. I’m desperate to see the finished result.”

“How desperate?” he asked.

Ella kissed his cheek and jumped from his lap. “Stop teasing me, Max. Don’t you dare hold me in suspense a minute longer,” she playfully berated him.

“Very well, baby. Just this once, I’ll indulge you.” Max strode from the inner courtyard before returning a few seconds later. With a smile to his face, he handed her the impressive, glossy brochure.

Ella feverishly looked through the expensive pages. All her photographs were there, displayed alongside the sales pitch for Crowley Heights. She’d caught the light perfectly. The building looked magical backlit by the evening sun. While her interior shots captured the essence of opulent chic that Max had wanted to portray. “They look great,” she finally managed to say.

“More than great, Ella. Your work is wonderful. You’re an extremely talented photographer. Your professionalism with a camera is certainly going to help sell the remaining units.”

“Good.” She smiled at him, enjoying the contentment she felt whenever he was near. Max just seemed so self-assured. So dependable, and sexy as hell.

“Now your house is sold. Why don’t you invest the money in your own photographic business? I really think you can make a name for yourself as a photographer with work like this.” He touched her arm. “And I’m not just saying it. I really mean it.”

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