Love Redeemed (Book #4)

I place Rayna on her feet and when I return my eyes to hers, I can see the minx in her. She wants me. And damn if I don’t need her…but I’ll have to wait until a more appropriate time.

I don’t get a moment alone with my new wife. We have pictures to take immediately after the ceremony, our first dance, dinner, and then guests to tend to. By the time Rayna and I come up for air, our reception is in full swing. Rayna and I split while she chops it up with her grandmother; I go to chill with Petey and Kid.

“What the fuck do a man do once he has it all, Divine?” Kid crassly asks.

“What do you mean?” I shoot back to him while observing his slightly oversized suit jacket and neatly cornrowed hair. He left Syn behind, which is to my relief. I don’t want to have to choke her red ass on my wedding day.

“You got fuckin’ dough, a million and two jobs, and now a bad ass broad to spoil the shit outta,” he squeals, holding a Corona. “What’s next, duke?”

I know Kid’s question is loaded with more than he mentions. He’s referring to my exit from the game. I’m officially out. Totally left a career that I mastered for over twenty years. Most men in my former line of business don’t actually stay retired. They keep dipping until they’re either dead or handed down a life bid. I had been biding my time, preparing my exit strategy for almost a decade. It was just a matter of time that I’d implemented the plan.

“Fucking breathe, man,” I retort. “I can now fuckin’ breathe.” I sigh, feeling the sentiment of that.

And I’m sure my goons do to some degree, too, particularly Petey. He’d been wanting to leave for about five years, but never trusting anyone to watch my back. He rode it out until I was done. I made sure his retirement plan was generous. He never has to work another day in his life.

We cut it up a little more and Wop joins our trio, followed by Rayna’s little sister and her friend. These young girls are posting hard. It’s weird having your lady’s little sister throwing you fuck me eyes the first time you meet her and on your wedding day, no less. I’ve been avoiding them since our first encounter before the ceremony when they cornered me in the corridor.

Chyna bears a slight resemblance to Rayna, which is how caught the relation. I kindly explained who I was, apologized for the disappointment, and invited them to tour the yacht with a crewman before walking off, shaking my head. That slowed them down, but didn’t stop them. Now, I’m nervous as hell, having them around my goons. Everyone has been drinking—I hope not the two youngsters.

“Yo, Divine, man!” Wop calls out excitedly. “Why you ain’t tell me Rayna had a bad ass sister. We could be family.” The goons burst out in laughing fits.

I watch as Chyna’s friend seductively pulls her hair back as she licks her lips. And Chyna’s ass is pushed out perfectly, exposing her breasts. Either she’s fucking or is simply great at arching her back. Damn, I don’t want any daughters. My baby girl would be targeted simply because of her father’s past indiscretions.

“So what y’all getting into?” Chyna asks, pouting her lips pretentiously. It’s all an act to me, but that shit my goons love and eats right up.

Petey shakes his head as he snickers. His ass would have probably been on it under different circumstances. He has too much respect than to fuck Rayna’s little sister and her friend. Plus, Kim is around somewhere and he’s barely survived his last offense with his Mexican mami. He’s been laying low; as he should.

“We going where ever y’all going,” Kid asserts. “What y’all up for?” He goes for his wood. He’s salivating at the mouth because Syn’s ghetto ass ain’t here with his leash. I have to make sure he knows that Rayna’s sister and her friend are off limits. I’m sure Petey is two steps ahead of me on that one.

I can’t believe it when Chyna’s friend winks at me and asks, “And what about you?” as she jerks her chin in my direction.

I have to put a stop to this shit. “I…” I raise my left hand displaying my wedding band, “…am about to look for my sexy ass wife in hopes of getting in trouble with her.”

Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to find Pastor Edmonson with a knowing smile. “Azmir, your guests are making their way up to the deck. It’s time,” he reminds me.

I nod. Everyone seems to disperse, leaving me, Kid, and Petey standing with Pastor Edmonson.

“And you,” Pastor Edmonson addresses Kid. “Let’s give Azmir a chance to surprise his new bride whilst you and I have a chat.”

Kid’s eyes shoot open in shock…or horror. Who knows considering his ass.

“Ummmm…Reverend, I was actually ‘bout to get into something over there,” Kid points randomly over his shoulder.

Petey and I can’t help but laugh at this exchange.

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